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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Just copy/paste the URL in between the tags to your browser's address bar. It'll work. That has GOT to be a first. Totally sick, man. That's balls fer ya!
  2. Yeah, and you could name it West Pole, after the route of the same name at Seneca Rocks, because you'd have to climb through an overhanging roof to get past your electrical panel. Electrical panel... pole... get it?? Jeez, I crack myself up...
  3. In response to denalidave's bump: WOW, what a difference a year makes! It was September 13 of last year when I took my leave of that skank and cast off on a new chapter of my life. I served papers on her a year ago just yesterday, and the divorce was final on June 8 of this year. I'm back in the house, I had it exorcised of her evil spirits by a shaman (yeah, I know it sounds hokey, but some very good friends suggested it and - believe it or not - it actually DOES feel better living in it after the "procedure"), and I managed to snag a fine woman last month who is making my life quite pleasant... We are headed up to Mazama this weekend for some mtn biking and mebbe a hike to Blue Lake. She's tried climbing once or twice, but I'm not gonna push her. She's into triathlons, so I'm all good with helping her do that. I'm her pep squad. So, now if you ask me, "Hey Sobo, what time is it?" my reply will be... IT'S SOBO'S PARTY TIME!!!1 :)
  4. Did you get a Building Permit for this thing...?? more worms...
  5. allright you get FP credit, but I'm still claiming FFP, links are aid FP = First Post? FFP = First Functioning Post????
  6. Well, he can't be all bad, can he? He does make reference to the North Face of Uxbridge Road ascent. Anybody who's a Monthy Python watcher can't be that much of a laddy-buggerer, can they? I mean, look at my autosig, ferchrissakes!
  7. It is actually an excellent question, one that Chad should consider if he plans on selling the house in the future. As it is currently configured it may not meet code but might allow a person to slip behind the climbing wall to reset a tripped breaker. Hey Dan, maybe you should tell that to this guy, who seems to be indicating that my 8,000+ plus posts are all useless drivel.
  8. sobo

    Annoying Talking Ads?

    I just got the same exclamatory remark that Kurt got. It was in Spray. I still don't know what I've won.
  9. Been there, already done that...
  10. I was just asking the question, because it appeared to me to be a potential issue. I ponder upon these sorts of things, to the point of keeping me awake at night at times...
  11. so I get the feeeling like your,oh so seriouse. Is that anything like climbing the north face of uxbridge road? Very much so. Thanks for your two cents worth of info. Are your other 8000+ posts full of useless info aswell? Why don't you peruse them yourself and answer your own question? You probably wouldn't like my answer, given how you've just responded to my reply in jest. I replied in jest to your serious bouldering post with a long-standing inside joke on this board, to which you also replied in jest. So at that point in time, we were "even." Then I plainly answered your jestful question about uxbridge road, complete with the smiley emoticon, a clear indication on this board that the reply was in jest. That should have been the end of it. By continuing the snarky comments past Round #1, you're starting to sound like a douche. Not that there's anything wrong with that... But to answer your question, yep, all of my posts are useless info. Why, here is a perfect case in point!
  12. Is that your electrical panel on the wall there? I'm sure you've planned for post-completion access...
  13. so I get the feeeling like your,oh so seriouse. Is that anything like climbing the north face of uxbridge road? Very much so.
  14. Yes, I am. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
  15. WTF??? No one is gonna tell him about the sweet granite in Renton? WTF is wrong with you guyz??
  16. I must have been a really shitty asshole in my previous life, to have suffered through what I have endured for the past ten years with my ex-wife... But now I'm waiting for my ex to get hers. It may take years, but I can wait for it. I'm a verrry patient man...
  17. I saw Fred years ago (15??) and he was wearing the Trapper Nelson. A more recent Fred sighting saw him wearing an ancient "white-ish" canvas daysack on his back.
  18. Yeah, I know. I just hop the fence/gate now. But we used to car camp in that little meadow years ago. It was like our own private Joshua Tree - camping right at the climbs, ya know? Now we have to camp elsewhere. You know of any free spots that are secure during the day while one is away climbering?
  19. At 87, simply amazing! Classic Fred.
  20. Huh... Is it a seasonal locking, then? Cuz I've been up there during daylight hours, on a weekday, in the spring, and the damned gate has been locked. What pissed me off more than it being locked was the sign that hung on the gate: "Access for Equestrians Only" or somesuch bullshit. This was a coupla years ago. It made me
  21. No, it does not. Not that there's anything wrong with that... Now quit being a douchebag.
  22. Ah, my bad! Poor reading comprehension today - only 3 hours of sleep last night. Having a new GF comes with its own share of problems... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyways, that makes sense now. I've been on your Picnic Lunch Wall route, then. And I think I may have the 2nd ascent of your grotty 5.8 crack. It all certainly does look familiar. BTW, is the place still gated off at the picnic table, except to "equestrians"? WTF is up with that? Who is the Keeper of the Key?
  23. Really, OW? I thought the first route was Gibraltar Wall, or Rock of Gibraltar, or something like that. It was the line on the far, far left of that section of crag that went up a left-leaning crack to a nasty-looking roof. There was red tat on a FP below the roof way back in 1991 or 92, IIRC. Was that you, too? If so, fine lead!
  24. Now that's a really cool photo, Lucky. And I really love the 'do. And the knickers. BTW, what summit is it?
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