And the article is followed by the typical bullshit ignoramuses making comments about their lazy, couch-bound asses "having to pay for the rescue of the stupid" with their hard-earned taxes (posted by Burp). Give me a fuq'n BREAK!!!
And the one asshole (HabaneroGuy) who suggests suicide or summit fever as the motive for unclipping? Has no one here on this board ever unclipped to take a dump while en route to the summit? I, for one, have. Imagine for a moment how Mr. Lewis might have felt as he was squeezing out a big one, a few feet from where he unclipped, only to see his rope and biner disappear up the hill in a white-out without him. I think I would also follow the rope up the hill looking for the end of it when I finished my business, probably hollering for my friends at the same time, too. It's too bad that Mr. Lewis missed his partners in that search. But at least he was smart enough to have dug in and waited it out for a while, and is now apparently attempting to head back down.
:tdown: on these haters that never get their lard-asses off the fuq'n couch, and analyze the misfortunes of others from the safety of their living room armchairs.