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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Winter

    PDX Kegger

    Sweet! 2 kegs are better than 1.
  2. Did you top out on that small pillar above your head?
  3. Winter

    Anti-Gay Poll

    hey its 2004. get over the gay thing already. concervatives should move onto something that matters. trask did you say something?
  4. Aw shit!!! FW just called me mainstream. What the hell have I been doing on this site for the last two years? BTW, I can think of very few times that environmental groups have caused serious problems for climbers. The concept that limiting ANY access is bad because it will lead to LOTS of closures is untenable. That's MORE extreme than the green position. It also wasn't the Wilderness Society that advocated for limiting access to Mt. Hood but Wilderness Watch. The distinction is important, because the WS is a large, national and mainstream group with thousands of memebers, whereas WW is a small group out of Eugene that does not speak for the nearly the same number of people. Watch for the Mt. Hood National Forest to reignite this debate in the near future.
  5. Sticky feet and frozen fingers. Missed the Gorge but had to get outta town for my sanity. Perhaps in 2008 I'll get some. The Buckets Bunny linkup was epic.
  6. It ain't that bad. I've climbed there a lot during the summer and never had a problem. But I wouldn't leave your gear at the top and watch out for the used rubbers at the bottom.
  7. Hah Hah!! St. George. He can major in polygamy.
  8. So what happened in the Gorge today? MtnHigh? Crackman? MtnGuide? Who got some?! Didja blow through the drift?
  9. Loprinzi's. SE Caruthers and 41st. Used to live next door. Good place. Cheap rates. No hardboides.
  10. Winter

    News Brief

    That's beter then the real story about the spill from the Jim Beam distillery that got all the fish drunk.
  11. How did the Belief-O-Matic do? Discuss your results on our message boards. 1. Unitarian Universalism (100%) 2. Neo-Pagan (96%) 3. New Age (95%) 4. Liberal Quakers (91%) 5. New Thought (89%) 6. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (88%) 7. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (85%) 8. Mahayana Buddhism (85%) 9. Scientology (81%) 10. Theravada Buddhism (74%) 11. Secular Humanism (72%) 12. Taoism (68%) 13. Bahá'í Faith (68%) 14. Hinduism (66%) 15. Reform Judaism (62%) 16. Jainism (61%) 17. Orthodox Quaker (61%) 18. Sikhism (51%) 19. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (50%) 20. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (43%) 21. Orthodox Judaism (41%) 22. Nontheist (40%) 23. Jehovah's Witness (37%) 24. Islam (30%) 25. Seventh Day Adventist (28%) 26. Eastern Orthodox (21%) 27. Roman Catholic (21%) Neo-Pagan. SWEET!!
  12. MtnHigh and I drove out the old highway this morning to look for ice. We had the beta from yesterday, but a huge drift made the road unpassable. Maybe tomorrow. Actually, check that. Don't go. BTW, the ice at Broughton's if PHAT!!
  13. No way! Try the columns. I heard someone hauled a hose to the top.
  14. Ah sweet, can we have a boring lawyer coversation about libel and slander?
  15. Shite. What happened to the polls? This forum is ripe - for a poll that is.
  16. Nice Rob glad to hear you had a good time. Let's get out some time.
  17. i saw mork from ork blowing rails in the bathroom of a strip joint. nanoo nanoo.
  18. Winter

    Gold Prices

    iain's mining for some dingleberries
  19. aw shit SUPER plab. Enjoy! Wing Ridge must be amazing right now.
  20. Cmon there's that 10 ft. pitch at the bottom of the HR Meadows chair that rips it!! Had 2 ft+ at Hoodoo last friday and nobody there. I think we got every fresh track on the entire hill. Sweet!
  21. Winter


    All I can say is that Iron City might be the BEST beer of ALL TIME hands down no questions asked.
  22. Winter

    Internet Access

    The benefit of high bandwith is that you can drop Qwest, the crooked fuckers. We're just now switching over to Vonage.com, which is $14.95/month for 500 minutes anywhere in US or CA. We're saving money on phone and ld and paying more for cable access. Comes out about even in the wash.
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