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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Shit guys, me and everyone I know has tons of scary skiing head injury stories. I feel naked inbounds without one. I guess if you don't ski that hard that it isn't that necessary, but I'm wearing mine.
  2. I've got no idea what makes a $200 helmet better than a $80 helmet. Best bet is to get something comfortable with some type of soft liner on the inside if you're just using it for skiing. The good ones are way warmer than any hat you'll ever wear, but you won't want to wear them for aerobic activity because they'll be too hot.
  3. Winter

    Road Trip

    I made it from Jackson, WY to Ann Arbor, MI in 30 hours by myself with a nap or two thrown in. I think you could get from PDX to Philly in 48 hours with two drivers no problem.
  4. Spend the morning in the Muir hut. Seriously. Best hangover cure ever. You'll eat and keep it down. Then you'll pass out. Then you'll wake up a new man.
  5. I've also got an extra seat leaving Friday at about 5:30. We're coming back on early Sunday morning but other will be coming back later.
  6. Is this the big buttress that meets up with the big ledge and the start of Kashyra or whatever its called?
  7. Winter

    public relations

    If the terorrists really wanted a Dem in power and knew anything about anything they wouldn't escalate attacks before the election, because that would only serve to strengthen Bush's hold on power. The best way to get a Dem in power is to slowly and deliberately undermine the American economy until the election without letting anyone know about it.
  8. Well, I like the message, but I'm not sure the American people can deal with all that text. Maybe if they just had the cartoons and no words it would get some air play.
  9. Shit, I can't believe you expect me to read that whole fucking sentence. Can't your draw a stick figure or trim it down to a two syllable slogan or something. This is America for fuck sake. I don't have time for journalism.
  10. Peter De Vries (1910-93), U.S. author. The narrator (Joe Sandwich), in The Vale of Laughter, pt. 1, ch. 4 (1967). Sheesh, Scarmbler. Gettin a little nasty are we? Maybe this geography link will help the next time you're talking politics.
  11. Yeah, yeah, pick out the three fairly graded climbs on the front side and call it good.
  12. Hold on a second lest we just go on assuming that Smith is in the "stiff" category with Yos and Index. Come on. Maybe the Gorge is stiff (as stated above) but the rest of the tuff is pretty soft at the moderate grades.
  13. Niger and Nigeria are two different countries.
  14. Get off the Clinton diversion shit. Noone is holding Clinton up as a model president, ok? Move on. Bush is a different person with different issues. Beck's got it right.
  15. I think its complete bull shit the only thing the press picks up on is the fact that someone leaked the ID of a CIA operative. People, Bush LIED TO THE PUBLIC ABOUT THE INTELLIGENCE!! Christ, and now we're caught up in some stupid fucking who said what morass which the administration will spin in the media until we're all dizy and tired of it. Its all a freaking diversion from the real issue.
  16. Bunny Face 5-Gallon Buckets buckets bunny buckets bunny buckets bunny buckets bunny
  17. SWEET!!! That's freaking awesome! We need more good tv like that.
  18. Don't mention my ass and jail in the same sentence thanks. Comments taken as intended - no worries.
  19. So oral sex with a minor is okay then? That's yet another messed up law. No, I'm sure they have other parts of their code that prohibit sex with a minor but then classify it as a different type of crime. Those crazy Muslim countries and their weird mores. Maybe we should invade 'em and straighten 'em out once and for all. Or maybe we should just invade Utah. I hear they've got wmd.
  20. trask points out that I may now be the target of a federal investigation. needless to say, i'm just hpothesizing based on my own liberal paranoia and intended nothing more. what the hell do I know anyway?
  21. IMHO, the next major terrorist attack on US soil will occur right before the presidential election next November.
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