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Everything posted by Winter

  1. I've got some friends in Juneau that ski and climb if you want a connection.
  2. Exactly so if tape is aid, why aren't shoes aid (you don't weight gear free climbing so it ain't aid)? Furthermore, who the fuck cares unless you're boasting about your own hardman stunts on the web or in the mags? All the hardman that send hard shit without tape can shit on all the gumbies that send it with tape.
  3. Well that's awfully useful information. I saw this wicked bad accident on I5 the other day. Careful on the way home from work.
  4. I chipped BoPrey last year, because that crux was just spanking me. Hope you all don't mind.
  5. Winter


    Maybe you crazy Canucks think "non-profit" means something different but down in here in the states it just means there are no owners that get distributions. "Non-profits" are allowed net revenue (ie profit). They just aren't allowed to distribute profits to any owners (because there are none). Otherwise it would be damn hard to run one of these things, because it would be break exactly even or lose money every single year. Not at attractive option.
  6. Hell yes PDX if the center of the PBR revolution. Microbrews are for yuppies (except TG of course).
  7. via ferrata ... think via ferrata for the butt.
  8. I've got the Bosch. I'll met you there.
  9. Take a chain saw and clear it for the rest of us.
  10. Rasta bivies for the 5th grader.
  11. Prolly easy to do. Not sure I would bother with skis on Helens with the slop you would be in on the way down.
  12. Yo FW - NPR story on Kosovo from March 18. Try again.
  13. a. Let's see your sources. I haven't seen any reliable Iraqi casualty figures anywhere. b. I'm not advocating for Clinton's policies. Get over Clinton. Its over. Its a conservative diversion from the current issues. Move on. Or is it moveon.org?
  14. What personal attack? Let us know when you send the Eigerwand (ps the language is Swiss).
  15. start hanging out at the mall and watching tv. or get dumped, get fired and get evicted. both sure fire ways to find immediate inspiration for risk taking.
  16. Judgemental and closed-minded people are lame.
  17. Quit letting the conservatives distract you all from Bush's lying, coke-snorting, gun-selling, money-grubbing ways. Iraq is a tragedy. How many Iraqi civilians have we killed? How much money have we spent? How many lies did the Bush admin tell? Why are they undermining the 9-11 panel? These are serious questions. Get over Clinton. Focus on Bush. He's a criminal.
  18. I'll prolly be in the waddington range with three others the first two weeks of august. plans not set in stone yet. let me know if you want to talk. i'd be interested to know if others will be in that area at the same time.
  19. Winter

    PDXer homeward bound

    Never really checked him out on the ledge, but a shitter on the balcony of the FS building does sound attractive. The terrorism label is complete bullshit. Judge Redden handled the trial of one of the kids that got accused of the Eagle Creek burns (I think). Anyway, DOJ tried to call them terrorists, and Redden, a Reagan appointee, told them never to use that term again during that trial. Sweet. How much damage has been done to property in the last 10 years? Millions. How many people have been physically hurt? None (that I know of). I'm not advocating for the use of violence, because its often not the best tactic to secure your larger political goals, but it ain't "terrorism."
  20. Winter

    PDXer homeward bound

    "Balcony" = 9 inch ledge of 3rd story window.
  21. Yo I just saw a montana plate at 26th and Clinton that said fshrgrl. Pocacher!
  22. Bend sucks (EXPECIALLY during the summer), Portland sucks ... Oregon pretty much sucks. I stongly recommend you move to Washington. Or better yet Canada. If you do move to Oregon, try Gresham. I hear there's some sweet granite there.
  23. Ah yes, Smith in the Spring. Got in an excellent day on Sunday - Phoenix area and the west side. What a great day. Props to Ian C. How old is Caldwell?
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