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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Shit if I had a $100k I don't think I'd live until tomorrow. Chase the dragon!
  2. I'm only gonna come if its sponsored by REI.
  3. But what about the puking, spew, chunks and hurling?! Come on .. no post drinking TR is compelte without some projectile upchucking. Extra points if you puke on your P.
  4. TG, enjoy the pack. You deserve it. I'm down with 5/6. I'll just have gotten back from binging at Jazz Fest in NO, so I'll need something to help the shakes.
  5. Oh yeah, my power places - 1. Annapurna Sanctuary - Wow! There aren't many words to describe this place, nestled in a high alpine valley surrounded 270 degrees by dozens of 6-8000 meter peaks. 2. Mt. Kenya - I though Kili would be cool, but Mt. Kenya blew me away. The vegetation that survives at 12,000 ft. and the biodiversity of an equatorial alpine environment are really inspiring. And there's incredible virign rock to 17,000 ft to boot. 3. Base of El Cap - I saw Yos for the first time last fall. When we drove in and got the first glimpse from the tunnell, my P started crying. When we finally got to the valley to check it out, all the history and stories of human challenges and adventure came rushing at me. What an amazing place. 4. Liberty Ridge - The sheer power of the calving ice cliffs and avalanches reminded me of how wild it gets in our own backyard. What an amazing first ascent by Ome Daiber and party in the '30s!!
  6. Winter

    PDX Party

    Thanks for party Rob.
  7. I don't think that will happen. They'll have a hell of a fight on their hands if they try it.
  8. Schawing!! Shit rob if I think your dogs look like that they're in trouble.
  9. Hmmm Pumpkin or Annabelle ... Pumpkin or Annabelle ... Pumpkin ro Annabelle .. Pumpkin or Annabelle. After enough TG it prolly don't matter much. Blonde pumpkins are the hottest! Or is it plump blondkins?
  10. That is one of the best web site I have seen in a LONG time. Thanks for posting that information. The future of clean politics lies in publically financed camapaigns. BTW, Bush ran up a $132,500 bill at the Sheraton in NYC. That must have been one hell of part ... sniff sniff. GW, you dog.
  11. Heard on the news last night they thought it was a climber, because there was a rope close by. Don't know ... sort of doubt it.
  12. Winter

    PDX Party

    Bump. Party time ...
  13. MisterMo your points are good ones and are more aking to the thiking of Deep Ecology. FYI the current system we have simply doesn't envision having wilderness off limits to people. The explicit purpose is to have wilderness "for the use and enjoyment of the American people in such manner as will leave them unimpaired for future use and enjoyment as wilderness." Your arguments on resource extraction are also good ones, and Congress thought about this when writing the Wilderness Act. Existing minderal claims were protected and new claims were limited after 1983 in existing wilderness. As for timber, 95% of our original forest have been cut and the remaining 5% contribute only 4% of the world market. If you look at the issue on a systematic basis, the economics and supply/demand arguments weigh heavily in favor of conservation vs. extraction on our public lands.
  14. Sitting home sick. Five Ten just hooked me up. I bought a pair of Ascents and blew out both toes after maybe a dozen days. Sent them back and they replaced them with a brand new pair for free. Thank you Five Ten.
  15. Registration is only required to speak. You may still be able to register today. Either way, please show up!!
  16. While we're at this, what length do folks use for their prussiks?
  17. Shit Kristin pulled one out of her blonde locks this weekend 5 hours after climbing.
  18. How'd we get from skyclimb's TR to a critique of the OSU club's safety record? Good job Nick. Glad you guys had a successful climb.
  19. Bump. Posted this Friday afternoon.
  20. skiing (j/k ... rock climbing)
  21. Some folks may already know, but Wyden has proposed designative over 150,000 acres of the Mt. Hood National Forets as wilderness. The proposed acreage includes most of the Tilly Jane Roadless Area as well as impressive parcels in the Columbia River Gorge. Wyden is holding two town meetings over the next week or so. The first is this upcoming Wednesday in Portland. Please try to make it! Let me know if you need any other information and drop me a line if you plan to go. I'll buy a round after the hearings!
  22. He's probably on the most hypocrytical and self righteous justices the Sup Ct has ever seen. He claims to be so principled on the original intent of the Constitution until the original intent conflicts with his coservative politics and his rich friends.
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