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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Sounds like somebody needs to throw a par-tay after the slide show.
  2. MUIR - Amsterdam MILF - Florence HC - Prague That's all you need to know. And remember, you're an American. The world is your toilet or at least that's the way most of us act.
  3. Last pub club I attended ( see photo above; Thanks anna ) I brought 63 kegs. We managed to not quite kill one single keg of triple. Seriously: whats the best estimate of number of climbers??? TG - That was only one night - a wed. I thikn with two weekend nights we should easily burn through all 63 kegs.
  4. I'll be there as well with food, beer, Muir, etc etc etc etc ....
  5. How do they he was "simulating" sex? Maybe he found a good finger pocket.
  6. Oh, boo fuckin hoo!!! There are plenty of free heel jibbers if that make you feel any better... What's the difference between a snowboard instructor and snowboard student? 3 days.
  7. Ok folks, I'll bumb this up to the top, because I can't get the mods. to post this thing on the event calendar. The McFadden's event was a big success. Thanks to Shred, Sketch and BRock for showing up for the cheap beer and food. Come check out the program at Patagonia on Thursday night. Free stuff!
  8. Apparently it didn't take long for Patagonia to do a little independent research, realizing for themselves that Meadows does indeed have massive expansion plans. Apparently the COO gave the ok for the presentation and told Meadows to bug off.
  9. Winter


    Vegas sucks. Red Rocks kicks ass. Fuck tanning and climb .
  10. Excellent. Oh yeah, get this. Meadows calls Patagonia and complains about their support of the slide show. According to Meadows, they have no plans to develop Cooper Spur. Hah!! Can't believe they are still telling these lies. That conflicts pretty directly with the invitation only slide shows they were showing in Hood River depicting golf courses, ski lifts and condos.
  11. Ok, one more plug for this stuff. There is a fundraiser tomorrow night at McFadden's Pub for the Cooper Spur Wild and Free Coalition. 6-9 pm. 107 NW Couch St. $5 gets you a free appetizer buffet, one beer and $2 drinks. Not bad. There's also a slide show at Patagucci on Sept. 25. The Coalition will be giving away free stuff, and there will also be a discussion panel after the slide show so you can all flame the participants in public. No cover. 919 NW Irving St. Eco-Trust building.
  12. Winter


    Amsterdam story: Stopped there on the way back from Africa with Kristin in '01. She had never seen prostitues in public before. We're walking down the street in the typical dutch haze, and she nudges me - "Look at that naked manequin in the window!" I look over and smile as the hooker flips us off and strikes a different pose. Now she knows it ain't no manequin.
  13. Wow, just read Bill Coe's response. I probably shouldn't even bother with this shit, but what the hell. I'm bored. First of all, the situation in Oregon is that the Forest Service DID find DNA evidence of lynx, with the help of Dr. John Weaver, in the Willamette, Mt. Hood and Deschutes National Forests, as I had reported earlier. Lynx story Second, the Forest Service then backpeddled and claimed that a second lab analysis produced inconclusive results, and, therefore treated the initial data as unreliable. I also gave you this information in my initial post. Third, ONRC's letter is not intended to educate the public about the evidence. They sent the letter to the FS requesting certain management actions based on this new information. It would seem redundant indeed for them to simply regurgitate the data back to the Forest Service. Finally, Bill, you "wondered" if ONRC was "zelously" using "this rumor" to simply put a stop to timber harvest. You had already concluded the Lynx sightings were nothing more than unsubstantiated rumor without knowing. In fact, the Forest Service did get evidence of lynx but then questioned the validity of that data. Translate your words any way you want, but you are putting out some awfully suspect conclusions and/or suspicions. Now you have the facts. Chill out.
  14. Hey Bill - The BS part of your post is that ONRC is "starting rumors." Maybe they actually have a point and aren't just making shit up to screw with the FS. Perhaps they actually know more than you and I do and are out there forcing the agency to act on information that would otherwise fly under the public's radar. Hmmm ...
  15. I hear that. I assumed it was on public land. FYI, none of those species would likely impact how someone manages their private land except for possibly the lynx, the only one listed on the ESA. But I understand those issues.
  16. Its a good idea to report these sightings to either ODFW and/or the Forest Service. Forest carnivores - fishers, marten, wolverines, and lynx - are pretty rare around these parts and any information is good info for the agencies to have. If you happen to see any girzzlies or wolves in on the Mt. Hood maybe you want to speak up about that to.
  17. Hey folks - We recently put out a newsletter with a pretty comprehensive update of the Cooper Spur situation. CRAG Newsletter Check it out if you're interested.
  18. I was out on the forest with the wildlife bio from the Barlow and Hood River Ranger Districts last week talking about these issues. He says that there are no confirmed accounts of lynx on the Mt. Hood or Willamette National Forests in decades. They have set some hair traps and thought they got one but then reran the DNA tests with inconclusive results. I don't know if this information is accurate. There are many more credible reports of lynx in the Wallowas. On an interesting side note, the FS did get a confirmed wolverine track in the Mt. Hood last year. Very cool news, as that animal is almost impossible to find. BTW, Bill Coe those accusations about ONRC are complete bull shit. Now whose starting rumors. Are you on the pay role for the timber companies?
  19. Winter

    Top 3

    Was that with Tom, Bob or cute daughter? Uhhh ... all 3. BTW, the "cute daughter" is Melissa and she'd prolly whip your ass.
  20. Winter

    Top 3

    1. Getting engaged during David Bowie 2 Guye Pk with Hornbein 3. Recovering from gruesome rescue to climb the NE Ridge of Bugaboo 4. Not listing the N. Ridge of Stuart as one of my top 3.
  21. aw come on quit tantalizing us and post some of the juicy pms. what the hell else is this thread good for?
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