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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Yeecchh. After switching to goo they'd have to pay me to eat that shizzle.
  2. I'd just like to see him fight already.
  3. Great job guys! Did you happen to rope up with this guy?
  4. Is anyone going out to Rocky Butte tonight?
  5. No we know why nobody on this board has prostrate cancer.
  6. Can someone please make a picture of the blonde climber babe with the Rossi slasher skis?!
  7. I can't believe you animals are so disrespectful. How would you like it if she was treating you like some trashy sex object, a play thing for her every perversion?!
  8. Hmmm ... well I am trying to think back right now. I remember thinking the snow cover looked a bit thin, but I was really looking at the FFinger and Thumb. Check the following pic: You can see the headwall in the pic. Several rock bands visible. May be typical for the route - I've never been on it. Seems like it would be better earlier in the season with more coverage. Hope that helps.
  9. FYI the FFinger looked SWEET last weekend and everything else on that side except maybe the ice cliff and the wilson headwall looked in good shape.
  10. Hannah no problem on the fuel. Sure didn't want to carry it down. Sorry you didn't get a P for the icefall, but you'll get it.
  11. Cadaver Gap - WAY better than Cathedral Gap Rainier from Paradise showing the cloud cover that got Saturday's parties High on the Ingraham Headwall.
  12. Red Wall - Super Slab (5.6), Moscow (5.6) and Peking (5.8). You could also try Spiderman and In and Out of Harm's Way and/or the Westside Variation of Monkey Face to the rap off at the notch.
  13. Hahahah! Now if you just dress American Mike up like German Mike you'll have LWorth pegged.
  14. Climb: Mt. Rainier-Igraham Date of Climb: 4/4/2004 Trip Report: Climbed the Ingraham Headwall via Cadaver Gap on Sunday with Jen and Jessica. Perfect conditions. The clouds that busted skyclimb on Saturday blew off over night leaving a perfect bluebird day with no winds. Cadaver Gap is in great shape. Watch out for the bloddy chunks I blew at the top of the headwall. Met girclimber. She exists! Saw Nick and also ran into MtnHigh and Ivan on the way out. CC.com taking over the Muir Hut. May post some pics if I get around to it. I think Jen has some sweet ones of the main part of the route. Climbing with chicks rocks (don't smell as bad)! All in all the upper mountain is in fantastic shape right now. Saw folks skiing Ingraham from the summit and Cadaver Gap. Go get it! Gear Notes: 30m, 8mm line. Some crevasse crossings. Pickets and screws. Useless with perfect styrofoam. Prolly want pickets for crevasse rescue. Approach Notes: The slog.
  15. You could probably nail Bobby Bensman without ruining a pristine line.
  16. Sorry I coudln't make. Sounds like you all had a rockin time.
  17. tasty bites taste good but they're heavy has hell.
  18. Aw shit, then send him up Bo Derek ... or Cocaine Crack.
  19. Mmmmm .. Rainier. Pray to the weather gods. Pleas please please ....
  20. xy Pearly Gates has some 8's which are great fun. 2nd R&D and Givlers' although the first few moves on Givlers' may give a new leader some fits. We came off the route and saw a woman take 30+ minutes to make the first two moves with three parties waiting in line.
  21. Hahaha! Ivan's bringing the schwag he scored from the 10th graders!! Dude, that's called OREGANO. Can't make the Butte. May be at the RNR. Hope to see some of you there without any open wounds or contusions.
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