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Everything posted by AlpineK

  1. My guess is an ability to follow simple commands. Walk a straight line follow my finger with your eyes Tell the testee a simple story and ask them to repeat it or answer questions related to the story You're right blood testing wouldn't tell you much. Perhaps exhaling air into a bag and measuring the percentage of retained THC?
  2. Hire a nurse [img:center]http://www.littlereview.com/goddesslouise/art/cuckoo/cuckoo10.jpg[/img]
  3. Maybe it will happen again, but I think the election results with multiple states voting for legalization will push things over a critical edge.
  4. I think you're missing a critical circle Brown People Whitey Tightey don't cut it no more
  5. Better yet: TRUMP-PALIN 2016
  6. AlpineK


    Eddy needs a makeover and new hair-due.
  7. Just make sure you can walk a straight line if ask. [img:center]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_R2U5wU8VH20/SgJRecvGQlI/AAAAAAAAAOo/MqjRH8Rh840/s400/legalize-it.png[/img]
  8. Election Night
  9. AlpineK

    Lame Duck Obama

    [img:center]https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/183803_493368257350857_1456998769_n.jpg[/img] Better yet what does Mitt say [video:youtube] USA USA USA USA [video:youtube]
  10. In a really tight election that would be sipping Bushmill's for months while lawyers and the House of Representatives fight. AA after the election might be appropriate, or better yet LSD Mail Online [img:center]http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/03/09/article-2111687-1217BFE9000005DC-880_468x367.jpg[/img]
  11. Interesting, and wouldn't be shocking if true. With a couple days left till the election most Pro-Romney folks will look at the name of the group filing the charge and dismiss it. Stuff like that needs to build up a head of steam before it really burns.
  12. AlpineK


    Hmm, This page looks about the same on Chrome, Firefox, and IE.
  13. Solutions Night vision goggles Take a ski-climb by braille course
  14. AlpineK


  15. Waiting till spring is a better option. Yes there will be new snow. On the other hand trying to ski a traverse like that with a brand new and thin snowpack sounds like a bad idea.
  16. AlpineK


    Sociopaths aren't always psychopaths
  17. AlpineK

    Debunk this.

    Debunk This [video:youtube]
  18. AlpineK

    Debunk this.

    I'm convinced Kevbone is a long time member of a shadow group responsible for many building collapses. [img:center]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/de/Freemasons_structure.jpg[/img]
  19. AlpineK

    Debunk this.

    Kevbone needs some Ramtha [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qs-iuHHN0vE And yes the Dems were stupid, desperate or both to take her money.
  20. I'll buy that prediction.
  21. AlpineK

    Montana Men

    This all inspired some research. It's nice to see the Vandals are dumping the WAC and moving back to the Big Sky Conference. The Grizzlies should be rivals not some weird grouping of teams.
  22. AlpineK


    The pricing on those videos is fucked up. It should be $59.99 not $59.
  23. AlpineK


    what a fucktwat SO GLAD i'm not a republican, it's embarrassing enough to share oxygen with this guy, I couldn't imagine sharing a party and platform. I heard that this morning. That is such a fucked up thing to say
  24. AlpineK

    Montana Men

    It's hard to avoid swinging back into college rivalry-trash mode during the fall. It actually looks pretty fun-cool
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