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Everything posted by JasonG

  1. Thanks for pointing that out Darin....that is the best part! Were you along on Fallen Angel Mutz?
  2. As you've probably gathered by now, the springs of 2015 and 2016 were about as abnormal as you can get. This year is closer to reality, though a bit wetter than normal. If I ever have friends visit from out of the area for Alpine climbing....last week of July/first week of August. Push it to early July for the volcanoes.
  3. You'll be in good company Larry. Ran into many ex-pat Americans and Canadians living down there for the winter. Super cheap living on a fixed income, sun every day, etc., etc. I could see spending at least Nov/Dec down there every winter. I still like skiing..... Take up kite boarding! Looks amazing and is one of the world's best spots to enjoy. I was jealous watching everyone.
  4. Climbing vacations are overrated. Head to the beach!
  5. Yeah, me too..... Hopefully it just means that Jon is really close to migrating to the new platform?
  6. Alex speaks the truth. Also, I would check out Sunset Ridge. It should be in prime shape by then and will have technical challenge, no people, and be physically demanding. Same with Tahoma Glacier. I really like the feel of the west side routes, though I have never been successful over there! Given the long approach, you need a very solid forecast.
  7. Los Barriles, Baja Sur. Fly into Cabo and rent a car, drive up and base out of Playa Norte for a couple weeks. Plenty of snorkeling,fishing, kiteboarding, and hiking within day range of the campground (which is right on the water and $10/night). Campground has well maintained bathroom/showers, laundry, WiFi. Walking distance to town. Good grocery nearby. I spent a couple weeks there with my family two winters ago (we drove from WA). I could have spent months.
  8. Screw that. I want JPMorgan Chase to sponsor me.
  9. Who knows a billionaire? I certainly don't. Seems that this wouldn't be an easy question to answer without some insight into the details of their rise to wealth. And by "most" do you mean >50%? 75%?
  10. Whoah. So that's the guy the Darling couloir is named after? Obviously cut from the same cloth as Weissner and the Mundays. Skookum to the core.
  11. My hats off to you guys!! That is a strong winter ascent. I've only climbed it in the summer, but can imagine how much tougher it would be in the winter. Thanks for the report!
  12. For sure, I'll always take a beer! Let me know if you are up this way....I don't usually head down to Bend, though you never know. There are some great options out there, much better than the S120. If you want perhaps the best, try looking into the Sony RX100 IV or V. Yeah Tim, you would have loved it!
  13. On this particular trip, a wee little Canon s120. It does shoot RAW though, which is key for pp in Lightroom. Glad you like the photos! I will always accept beer for licensed use of them
  14. Trip: Coleman Pinnancle - SW ridge Date: 2/12/2017 Trip Report: The rain certainly has put a damper on ski conditions out in the hills right now. It is hard to believe just how perfectly OK things were on north facing slopes this past Sunday. But the pictures and smiles staring back at me from Lightroom don't lie so I figured others may need a little encouragement as we're heading into a less than stellar weekend, ski-condition wise. If you're casting about for a peak to shoot for on a nice winter's day, you really can't go wrong skiing out towards Coleman Pinnacle. In our case, we even had the whole area to ourselves, which was an unexpected bonus (it's pretty popular out there on nice days). As Lowell told me years ago (I'm probably paraphrasing), "There is a big difference between a few tracks and NO tracks". Here's to the days when you the only track you cross is from someone in your own party...... Gear Notes: Skis, my good man, skis! Or a splitboard. Snow shoes are not allowed outside of Bagley Basin. Approach Notes: Park at Heather Meadows and follow yer nose.
  15. Love the full report on the blog! I really miss these types of adventures with my wife. Kids have changed her risk tolerance, especially when both of us are on a trip. Hiking and backpacking now instead of glacier and multi-pitch. But enough whining, how late in the ski season do you think that descent goes? Winter and early spring only?
  16. Trump is going to replace Obamacare with message boards like this where we can get widely divergent medical opinions from caring e-mountaineers (with apologies to Iluka and Sol, I know you guys are actual medical professionals).
  17. Calcium! Have to say I've never heard of that, nor tried it. Will do and report back. Thanks!
  18. Check out Tim Matsui's IG page for current Flow Reversal pic.
  19. There is no perfect device and the best insurance is to not get hurt in the first place. i.e. Your SPOT/InReach/PLB shouldn't change your risk tolerance or decision making in the hills. If you are so badly injured that you or someone in your party can't trigger the device then you've typically got little chance of a successful rescue, especially if your loved ones wait a few hours to make sure your track doesn't come alive again. However, I suppose I can see your point if you primarily travel solo (which I almost never do). And, from what I've read, the satellite network is typically robust enough that terrain blocking of a PLB is quite rare (slot canyon?). The battery fires for 24+ hours, giving ample opportunity to link with a satellite.
  20. Uh, we're not a-non-a-muss 'round these parts? Sam, say it ain't so!
  21. “Probably everybody in this room voted for me, but I will not ask you to raise your hands if you did,” Mr. Trump said. “We’re all on the same wavelength, folks.”
  22. Tape and drugs (or whiskey). But mainly tape. And a PLB.
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