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Everything posted by JasonG

  1. I was in shock before. The more I think about this, the more I'm realizing how remarkable it is. I'm still processing the enormity of crossing all that choss and those serious summits so quickly. Way to destroy our expectations of what someone can get done in the Pickets in less than a couple days.
  2. I was just on Swiss and Spectre a few weeks ago, also exiting out Eiley Wiley. I can't believe what I just read! Incredible.
  3. Ha! We came out of there a few weeks ago and it was no fun by daylight. I can imagine night being terrible! How was the smoke?
  4. The upriver portions may not be bad to hitch if you've figured the rest out by bus (the i-5 corridor and lower valleys are the worst to hitch). It is summer and lots of cars, plus people up there are used to hitchhikers. I think you're chances are pretty good, esp. if you make a sign!
  5. With enough time, all may be possible. But I would give it a full day at least. A ride would be much better, but understand that it is hard to gauge when you may be coming out on a long Pickets? traverse.
  6. That brings back some bad memories, glad you were safe! We were a little farther down from the gendarme in 2006 running along the ridge to beat the storm coming in from the west. The Howsers were getting drilled by multiple strikes and it looked like we were all going to die. As I was pulling the rope from the last rap before the long scramble, a lightning bolt hit the ridge between me and our other rope team. I got a bad shock thru the rope, and the ridge exploded above me, raining rocks off the mountain. We hunkered in a similar type alcove (again, not ideal) to get out of the rain and hail while the storm passed. We thought the other team in our party was surely dead and began to climb back up to them. Imagine our surprise when they popped their heads up and threw their rope down! They got shocked as well, but otherwise were unhurt. When we got back to Applebee, everyone congratulated us on not dying. They had watched the whole thing in silhouette from the camp and feared the worst when the bolt exploded the ridge between us. I hate lightning.
  7. It is pretty easy to scramble up to the 5.4, and pass any surly/gripped parties en route. Well, I guess unless they push you off. Glad you got that one, one of the best routes anywhere!
  8. I'm going to the North Cascades suckas. 87%. I was never an A student anyways.
  9. Nice tour of the Big R Dave! Thanks for the detail, looks like you guys had a good trip regardless of the original plan.
  10. Alpine Lakes High Route. Check Beckey. Carry a PLB.
  11. Glad you got off that spooky beast in one piece! As you probably know, those loose blocks have taken a few over the years. I climbed it when I was much younger and immune to objective hazard. And wow, that is some detailed beta! That might put to rest the rich history of wandering around on the south side of Formidable.
  12. DAMN! I feel tired just reading this. And old.... very, very old. Can't help on the photos, I'm afraid, but if you upload to the site it will work.
  13. Trail cameras??!! What the hell? What say you North Cascades Rangers? Is Big Brother watching us? Oh, and that is a really strong effort! Thanks for the report!
  14. Awesome, always cool to see things outside the Cascades. Thanks for posting the TR!
  15. Normally I'd think you are correct, but the dog has inside information.
  16. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/1149152/Trip_Report_Issue#Post1149152 Try the above for copy/paste.
  17. This is a known issue with cutting and pasting! Hang in there, I really want to see this trip report! Here are some tips on getting it to work: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/1149152/Trip_Report_Issue#Post1149152
  18. Given the forecast you are likely to be in the rain and mist, in similar conditions to what this TR documented. Sunday looks better, but my exp. is that often moisture is slower to clear out of the mountains than forecast so it still may be pretty socked in until Sunday afternoon. But who knows?
  19. Yeah! This has been on my list for some time, though I would camp and make it leisurely. I've climbed all the major peaks of the Tatoosh over the years, but doing them all in one trip would be very cool. And that view......
  20. Don't feel too bad, darkness and bad wx will make everything feel 100 times harder. When you are tired and the hour late (and rock wet), rapping off solid anchors is often a safer path. Next time it will be sunny and dry and you'll be amazed at how straightforward it feels.
  21. Pope came up with a great idea! Merging table tennis with climbing. FTTA, First Table Tennis Ascent. Just think of the logistics (and bolts) needed to play on top of Everest!
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