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Everything posted by JasonG

  1. Interstate 8 EP! Hmmmm, maybe my memory is wrong. I thought that was where I saw it originally.... Ah, Other People's lives 7"....
  2. you're standing by the grey ice water out in the wind above ground out in the weather you had yourself a crazy lover becoming frozen trying hard to forget her you got a job up in alaska it's easy to save what the cannery pays cause there ain't no way to spend it at home on a boat, it's a fish trap you took the path of least resistance on the phone cutting out talking short to long distance on the arctic blast ....
  3. DAMN. That is some solid beta. I can see I need to plan a trip over there at some point. Sounds really cool!
  4. Ah man, BANNED. That takes all the fun out of it. But I understand we have to protect those less Scottish than myself.
  5. Tell your friends! CC.com is now 100% friendlier or your money back.
  6. That's great! Glad you enjoyed the valley, it usually is pretty lonesome back in there. And the views are never bad on a nice day!
  7. I didn't! Thanks! I've been trying to find the story of the infamous partner separation in Luna creek valley that ended up with a certain someone abandoning their pack loaded with partner's gear. It isn't in the TR on this site (I think on the personal website it is, in fine detail). I think it came up later in a different thread. But wow, is that ever a classic. I remember the online beating was particularly entertaining.
  8. Wow, climbers are WAY more honest than I give them credit for.
  9. The photo above was taken after I was nearly creamed by rockfall on the approach to the summit tower. I jumped into a moat to escape the barrage, only to cut my finger on my axe as I tumbled in. 7/12/2011 It's amazing what memories are jogged just by taking a look at a photo.
  10. Since there was talk of Agnes above:
  11. WHAT??!!! That is ridiculous. I'm glad I have photos of it.
  12. Awesome! That is an incredible tribute to Fred, and so perfectly on point.
  13. I would like to meet @milosh_k @Harry_Pi and @The_Rooster
  14. One time.....I fell unroped through a snowbridge into a bergschrund, bouncing between the rock and ice for about 30' down, until I became wedged tight. My ice tool had pierced the leash of my axe on my other wrist (but missing the flesh). Luckily, I was able to rotate my body just enough to free myself and had enough room to get a good stick into the ice to keep from sliding further into the abyss (once I carefully pulled the pick from my leash). Delicate stemming between rock and ice allowed me to work laterally (>100') to a spot where the schrund was a little less than vertical and I could climb out. I had the rope in my pack, so my wife at the surface wasn't of much help (I could hear her, she couldn't hear me). Interestingly, I had to work so far laterally from where I went in that when I popped out downhill and to the side of where my wife was, she thought I was another party and screamed that she needed help (she was standing just downhill of the hole I had made in the snow bridge). I had tweaked my ankle pretty good on the way in whey my crampon caught, but I was otherwise unhurt. I learned that you should rope up on a glacier.
  15. Alex- Trip reports were always filed into their geographic forums, even on the old site. The TR page you miss will be brought back in some form when the Admins have time. You can easily view what has happened on the site in the past 24 hours using the "Activity" tab. It can be customized. And thanks for finding the dead link on the main page.
  16. What an incredible tribute today to the man, the myth, the legend. Special thanks to our own Matt Perkins, Lowell Skoog, Colin Haley, and Don Serl for the heart felt and enlightening tributes to Fred and his impact on their own lives! Hopefully Lowell can put a link to his slideshow here once he clears all the permissions. It is well worth watching. The take home messages that stuck with me today: "Stay on route." "Fred was NOT a bum". "Old-timers are a renewable resource" And the funniest line, I thought (I may have it slightly wrong), came when John Rupley relayed how the police reacted finding him and Fred bivying in a picnic shelter in Banff: "They treated us nice because at least we weren't committing carnal acts like some people from the French portions of Canada". Great to put so many faces to names I only knew from Fred's books!
  17. JasonG

    Paging Polish Bob

    Bob is back! We need the fury from both sides of the aisle. Sorry to hear about the ankle Bob, I guess more time for beer is about the only upside.
  18. Yeah Curt!!! I love that the software upgrade is pulling TRs out of the woodwork. I hope this spreads since I know that it has been a horrible pain to post a TR in a very long time. The Leap has some amazing looking rock!
  19. 1908. Asa Peak. Original paper probably still up there along with the can, at least it was a few years ago.
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