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Everything posted by JasonG

  1. JasonG


    I've never understood the whole full serve thing in OR. Seems beyond stupid.
  2. Savage! I'm struggling to fathom what this would be a warm-up to.....
  3. Yowza. So that finishes on the South Peak? Marc, we need a report!
  4. That was before the massive inversion really kicked in, however. Many places went from pretty OK Monday (my experience on north facing slopes in North Cascades) to crap by yesterday (per the NWAC pro obs and telemetry). I have no doubt that deep on the east side, and high, you can still find something worthwhile, but that isn't really less than 2.5 hours from Seattle. But I'll look forward to someone posting something that proves me wrong next Monday. For me, half the fun is the conditions betting game. It is way more fun when you make a hard prediction and see how it compares to reality.
  5. And I want to retire tomorrow. Neither of us are going to get our wishes this weekend, however. Checking the NWAC reports of current surface conditions, and looking at the NWS forecasts, it is well below my definition of OK anywhere within 2.5 hours of Seattle this weekend (unless you fly north). But a great weekend to spent time with the family and bank hall passes!
  6. Current conditions as of 1/1/2018 on Mount Ann - Wicked Sick..... How is is that we are the first up after days of no precip? The cornices didn't all fall during the rain: I never have the energy to go over there: Komo Kulshan: An OK backdrop to the final skin to the summit: The rain certainly caused a bit of a cycle in the Baker Backcountry: Thanks for another good day Mount Ann!
  7. until
    Last spring, Trevor Kostanich and Forest McBrian skied a high route from Snoqualmie Pass to Canada in 34 days. They would have preferred staying out longer. Both passionate ski tourers and pioneers of various traverses in the range, Trevor & Forest spent years working towards this trip. Come hear what it took to pull off, why this route, and see some section highlights including first descents. While surprised, and sincerely a little disappointed, that they did not see more people along the route, they were pleased to tour alongside some animal tracks and gain a greater appreciation for high mountain living. Ticket proceeds go to the Cascades Wolverine Project with special guest David Moskowitz (wildlife tracker, photographer, and outdoor educator) sharing a short informational video at the event.
  8. 3 for 3 Oly! Thanks Alisse! Better stay away from most of us dudes in 2018 though. We put the bastard in cis.
  9. What a climb! Thanks for posting this, it is these kinds of reports that really are the reason this site has survived the years. Here's to a great 2018 with many more FAs!
  10. That was certainly a good one this morning!
  11. That sunrise goal is going to make you work for it in June and July. I typically don't set New Year's goals, but I would like to continue to figure out my new camera, finally beat my tendonitis, and climb a few more things in Canada. And finally get out with Oly!
  12. Thanks Woodcutter, glad you liked the photos! Even after all these years I still have a lot to learn about producing consistent, quality shots. But that's the fun of it too, watching the incremental progression across my Lightroom albums....
  13. That's a lot of work! You're getting downright cosmopolitan David, taking this slab dancing international and out of the mossy Darrington shadows. Thanks, I will need to check these routes out.
  14. Ummmmmm.... wow. Anything before #26 is irreplaceable since the fire that destroyed the back stock.
  15. Trip: Plummer Peak - Standard Trip Date: 12/21/2017 Trip Report: I don't get to Rainier in the winter much, and I can see that I am missing out. Last week, I had the fortune of getting out for a day in the Tatoosh with Tim while the family and I were down staying in the Park for a few days before Christmas. And what a day it was! Several feet of dry snow, beautiful sunshine, and nobody around our intended destination- Plummer Peak. Well, I should say our Plan B destination. We had hoped to ski the Zipper on Lane this day, but stepping off the skis found us sinking to our waists. No thanks! Skiing off Plummer was a great consolation prize, especially since we had that whole part of the Tatoosh to ourselves. I'm used to the crowds of the Baker backcountry these days so it was a treat to not have another ski track (new or old) in sight anywhere. I need to remember to not look down my nose at the South Cascades! Lane Peak: Unicorn! Pinnacle Peak: Denman: Near the top of Plummer Lenticulars around Pinnacle: Pyramid Peak: Little Tahoma: Mackerel sky on the way back to the car: Gear Notes: skis! Approach Notes: Park at the Narada falls lot and skin up to the old road. Ski along until you come to the first Reflection lake, then leave the road and contour SW
  16. Summit Camp! I've always liked the idea of camping up top, but each time I'm there I immediately just want to get down. Strong work!
  17. The Olympics lack good rock, which you've probably figured out by now. But, there is a lot of country to explore and it is a lot quieter on that side of the Sound. Personally, I like PA (though never lived there).
  18. Amen. Thanks to Oly and Jon for powering thru the recent upgrade, putting the site on a firm foundations for several more decades of alpine fueled tall tales! We should all raise an extra Christmas Beer to them Peace, joy and snaffle love to you all this Holiday Season....
  19. I basically just went to the high point just past where you first hit the ridge. The true summit was a bit too far for the daylight and energy I had. Plus, it would have significantly cut into the photo taking and chocolate eating! Tabor and Crowder really got around! I guess it helped that it was their jobs, but still. We used their beta for getting around Crowder to Pickell Pass last summer. Worked like a charm!
  20. Perfectly accessorized, as I would have expected.
  21. I'm glad G-spotter found this! So classic.... all four pages.
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