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Everything posted by JasonG

  1. That's a tough and insecure feeling solo (I can only imagine). Strong work to get up and down without a serious mishap!
  2. I can't resist the irony of giving your post a "like" @ilias
  3. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo............................................
  4. So many good photos! Just went back thru and perused again. I need to put this on my list again I can see.
  5. C'MON!!!! I don't think I've ever seen that sort of behavior in such a spot in the North Cascades. Nice work, that's a great trip- certainly one of my favorites. And yes, the slog up the Blum "trail" is indeed soul-crushing.
  6. I have to think that there were on the summit??!!!
  7. That's not what Fred writes (nor Wikipedia). I've always thought that the Cascades end at the Fraser River and those volcanoes in BC are part of the Coast Mountains. But it is probably just semantics. The volcanoes are typically not related to the rocks they protrude up through, but are all related to the subducting of the Juan de Fuca plate beneath the NA plate. In that sense I suppose all the volcanoes from Southern BC to N. California are related.
  8. Now that is amazing. I thought he was a dead man. That must have been exciting to have his anchor blow apart while he was being pulled by the helo.
  9. Yeah! Wow, though, crowds on Goode?? That is pretty crazy.
  10. @mattp!! Good to see you back around these parts....
  11. Slesse's pocket glacier is way less dangerous than this though:
  12. That's what I was wondering....how much less the risk in cooler weather. Probably really hard to estimate without recording a bunch of video and tallying ice chunks by time of day/temp. over several years. And I imagine it would be location specific since the angle of slope, rock type, etc. would factor in.
  13. Picardin: Fish and Aquatic Life Researchers estimated the 96-hour LC50 in rainbow trout to be 173 mg/L and the NOEC to be 50.1 mg/L.1,2 Based on this study, the U.S. EPA considers picaridin to be moderately toxic to fish.1 Tests for bioaccumulation potential in the zebra danio fish indicated that there is no potential for bioaccumulation in fish through diet or other exposure routes.2 Another study with the same fish species concluded that there was some potential for bioconcentration, or uptake through water alone.2 Daphnia magna showed no signs of toxicity when exposed to concentrations ranging from 10 mg/L to 100 mg/L for 24 or 48 hours.1 The Lowest Observed Effect Concentration (LOEC) for the green alga Scenedesmus subspicatus was estimated to be 56 mg/L based on 72-hour exposures to concentrations ranging from 5.6 to 100.0 mg/L.1 DEET: Fish and Aquatic Life DEET is slightly toxic to freshwater fish (LC50 = 75 mg/L).1 DEET is slightly toxic to aquatic invertebrates (EC50 = 75 ppm).1 See the text box on EC50. Neither are particularly nasty to people or fish, but I hate melted plastic and numb lips so Picardin is for me.
  14. What about Mount Pugh @mcven? There is a nice camp at the lake before the grind to Stujack Pass. Pugh is a trail, but one that is blasted out of cliffs and very "scrambly". In addition, I'd recommend Crater. Also an old lookout site, with a lake camp below. The most elevation gain of a "trail" in WA- 6200'. Bring bug juice and a headnet for most camps right now...we're at peak bug. Agreed with @chucK, most will want a rope to descend Sahale, and many on the way up too. Also, you'll need an axe and probably crampons if you ascend early.
  15. Check out 20% Picardin products like this. I've found them to be equal to DEET, plus they won't melt plastic, give you cancer, or make your lips numb. Oh, and NICE WORK on Bonanza....one of the classics!
  16. For future info @samueleley...I've found that putting everything in a large, heavy duty, plastic bag deters most . It appears that they don't like to chew on that type of plastic. Just a few days ago I watched one crawl all over my plastic bag (with salty clothes and food in it) before losing interest and going off into the night to terrorize something else.
  17. Thanks for the kind words @cgolden123. I think the rise of social media (FB, IG, etc.) is mostly to blame, but certainly the old software and cranky avatars didn't help. Within the past year, @olyclimber and @jon have done an admirable job addressing the last two issues, and traffic is ticking back up. As you know, the beauty of the site is the wealth of TRs and beta housed here, so please continue to use it, spread the word, and contribute! Here's to another 18 years of the mighty CC.com!
  18. THANKS @psathyrella! I just may have to put this to good use one of these days...
  19. Thanks @NikiY, I let @jon and @olyclimber know.....
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