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Everything posted by jon

  1. Where you find that Mos LP at?
  2. Hey NOLSe, have you ever heard of J-Live or People Under the Stairs, they are probably my two favorite underground hip hop gigs?
  3. You know I don't like the Atmosphere album that much, a few good songs, but homeboy has some anger problems. I heard the previous album is much better. I had never heard the Black Album until a few days ago, and I have to say the DJ Danger Mouse Grey album kicks it's ass. Blackstar - Mos Def & Talib Kweli Pearl Jam - Lost Dogs
  4. One idea I completely disagree with is the idea of being able to "bring the rock down" to the level of surroundings. Just because there isn't a wilderness feeling doesn't mean you are free to desecrate the rock how ever you please, whether it is with bolts or chipped holds or plastic holds. I also don't believe with the idea of chipping holds or gluing holds in, because all you are doing is bringing the route down to your level. I think in Off White's case what he did was fine, because first it is his own property, and second because it is the remnants of a quarry. A couple years ago I visited a newly developed area with one of the route developers and was disgusted by how contrived everything was. They had gone up with crowbars and cleaned the route to hell, launching off refrigerator sized blocks, so they could set routes on this wall. In my mind what they did was chipping holds, no matter how big the chips were, and to be honest didn't resemble my idea of climbing. It pretty much boils down to whether the wall should be climbed or not, and that should be up to the rock and not the climber, because maybe it's not ready to be climbed for another couple thousand years.
  5. It says contributing, but 2.7 million is absurd! What are they complaining about, they thought our advertising rates were too high too.
  6. No Gary, you are confusing that with NBA Jams 1997 Shawn Kemp Knockup the Waitress.
  7. Pickle juice is super concentrated with electrolytes and is great at preventing cramping. Gatorade really doesn't have that much in terms of electrolytes and it's loaded with fructose and sucrose. Gu20 has maltodexrin and has a lot of electrolytes and might be a good solution. Check out E-caps also, they may have salt tablets that are commonly used by long distance athletes.
  8. Have you heard of the Atkins Diet? Low Carb revolution? Mike Tyson's Knockout the Waitress for Xbox?
  9. Dude, Hillary Duff is 16!!!! How old are you? Better yet, how old are your kids?? The Olsen twins aren't that cute, especially with how strung out they look. I'm sure they enjoy what they are doing though.
  10. jon

    WTB: Panda Suit

    Could this be Cipo's prologue suit? I so want one!
  11. This post retard. You are calling bullshit, and at that point decided to engage me. I'll repeat, who in their right mind would not vote for the later in this extreme instance? That's what I find irritating. I said I think the President should have served, I'm not saying I won't vote for someone who hasn't, but it's definately something I look for. No I'm not going to explain myself because it has nothing to do with the at hand. Read my first post, I'm not a Bush supporter so MOVE ON SONNY!
  12. I'm not hostile, I find you irritating. Read your post at the top of the page, what rational person wouldn't for the former in that extreme instance? Oversimplify it as much as you want to support your arguement, I don't care. No I'm not going to explain myself because it has nothing to do with what we are arguing about here. Everyone here is still failing to support their arguement about why Bush is responsible for the global increase in terrorism. j_b, you are saying that is going to work in a terrorist supporting country? Please start by naming off the terrorist supporting countries, followed by the structure of government. Then explain to me how your examples could possibly work in those instances.
  13. I think the Commander in Chief should have served in the military or something similar, like the FBI or CIA. That is what I think! You can think whatever you want and vote for whomever you want, and equally I can give a shit. Get over it.
  14. What the fuck do you think? Get real.
  15. You have to elaborate. Support them how? How do you support a minority interest in a country that supports terrorists? Drop leaflets? Have them open a Starbucks? I'm curious.
  16. So you mean giving them weapons and training them to use them, as well as operating other clandestine operations? Didn't we try this once with...... god the name seems to be escaping me.... hmmmmmmmmm...... oh shit I remember his name, Saddam Hussein!
  17. Not only is this stardard politics, Gary, this is standard business practice, it goes on in my field and most likely yours, claims to incorrect or falsified data, actually this is standard life. "Hey if you don't eat carbs you will lose wieght!" "Holy fucking shit I'll stop eating bread right now!" And some obese doctor who died of a heart attack is hailed by as a hero by millions, including hundreds of executives in the food industry, so they can bring you thinks like low carb beef jerky. Two years later, numerous studies show that the decrease in carbohydrates leads to a number of serious conditions like calcium leaching from bones and increase in heart disease. Not to mention that the average American's weight has increased. So I don't know why this headline is so noteworthy, and if this is coming as some sort of revelation to some of you then let me to be the first to say WELCOME TO PLANET EARTH! My point is that terrorism isn't caused by one person and it's not one person's to solve, it's a global problem that requires a global solution with some unfortunate sacrifices, which apparently some people in this thread aren't willing to make from the comfort of their desk.
  18. How else are you going to battle it?
  19. Fido's first post was classic, but now it is gone
  20. Chuck, I think that was the first statement you have made in this thread that didn't include the word 'Iraq'. Congratulations.
  21. I think what you people need to do is start looking at things with a more open mind and start accepting things as they are and not how they support your agenda. I'm not a Bush supporter, I didn't vote for him and I'm not going to vote for him in this upcoming election. I'm not voting for him because I think he is an idiot and has not done anything about some pressing domestic issues, like health care and education. I also believe that our President should have a military background, something Bush didn't take very seriously. What is going on in Iraq is so complicated I don't even want to discuss it. On 9/11 we were attacked, not for what W did, actually I'm not exactly sure why, Bin Laden says because our military being in Saudi Arabia, who BTW had no problem bying F-15s from us and having us train their pilots which included one of their princes'. Fact is 9/11 is a culmination of a lot of things, possibly including what at the time seemed like small mistakes by various administrations. You can point fingers at whomever you damn well please as to who's fault all of this is, but I think it is pretty hard to point the finger at one administration saying that they are responsible for a global problem that is everyone's problem.
  22. JoshK, EMFA. The terror report that you guys are arguing about, and obviously don't understand, covers the entire world, number of attacks, number injured, number killed, not just Americans. Someone decides to blow up a pizza parlor in Israel, whether there are Americans there or not, it's on the terror report. It includes these Saudi idiots who are blowing up their own people. So the arguement that you are all making, just to remind you, is that Bush is responsible for the global increase in terrorism. Does that really seem fair? I'm not voting for him, just pointing it out.
  23. Of course a small factoid that all of you have cleverly decided to leave out is that the terror report statistics covered THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD!
  24. Or getting a bunch of friends together and going around town deadlifting/moving Ford Fiestas and other compact vehicles.
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