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Everything posted by jon

  1. jon

    Bike to Work Week

    you should find a park and ride I'M RICK JAMES, BITCH!
  2. Seattle has bike lockers, probably look on the Metro website, mine is through my work. Gloves? What are you worried about screwing up your french manicure? LOL I've never broken a chain either, and there is a reason. I look at chains like ropes, you could probably wear them longer than you should, but if they break it is a major inconvenience. In the winter I change it about every month, but then again I'm riding about 10 to 15 hours a week rain or shine and that put some wear on the thing. Around now is different, I usually just look at the wear on it. And like I said it's cheaper to replace a chain then a whole drivetrain. Definately follow the rules of the road! There are so many pissed off drivers it's rediculous. I get yelled at while I'm in the bike lane.
  3. I think the biggest thing is bike mainanance, since I can pretty much wear whatever I want at work. Things like chains breaking and chronic flat tires can really make you miserable, especially when it is pouring rain. Here are my tips for moderate to heavy bike usage. 1. Replace your chain about every month, go with a cheaper chain. I know people who spend way too much on chains and they wear just as fast. Chains are cheaper than chainrings and cogs so replace it every month. Also get a Pedros chain cleaner and clean your chain after every wet ride, it may sound like a pain in the ass but it takes 2 minutes with this deal. 2. Inspect your tires after every ride. Tires with gashes in them get replaced. Carrying a spare tire is not a bad idea either. Carry two tubes, a CO2 pump with 3 cartridges. I never patch tubes. Inspect your rim tape to make sure your tubes are popping on the spoke holes. Being anal about this shit can save you so much time it's rediculous. 3. If you do fenders to the full setup and make sure it is bomber, and carry zip ties in case something does break. Fenders breaking on a 35 mph downhill is scary shit. I extend my fenders with a half bike bottle attached with pop rivets. You can also buy these things called Flapjacks for your fenders, they are carbon fiber and the are fuckign cool. A good fender setup can keep you so much drier than without. Oh yeah, I'M RICK JAMES, BITCH!
  4. jon


  5. jon

    Oh my god this is sick

  6. jon


    it will be very short at this rate.
  7. jon


    Shit I'm still waiting for you to leave.
  8. Hey look at CNN, some American was just beheaded and the video was posted on an Al Qaeda website! Fantastic!
  9. They must not know what we do with hackers here.
  10. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/05/09/international/asia/09toky.html need to register, but you should have already
  11. My car was one of about 40 broken into one evening at the Snow Creek parking lot in Leavenworth last year. I felt like I did more investigation than the county sherrif did. What was interesting about it was what they didn't take. We had CDs and too much gear in one car and they didn't take any of it, looked like they were just looking for phones and wallets. I had a pretty interesting conversation with my insurance company, I guess they had been getting a ton of claims. I might be willing to talk on camera.
  12. I say we put double stick tape on their doorknobs and sprinkle a handfull of pubes on it. That'll teach em not to talk shit.
  13. Or good Compact Flash Yeah the D70 is sweet. True 3 FPS with up to 40 picture buffer. I haven't done much scenery type stuff yet with it so I'm not sure how the colors are, but for sports action it has been sweet. I love my Canon G2 but there are obvious limitations. The only dilema with it, which is the same for most DSLRs is that the sensor is smaller than 35mm, so your regular SLR lenses are at 1.5x, which is a problem for wide angle, so a 17mm on a 35mm would be like a 24 or so on the digital. The camera is actually fairly light, battery life seems good, with a large card you can take a ton of pictures, overall I'm super stoked on it.
  14. With my D70 I can fill up a 512mb card in an hour not shooting raw. The CF you are buying is cheap and slow, fine for music but bad for good cameras. http://catalog.belkin.com/IWCatProductPage.process?Product_Id=173207
  15. So you can buy shitty CF memory for cheap, eat a dick.
  16. I get about 50 spam a day, here is one I had to open and I'm glad I did. Is this where Harry Pi came from? Enjoy! -------- This mail is very important,please directly transfer it to the general manager of your company,thank you! Dear Sir, We are looking for new dealers in your country now . Very glad to cooperate with your company . We are one of the biggest Sprayers suppliers both in China and some other countries . We own 5 world's advanced professional Sprayers factories in china . Under the stict quality control, our products have won a lot of awards from nearly 66 countries and areas . The powerful R/D department who design up to date styles conform to the world's changing trends. Our products sell well in all over the world, especially in EU ,USA ,Japan and South-East Asian countries. Customers' own design and OEM orders are welcome. We believe that through our joint efforts they will also meet with a favourable reception in your country. If you really feel interested to purchase some China Sprayers that with high quality and competitive price ,welcome to cooperate with our company .If you really need some samples ,please tell us the product type and your whole postal address ,contact people ,contact telphone number and so on . After accept your requiring information ,We will give you a response as soon as possible . If you want to know more about our factory ,please browse the website : http://sprayers.vip.cn/ We hope to hear from you soon. Yours faithfully, Mark Chung Export Manager Shanghai HCI Ganden Tools Co., Ltd Production Base :Chongming ,Shanghai,China TEL: +86 21 57157408 57157409 FAX: +86 21 57157408 E-mail:highinfo100@sohu.com http://sprayers.vip.cn/ catalogue to see the attachment .
  17. Too many words, not enough pictures.
  18. If you contact Polar and tell them you need it repaired, they will give you I think 30% off a new watch, at least a couple years ago you could.
  19. jon

    knock knock

  20. jon

    knock knock

  21. jon

    knock knock

    stinks like sex in here.
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