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Everything posted by jon

  1. That is really great everyone got together to support Kevin. ALS is really a devastating disease and the cost of care is enormous as it progresses. On a side note my good friends dad has ALS so I keep pretty current on the literature. The last couple years they really have made some significant progress on elucidating the mechanisms involved in disease pathogenesis and it appears they might have viable mice model which is a huge step. Additionally it appears they might have a mechanism to target that could reduce the pro-inflammatory response in the disease, which if a therapeutic is found, could greatly reduce the rate of disease progression. Lastly for Kevin's friends some hope. My friend's dad disease progressed quite rapidly and we didn't expect him to be with us last christmas. Thankfully the progression stalled, he was with us for the birth of his first grandson, and has not progressed much since. There are cases, like Stephan Hawking, where progression just stops.
  2. jon

    CC.com Turns 8

    8 years ago today Tim and I started cc.com. With the addition of Porter the 3 of us have been working really hard to try and operate a useful resource that will always be here for the climbing community. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this site over the years. Some of the TR's that have been posted here, especially recently, have been really remarkable and honestly quite flattering that people are taking the time to share it on here. I'd also like to thank the moderators who do a rather thankless job but one that is critical. Some people have been asked how to donate to cc.com, and now we have a slightly easier way. One of the features in our upgrade is a subscription feature that is tied to PayPal. Here is the link . Donations help fund the development of the website, but this site and all it's features will always be free and done without cramming a bunch of ads down your throat. There is one donation level as we feel any amount is important. For those who donate more then $75 we will send you a cc.com T-shirt. In a few weeks donors will have a little icon next to their names to recognize them. But honestly the best way to support this site is posting some killer TRs and useful content and help spreading a good vibe about cc.com. As always if people have suggestions or concerns please feel free to contact us.
  3. jon

    Economic News

    The Bush looks like he has aged 20 years in the last two weeks.
  4. I guess, then, that it’s O.K. to go out and trash everything, eh?, including your own climbing environment....manipulate it all because you can. I think you know better than that. Yo! Lucky/what’s your real name? I’m not here for the sole purpose of entertaining YOU. JON and “LUCKY”…your comments about “grave robbing” are utterly IGNORANT. I certainly would expect something more sophisticated than that from Jon. And “Lucky”…what do you do for a living that we can ridicule on a climbing web-site? I suggest that your snotty comments about my profession are based on sheer envy. By the way, my next archaeological expedition to Egypt’s Valley of the Kings takes place this fall. I expect that it will be as exciting and successful as all the others. Enjoy your cubicles. I like Egyptology and admire what you do and think it is important. I was just jerking your chain. Let me try this from a different angle. Everything we do in our life has an environmental impact, absolutely everything. But 1000 years from now when those bolts at Vantage are lying on the ground after the rock has been eaten away by acid rain from the rotten corpse of what was once a marvel of life and evolution aka our planet Earth, maybe in hindsight from the heavens looking down, or wherever your beliefs put you, you will realize that the energy in your war against bolts was maybe misdirected and could have been focused on something a little more important.
  5. Hey Raindawg, when you live in a house, or work in an office, eat your frosted flakes, fly in an airplane to go rob another grave, or just buy something, you are trashing the environment! Stuff just doesn't come from nowhere! That computer you are using is made of plastic. Plastic comes from oil and natural gas. That comes from digging in the ground, and involves metal tubing which also comes from the ground. Making that tubing requires energy which comes from a river dam. That is made from concrete. You know where that comes from? The ground! To take that concrete there it requires gas. You know where that comes from? The ground, again! Of course to mold that concrete you need forms, which are either made from metal or wood... the same kind of wood your house is made of. You know where that wood comes from? The forest that once surrounded your crags!
  6. jon


    Hey is Boeing still on strike? Man has that been overshadowed by the economy ending or what!
  7. jon


    What will JPMorganChaseWaMuBoeingJackLinksJerkyTrojanCondoms buy next?
  8. jon

    Economic News

    I totally agree. We need to protect our assets from foreign takeover but at the same time I think this country needs a hard lesson that as individuals, companies, and government that we can't live off of credit and loans, especially when an increasing amount of our money is leaving.
  9. Jens, I apologize but I've removed your post. I think everyone loves a good deal, but in light of Grivel NA ceasing to exist and numerous other ventures finding themself in an increasing perilous state I think we have a responsibility to protect their interests whether they show ads here or not.
  10. jon

    New Ads

    We have inserted a Google ad between the 1st and 2nd post for all people who are not logged into the site. These are not viewable by registered users. If any registered users see any ads or strangeness please let us know!
  11. jon


    If people could tell us who are having problems what browser on what OS they are using that would be helpful. Thanks.
  12. I have a small favor to ask. Send me a PM. TIA.
  13. RIP Ryan. A reporter from the Seattle PI has contacted us looking to talk to Ryan's friends. Drop me a PM and I will give you the contact info.
  14. I can't wait to hear Hillary talk tonight and make us feel sorry for her that she is still stuck with campaign debt. Even a presidential candidate can show people how to live outside their means.
  15. Thank you for providing continued inspiration to quit my job.
  16. i was able to keep your mom entertained while she waited for you to go to bed You were always my favorite sister.
  17. 2am???!!! Now that's dedication! Yeah, and I poured myself a bit too much Macallan last night so I wasn't terribly snappy this morning.
  18. Sorry about the problems, we were up til 2am last night trying to figure it out. Things seem ok for the time being.
  19. We are very sorry about the problems. It has taken most of the day for our host to get the info to us we need. Hopefully we will be able to rectify this tomorrow. Thanks for your patience.
  20. When posting to buy/sell/trade permits PLEASE specify WHERE. There have been a number of people not specifying where. Thanks!
  21. The Vahalla Pure location in Abbotsford has moved and right off the freeway now.
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