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Everything posted by jon

  1. Cpt. Caveman could use it to drop large metal coils on you from great heights.
  2. The most likely explanation is that the combination of lost tax revenue and unemployment benefits for WA, NY, and NJ workers with the a large percentage being over the median earners.
  3. jon

    Single Malt Scotch

    The Duty Free in Sumas has started carrying some Isleys in the past few months, and I'm assuming the others are doing the same.
  4. jon


    Pretty incredible movie, saw it in IMAX 3D.
  5. Eric, Can't tell you how sorry about this. I suggest you contact the Oregon Insurance Commissioner and get their take on your insurance situation. They will investigate it on your behalf. It seems very strange that someone would sell you insurance that wouldn't cover robbery unless you specifically asked not to have it.
  6. My guess is now that things have settled down enough Scott won't have a problem with us posting a link to Luke's Trip Reports. I'm sure these will be an inspiration to many! http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/tripreports/fromsearch/1/user_name/belayerslayer
  7. Splitter sent us some ages ago. I gave them to a few people on here to try out and they couldn't have given them back to us faster.
  8. Pitties are actually very loving dogs but are incredibly sensitive and if not socialized correctly will wind up causing the problems described. Unfortunately the people who get these dogs are typically weak individuals needing to appear tough, but with a breed like this you have to be a dominant individual so the dog understands who is boss and that you can establish clear boundaries. Mark, in your sisters case she needs to call animal control and hopefully they can find a proper home for it before it kills a dog in which it will be put down.
  9. Thanks for the feedback. We'd love to have more articles. It does require a fair amount of time on our part to organize and publish, and as we do pay for the articles it requires some money. If there are authors out there that want to submit proposals for articles we are all ears, PM Porter and myself.
  10. Steve, I have a copy you can borrow. Drop me a PM if you still need one.
  11. Here's the cliff notes version.... http://cascadeclimbers.com/blog/2009/12/17/smith_rock_guidebook_review_second_edition/
  12. As promised here is the link to our review of the 2nd Edition Smith Rock Guidebook. http://cascadeclimbers.com/blog/2009/12/17/smith_rock_guidebook_review_second_edition/
  13. Hi Everyone, We've been working on getting a blog up for a few months and we'd like to unveil it today. We will be using this for various functions like posting gear reviews, and our sponsors are going to be able to use this to post info on sales and events as well. We think it will be pretty cool. To kick it off we have a review of the New Smith Rock Guidebook 2nd Edition by Alan Watts. You might have heard about this book! It exists! We have it! It's awesome! Cc.com's own billcoe did the review on this, so check it out. http://cascadeclimbers.com/blog/
  14. We would like to keep Luke's avatar private for the time being to respect the family and friends time to grieve and to avoid any unnecessary media attention to this. We will fix the issues with the photos.
  15. As opposed to Canadian media? http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Tiger+Woods+update+Betrayals+mount+mistress+deals+some+blows/2338960/story.html http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Cracks+gang+appeared+long+before+leader+Clay+Roueche+arrest/2345162/story.html http://www.vancouversun.com/Sarah+Jessica+Parker+life+after/2347586/story.html
  16. My understanding is Jan. 9th. We received a copy from the publisher and it's going in the mail to a cc.com gear review slut for a full review. I've only had a few minutes to look at it since I just walked in the door but it's impressive.
  17. We just got our guides in the mail, we will have a review up shortly!
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