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Everything posted by jon

  1. change the search criteria from a week to a month
  2. Hey Folks, Got a complaint through support that there have been some annoying talking ads? Can people tell me which ad spot on which page this is happening? What company the ad was for? It could only come through the google ads but luckily we have some control over that stuff. Thanks! BTW I always find it funny when people think we have departments here and floor full of people working.
  3. I upped the ram in our VPS so I hope that will solve part of the problem.
  4. jon

    RopeUp 2010

    I regret to announce that we will not be able to put on RopeUp this year. RopeUp will return next year. With cc.com turning 10 next month we really wanted to organize this event, but the nature of the event has changed since it's inception, and because of that we can't just throw together an event. Unfortunately collectively we were not able to come up with enough energy to do what is required to put on a successful event. Success would be measured by our ability to be allowed to put the event on the next year without objections. We as a site are in the public eye and our actions can have broad effects on all climbers, so just throwing together event that draws the ire of Thousand Trails camphosts or the Forest Service would be incredibly irresponsible of us. We are really sorry about this but promise that it will return next year. We would like to do another SausageFest this Winter and will likely work with a local shop to host a slideshow. I don't want people to think that because RopeUp isn't happening that things are falling apart here, we've got some cool irons in the fire.
  5. A quick update. I really think this is a server issue and not a software issue, but I'm still working on it. I have renewed the license on the photo gallery software and will be working in the next couple weeks to get that upgraded which will hopefully alleviate some of the problems. I'll upload some large images and see if I can recreate this problem. Thanks for the patience.
  6. Thanks that is a lot of help. Some fun stats. 53,196 photos taking up 20gigs of disk space.
  7. I'm hoping that a few people could send us some of the images they are trying to upload. Post here first so we don't get overloaded with email. First 3 people having problems. Email them to climb{remove}aht.kaskadeklimbers.(wemove).cahm. Not like we don't get a ton of spam anyway after 10 years but whatever. If you can't figure that out PM me LOL. People that are having problems, are you uploading jpegs straight from your camera, and if so what megapixel and what size are the image files. One thing that I suspect is happening here is that our databases are getting huge, as is the load on our servers, and so are the megapixel ratings for consumer cameras getting into the 14 megapixel range which of course makes enormous files. Based on the errors people are getting I suspect one of the problems people are encountering are due to high server load and their requests are timing out, hence the squirrel nutz.
  8. Hi Everyone, There have been several complaints online and offline through the support email indicated problems with the photo gallery, mainly with the ability to upload. Thanks to everyone who has written in or posted concerning problems; it helps us stay on top of things here. We will be making efforts this week to remedy the problems with the photo gallery and try to address other issues as well. We'll give a heads up to everyone when we think things are fixed. As always keep the TRs and great conversations coming and get your friends to contribute as well! Cheers, Jon and Porter
  9. jon

    fucking awesome

    This guy is my f'ing hero!
  10. Sorry for the problems we know we need to address this. We'll hopefully have this fixed shortly.
  11. So the story goes, I met this great Canadian girl, next thing I know I'm putting a ring on her finger in Lynn Canyon Park, I lost the proverbial coin flip on where we were going to live, Seattle or Vancouver (I don't consider it much of a loss really), and now I need to find a job in the Vancouver area. If there are any web developers out there who work in Vancouver, or you know anyone who is, or your company is looking for developers, I'd love to hear for you. I'm not networked up here, the economy kind of sucks, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Drop me a PM and I'll give you the lowdown. Thanks!
  12. I'll change it to onclick tonight thanks for raising the issue.
  13. jon

    Want to trade

    Give him a break he's trying to get to the fucking Catalina Wine Mixer.
  14. jon

    Want to trade

  15. Due to a failure to nest this year, the seasonal climbing closure on Midnight and Noontime Rocks is being lifted. The closure normally runs from April 1 through July 31. We appreciate those climbers who get their climbs in early and refrain during the closure while it's in place. We hope for better reproductive results next year. Climb on!
  16. Well they paid $135m for combined revenues of $113m, so do the math.
  17. Going through Analytics I noticed that there are about 4% of you still using IE 6 and 10% using IE7. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE upgrade your browser to IE8, Firefox, or Chrome. It will result in a better experience for you. As a web developer, we spend an a lot of time trying to support and test for IE and it sucks. Over the course of the next six months we will be doing some substantial upgrades to cc.com that will use a lot of javascript. Due to costs supporting IE 6 and 7 will not be a priority, so please upgrade! Thanks for hearing me out
  18. jon


    Have fun with your little girly computer, Tvash!
  19. The injury played out for about 18 months and just got increasingly worse and was to the point were it was sore 24x7, by the time I saw a specialist it was substantial and clear with the test. Sounds like you have done your homework, so you probably already know that the surgery recovery is substantial.
  20. Sounds like a SLAP tear. Having just had my shoulder done I would say go see a specialist. Google "SLAP tear test" and see if you can find a video. Basically if you have your arm straight in front slightly across your body with your thumb pointed up, and can push against resistance thumb up but not thumb down, it's a labrum tear.
  21. Please note... http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/960556#Post960556
  22. From the Forest Service Biologist.... Raptor nesting has been observed at the north end of the Snow Creek Wall. To protect these birds and climbers from the raptors’ aggressive behavior, Champagne, Spring Fever, and Chicken on a Leash are closed to all entry during the nesting period. Climbs on the Main Wall/Shield and Central areas, Easter Tower, and April Fool’s Tower remain open. If climbers experience aggressive behavior from raptors while on Easter or April Fool's tower, routes on those pinnacles will be closed for the safety of all involved. Climbers are not the only creatures drawn to Leavenworth’s rock faces. The walls are also crucial breeding areas for birds of prey. They are sensitive to human disturbance during their nesting and roosting cycle. People who stray too close to a nest can scare off parent birds or elicit an attack. Even if the nest is not abandoned, disturbance can cause nest failure. Eggs need to be constantly incubated so they do not become too hot or cold. Newly hatched raptors cannot regulate their own body temperature and frightened juvenile birds may attempt to fly before they are ready. It is critical that everyone abides by posted seasonal closures in order to protect the birds. Thank you! Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest, Wenatchee River Ranger District, Leavenworth Ranger Station Blowup of the closed area: 4214.pdf
  23. Fairweather, does this mean you aren't riding your bike anymore to train? http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/379810/Re_Cycling_vs_Running#Post379810
  24. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/20/sports/20climber.html?hp Discuss. Will he set a human dog speed record? Can he twatter from baseball? Important stuff!
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