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Everything posted by jon

  1. I was just in Pro Mountain Sports and they have quite a few Montbell jackets on the sale rack. Anyone have the new Thermawrap Guide? Dane, have you taken a look at the one yet?
  2. jon

    US Emabassy-Baghdad

    The problem I have with this particular statement which is echoed a lot in the right facing crowd is that no alternative, at least to my knowledge, has been proposed of what was supposed to be done when Obama inherited a collapsing economy with a financial system that almost completely stopped working. The right says it was too much money, the leftist economists (Krugman, Roubini, DeLong etc) says it wasn't enough. Who was correct? I guess time will only tell but if he wasn't supposed to spend money what was he to do? I seem to recall getting checks from the Bush Administration on two separate occasions. Is that not spending money? I suspect what is happening here is most people that are smart on the right know that Obama had to spend a lot of money, it wasn't going to be pretty, and it was with institutions that helped get us here in the first place, but are playing dumb and into the publics short-sidedness on this issue by exclaiming that he is spending tons of money, forgetting about all the money Bush spent (like on the topic of this thread!). And the reality is if McCain had won the election he would have done the exact same thing, yet here is blasting away at the president while he can't even remember where all his houses are. Back to the original topic. It's a shame that someone decided rush an emergency spending bill in 2005 to build such an enormous structure in the part of the world that clearly doesn't want us there. It would be a great gesture to turn it into a University so the Iraqi people can get a better education and move the society forward.
  3. jon

    US Emabassy-Baghdad

    Done about it no....do about it yes. How much is Newt's moon colony going to cost? On the bright side there won't be a shortage of cheese.
  4. If anyone in the Seattle area is interested in getting their hands on these tools drop me a PM.
  5. Hey Everyone, We were lucky enough to get our hands on some of the new eClimb tools thanks to Xarles at eClimb, and just got Dave's review of the eClimb Cryo Pro up on the blog. We also have some of their replaceable tip ice screws and will have a review on those shortly as well. Big thanks to Dave! Check it out!
  6. I figured I'd post this here before moving on to the geek boards. I'm looking for someone who is a unix/linux geek with a fair amount of web server experience. Specifically I'm looking for someone who has some experience with HA setups on a VPS. I'm considering a multi-node balanced HA VPS setup LAMP stack with Nginx proxy pass and Varnish cache. I'm not so much concerned with the HA aspect as being able to go into the mountains for a week and not coming home to a dead dedicated box and pissed off sprayers. Drop me a PM if you gotz da skillz!
  7. jon

    Political Banners

    Ok we "should" see less political ads now. If there are any others that people find highly annoying please let us know. The dating ads get a surprising number of clicks.
  8. Might try searching around on here a bit, I know there are some threads. My buddy loves his. Also check out this site... http://www.snowboardseattle.com/ipb-old/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&fromMainBar=1
  9. I thought the conclusion was our government was too stupid to pull something off like this?
  10. jon

    Political Banners

    I'll look into whether we can block political ads in the adsense.
  11. I'd love to hear your argument why the carried income tax loophole is justified and should be continued.
  12. jon

    Mitt's M&M's?

    Doug, I just wanted to congratulate you for having the lowest member number to post in the last 30 days. We truly have you by the balls.
  13. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2017282191_apusmountrainieroverdue.html
  14. jon


    This is why H1B visas and oDesk exist. Don't worry about the kid, he's fine. Mittens will give him his first $200k of dividend income tax free. Nothing to worry about.
  15. I was thinking the exact same thing as I was watching it. There was plenty of room for the other people there to work at extricating the guy from different angles, not just from his feet. "WTF are the rest of you assholes doing standing around with your thumbs up your asses!!!???" That sad part is this is pretty typical of a situation like this. It usually goes like this.... - One person takes charge - One person is a doctor who doesn't know what they are doing - Another person is pretending to be a doctor because they thought about getting their EMT - Everyone else puts their thumb in their butt instead of helping.
  16. I use one of those at work.
  17. jon

    A spray challenge....

  18. Everyone, We have decided to close the board tomorrow in protest of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the U.S. House of Representatives, and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) in the U.S. Senate. These pieces of legislation threaten sites that rely on user generated content, like ours, by allowing authorities to shut down websites that they feel are in violation without any due process. This is a frightening trend that cannot be ignored. More information about this can be found here... http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/English_Wikipedia_anti-SOPA_blackout In closing cc.com tomorrow we hope that you join us in taking a stand and not use similar resources to get your fix. Use the time to write up the TR you've been meaning to write. Or send us an email with 10 things you'd like to see us do or improve on. Thanks for everyones understanding. - The Stuntaz
  19. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2017259962_apusmissingsnowshoer.html
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