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Everything posted by jon

  1. How bout a pros and cons of all the fabrics and insulation available, including care tips Yes that's a great idea.
  2. Thanks everyone! We are on top of this.
  3. Please keep spray out of the Access Forum.
  4. What about that shop in Port Townsend.
  5. Did it come with a year of free service? I know the Costco ones did. I have an original spot and would love the newer one.
  6. YOU CAN STUDY ONLINE........ http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/collegeinc/
  7. I want to build on what John said. Everything he said is true. Ride the 545 from the Microsoft campus to downtown Seattle and you will start thinking differently about your professional future. The other consideration you need to make is getting work experience. Two years ago when unemployment was at it's peak we hired 2 entry level positions (I work in science). We received 40 resumes that had been vetted by HR. 40. Of those I think we interviewed maybe 5. There were people with 20 years of experience, with Masters and PhDs, lots of industry experience for an entry level job paying nothing. There were also, and I have no problem revealing this, a lot of UW graduates with double degrees, great grades and deans list, even a few going straight to masters, but they had ZERO relevant work experience, just some labs. Those went into the garbage. Maybe I'm unconventional, but part of the educational process is actually getting work experience to apply your knowledge. So make sure you choose a program and a city that will accommodate that.
  8. I know there are a few books on this topic. Do people not like them? How could we do it differently to be more effective? @John, all awesome ideas that we will follow up on. Are there any gear centric articles people would like to see? Reviews/comparisons of particular gear types? Ropes? Single Wall Tents? Insulation layers? Your feedback is important.
  9. I wonder if the workers on that project screwed off on the internet at work as much as you guys do. That might explain the cost.
  10. One of our many goals here is to develop some great technical articles for all of you. We are very fortunate that we have some many accomplished climbers on here who are willing to contribute. If you have articles ideas that would help you as a climber or backcountry traveller let us know. Either post it in the thread or if you would rather PM us do so. If you are interested in doing some writing drop us a line with your ideas.
  11. Got a new tech article up in the blog about Alpine Belay using a GriGri style device, by Blake Herrington. http://cascadeclimbers.com/blog/2012/02/06/alpine-belay-by-blake-herrington/ Big thanks to Blake for doing this, he's been very patient with us. More to come!
  12. Can anyone give me some feedback on the drive to Revelstoke/Rogers Pass in the winter? I've done the drive in the summer, and have done the drive to Kamloops several times in the winter. I know the catch with the Coq and to Rogers is the better the skiing the shittier the drive. How is the stretch from Kamloops to Revelstoke in winter?
  13. This thread warrants a "shit backcountry skiers say" video.
  14. Sorry it's not a graph http://wire.inc.com/2012/02/06/small-business-tax-system-favors-big-corporations-the-wealthy/
  15. Yeah that patent ran out, that is why Plum and La Sportiva have their new bindings. I think the biggest change is the heel plate and post are twice as thick, which is where the majority of failures happen. They also have a DIN of 12.
  16. Bronco, I'm surprised to hear that. I've always liked how Volkls ski, and have skied the Mantra, but not the new version. That Nunataq looks like a great ski. Kurt, is that the Volkl you have? Sky did a review on the Plum Guides if you haven't seen them. The are spensive, but are bomber. http://cascadeclimbers.com/blog/2011/04/19/plum-guide-backcountry-ski-binding-review-by-sky-sjue/ Sky showed me his bin of broken dyanfit bindings, and I don't think this will be an issue with the Plums. I have about a dozen days on mine so far, with it being my first Dynafit setup, and I can ski them about as hard as my Fritschis.
  17. jon

    US Emabassy-Baghdad

    Maybe the CIA can pay for this with their Facebook stock. Was that not the best investment ever!?!?! "Yes, I'll take my dividends in the form of toppled North African and Middle Eastern regimes."
  18. What's stupid is what is happening to your bank account!
  19. Considering heading out there in a little more then a week. Any useful links for planning a trip?
  20. It is a bit heavy, but so am I, and I put Plums Guides on there to even things out For me it was more important to have a ski I really enjoyed skiing. I liked skiing on the PMgears they had a great ride, but the Ski Logik was that much better. And I've never seen such craftsmanship in a ski. How much do the Coombacks weight in a 181? Is the weight on their site a ski or for the pair? Can't be for the pair?
  21. The Romney super PAC has hacked JayB's account!
  22. KKK read pages 6-9 on this and tell me if you feel any differently. http://www.cbo.gov/ftpdocs/83xx/doc8306/07-11-CarriedInterest_Testimony.pdf
  23. jon

    US Emabassy-Baghdad

    Obama could have done that, or canceled the project. He didn't. You are remembering that Obama took office in Jan 09, right? "With construction beginning in mid-2005, the original target completion date was September 2007." "In May 2008, US diplomats began moving into the embassy." "A new embassy opened in January 2009 in the Green Zone in Baghdad." So, he was supposed to cancel a near completed project?
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