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Everything posted by jon

  1. Sorry Sobo, running daddy daycare and daddy spraycare at the same time sometimes things fall through the cracks.
  2. jon

    New Girl

    Please keep the spray out of the Partners forum.
  3. You need to ask yourself; What would Mitt do? He'd donate those to a corporation, take the tax write off for the donation, ebay that shit, and then take the profit as a dividend at 15%.
  4. Builder bars are something like 500 calories and quite good. I love those things.
  5. What are they testing? To see if they can survive a Kemper Freeman temper tantrum?
  6. This thread is too classic to delete, so I'm moving it to spray.
  7. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5ggopW3dML2mqEtbQa3Lh-BhvE2mQ?docId=d35af7479726431fbe7325d711e2ebec
  8. You can get EggMcMuffins at Walmart.
  9. The CRG forum was created for the posting of Trip Reports, exchange of beta, and posting of notices related to closures and meetings. Access and bird discussion are no longer permitted. Climbers have the appropriate organizations and mechanisms to deal access issues, at Beacon, or anywhere else. We do not think it is anyones best interest to continue these discussions here at this time. It's our opinion these matters are better handled offline in their correct venues. Thanks.
  10. People seem gladly willing to pay $54 to ride up Grouse. I don't think it's unrealistic to see those numbers especially after Brittania Beach and the Squamish waterfront get developed.
  11. I had to put my EggMcMuffin down to participate in this important thread. http://www.nps.gov/olym/planyourvisit/pets.htm http://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/olympic/learning/safety-ethics/?cid=fsbdev3_049550
  12. I think it was last summer on the top of the Chief some women had her dog off leash and it was running around chasing snaffles. The snaffle ran over the ledge and I was waiting for the dog to do one last fly ball. I just about barfed.
  13. Support dropping coils from very high up.
  14. I didn't give you a valid answer because it wasn't a valid question to begin with. I answered the question above. It had nothing to do with the screen name, you just made that assumption.
  15. jon

    BD Nut Tool

    Knock yourself out guys
  16. jon


    how did this site come into existence? I've always wondered... Well, we were in a frat together, and one night got really drunk, grabbed two chicks to see who we could get to yell the loudest, and when we were done, smoked a few bowls, drove to Taco Bell, and after a few taco supremes decided to start a climbing site.
  17. jon

    What's next

    I'm still working through the process of assigning past TRs to a correct location. As I stated previously we have close to 7000 TRs, so getting them all indexed correctly is a major undertaking. The automatic way I'm doing it is rather flawed at the moment, so I'm trying to figure out quick methods so that only correct locations are assigned. One thing I was curious about is in the current implementation how many TRs from each of the top users are getting indexed, regardless of whether it is correct or not. I can't get the data to past in here correctly, but Ivan gets the award for the most not indexed and danhelmstadter gets the award for the most that do. Congrats. I'm also starting to build out the interface for allowing a "crowdsourced" review of TRs that are not in the index to be indexed, as well as flagging ones that are not correct. Along the same lines, I'm thinking about a rudimentary nomination process for "hidden gems" that can be listed somewhere. I'm not a fan of rating TRs, but nominating hidden gems seems appropriate.
  18. jon


    What's fucking ironical is that this site wouldn't exist if it weren't for a frat.
  19. Gene, it has nothing to do with PC. How can after 11 years anyone accuse of being PC. Get real. What we take issue with is when a first time poster comes here to post their blog, creates a bunch of attention for themselves, when it's clear they have no intention of making positive contributions to this site. We've been down that road plenty of times, and it never works out to our, as in the contributors of this site, benefit.
  20. Our host had another big outage. It's time for us to move on.
  21. I need to round up all 5 republicans on this site, with their guns, and drive down to Cali to shoot our webhost.
  22. Yeah, I think things are much better. I just did a stress test and it handled it pretty good, no downtime.
  23. jon

    What's next

    I'll look into adding by year into the current TR system as well as the map based system, it shouldn't be hard at all.
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