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Everything posted by jon

  1. jon

    Lose $2B - get a raise!

    I love how they had only one person who really understood the complexity of this trade, and he is now gone. Risk management? I'm sure they had a handler who made sure they only did three lines of coke at any one time.
  2. jon

    Lose $2B - get a raise!

    What that article fails to mention is he's paying billions of dollars in taxes when he sells his shares in the IPO. The big question is does the CIA pay taxes on their investment? That's not how an IPO works -- he isn't selling ANY shares during the IPO: Facebook is. Facebook will pay the taxes on that initial IPO investment. And even if he sold his personal shares at a later date (up to him), taxes would be 15% -- we should all be so lucky The point of the article, though, was the he never has to sell his shares. He can simply borrow money against their value, and never pay taxes. http://blogs.wsj.com/wealth/2012/02/03/mark-zuckerbergs-2-billion-tax-bill/
  3. jon

    Lose $2B - get a raise!

    Or make it big and never pay taxes again! linky What that article fails to mention is he's paying billions of dollars in taxes when he sells his shares in the IPO. The big question is does the CIA pay taxes on their investment?
  4. Facebook is the world's largest commercial security and privacy hazard.
  5. VANCOUVER, WA – Avalanche danger on Mount St. Helens is very high right now according to http://www.nwac.us/weatherdata/mtsthelens/now/. Climbers are cautioned to prepare for extreme avalanche conditions. Climbers wanting to avoid the potential risks will be refunded the climbing permit fee. To request a refund, please call 360-449-7800 or stop into Monument Headquarters in Amboy, Wash. before climbing. “A climbing ranger will be on the mountain to update climbers and warn climbers as to the dangers involved,” said Monument Manager, Tom Mulder. Signs sharing this information will also be posted at strategic sites including the Climbing Register at Lone Fire Resort and Marble Mountain Sno-Park.
  6. Please move any further carbon footprint conversation into the Climbers Board and out of the Trip Report. Thanks.
  7. It's the calm before the storm.
  8. We'll look into it. Thanks.
  9. Where's the best poutine in the lower mainland?
  10. Please keep the spray out of this forum. Thank you.
  11. So, adding the ability for people who are creating TRs to tag other members as being on the trip, as well as having the ability to retroactively tag yourself on a climbs so it shows up on your TR list? That won't be too difficult. Very good idea!
  12. jon

    Photo Gallery Feedback

    And the peeps have spoken!
  13. jon

    Photo Gallery Feedback

    Sorry to do this but I forgot to add a couple of questions. The first two applies only to people who don't add descriptive metadata (title, description, keywords) to their photos. This is actually very important because if there is no accurate metadata it's impossible to search photos. The last question is for everyone and has to do with the ability to add lat and long data to your uploaded photos, and being able to search for photos on a map.
  14. Hi Everyone, We are hoping to get some more feedback on our photo gallery software. We realize this is one of the functionalities on this site that is frustrating and in dire need of some love. The purpose of this survey is to figure out just how much love we want to invest in it. Thanks for taking the time to respond. Feel free to rant away below!
  15. Not a kids kite, a kite boarding kite. Buddy of mine.
  16. Did you see a split boarder with a kite?
  17. http://www.nature.org/ourinitiatives/regions/northamerica/unitedstates/washington/explore/washington-in-honor-of-lee-adams.xml
  18. This was over 10 years ago but someone in my group put a hole in their oilpan and we had to drive around town trying to find a welder. So don't take the road lightly.
  19. jon

    What's next

    Making an application like this mobile is a bit more involved, not so much the code but designing a good user experience. Mobile use on cc.com has increased dramatically to 10% of traffic (this includes iPad which accounts for 31% of mobile), the question is are people actually trying to find info on the road or are they like you in a meeting, on the bus, which you can't really answer without flat out asking like I did above. If it's the later then I'd be less inclined to make a mobile friendly version.
  20. jon

    What's next

    3 weeks sure fly by. I'm curious what people's mobile usage is like for TRs, and whether I need to make this as mobile friendly as possible. Thanks again for any input.
  21. What's the shutter lag like? How about white balance? Looking to replace my olympus "tough". I have a Lumix LX5 and it's great. Amazing macro capability. Has a lens cap though which I give the S100 props for.
  22. jon


    I was thinking about this last night. If the IRS can bust business owners for writing off trips/expenses like this, then GAO or someone needs to have the ability to bust these guys for doing basically the same thing and make them pay the money back with penalty.
  23. jon

    never mind

    Why is not agreeing with someone an attack? I'd be screaming "ATTACK!" at home and work all f'ing day. Maybe we should donate all our old rock shoes to this organization. I think it's great they are getting kids outside and off their PSthingys.
  24. jon

    is "spray" dead?

    I remember when we started the site I had put up a few signs on the post boards in the Seattle area gyms. I returned to the Seattle Vertical World about a week later and someone had written SPRAY on it. I didn't even know what spray was.
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