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Everything posted by jon

  1. quote: Originally posted by Steamer: By the way there is some truth to the origins of a Steamer. I bet your fav is the philly steamer?
  2. So is there really an article or is this a total troll? Who in the hell would recommend this site anyways! GO M'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. You can start on either side of the dog tooth. Only a small rack is needed, I wouldn't bother bringing any cams. Go on a weekday and you might have the place to yourself. Check the Mounties site http://www.mountaineers.org if you are going on a weekend to avoid the clusterfuq. Have fun!
  4. quote: Originally posted by Steamer: Or are my expectaions to high? No, you're just a hypocrite! http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=000539;p=2
  5. I think it's pretty messed up that we've had pub clubs with 40 sum people the last couple times and then there is like 6 there the next time because someone has a fucking temper tantrum. I'll show up wherever it is as long as there isn't a lot of fighting. The Duchess is fun, it has three pool tables and this shuffleboard type deal, darts, lots of parking and close to the freeway.
  6. I posted this expecting maybe one reply and I got five. Holy crap he says! So we don't need any more volunteers for this project, although we're always looking for people who would like to help with moderating a forum or are interested in writing a story or article. Here are some of the other ideas we have where help would be great. Books page- A page that lists and summerizes all of the guidebooks and online guides available for the Cascades and surrounding areas, including allowing authors to submit updates or corrections, or giving them the ability to ask for feedback/beta on to put in upcoming editions. Alpine, Rock, Volcano, Ski, etc pages- A section for each that includes user submitted stories or articles, links to other good resources in the subject, good books. Access page- Post access related news, articles, post workparty information. Anyways if you want to help in some way that would be great, we have lots of things we'd like to do, just hard to do with only two people. Most of this is just getting the content together, the html and formatting is easy for us to do. Thanks, Jon
  7. jon


    quote: Originally posted by Dan Larson: quote:Originally posted by Son of Caveman: We can dance at a pube club if you want, Larson. I ain't skeer't of you. Marine Recon, SUCKA! Hell no!! Cavey is scary enough I don't need the whole family. Jon consistancy is the key... now Go Hey I got five merit badgets in Cub Scouts and went to state in pinewood derby I'll kick your butt yo. Dan you're desperately trying to say absolutely nothing quite loudly. I don't have a problem with you, I just have a problem when people bitch about us pulling a thread once in a while. If people have a problem with how we do things around here they should send us an email or a PM instead of slamming on us on our own hardwork and pride and joy. Aloha, Jon
  8. jon


    quote: Originally posted by Dan Larson: Jon if you can't take the VERBAL feedback don't make the threats ....as subtle as they may be. I surely am not going to fight you I don't care who you are or who you think you want to be . To make a long story short . Just shut up So what provoked this Dan? You just bored? There are two kinds of feedback in my mind, one that is constuctive and one that malicious in intent. What was the point of this first post of this thread? Were you trying to make a point about the way we run this website or for some reason were you trying to make an ass out of someone who you've never met and no very little about. Actually you have no proof that I pulled the thread do you besides the fact I admitted to it. You wanna know why I pulled the thread, it was you language using words like 'cunt' so eliquently. There is a limit to what can be said here and you crossed it so deal with it. I'm sorry you are so upset over a thread with so much importance and such intelligent conversation. I don't threaten people Dan, I maybe can understand how you can interpreted what I said as a thread but what I was getting at is that I'll say in person what I say here, I'll tell you to your face that I don't give a shit what you think. I'm not hiding behind my keyboard and monitor, I hold myself accountable for what I say.
  9. jon

    Yo Momma's so...

    Yo mama has got so much hair under her arms it looks like she's got Don King in a headlock.
  10. Looks like poor wittle Nacho couldn't control himself and had one too many Zimas.
  11. Beer Down!!! Nacho you pussy it's 11pm and I am finally eating dinner.
  12. jon


    Yeah at 5'1" and a 100 pounds I don't think I'd put up much of a fight against a former ranger.
  13. Here is the links page as it exists now. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/links/newlink.php I haven't changed the header on the top so those intersite links won't work. I'd like to make this pretty comprehensive especially in the weather category so if you want to help let me know.
  14. Ahoy! So it looks like the majority of people want the photo gallery to be by some sort of category versus having your own gallery. There are still a few bugs to be worked out and the template still needs to be applied but it looks like it is working. Thanks, Jon
  15. I've been told by a few people that they miss the links page. I'm looking for an individual that would be willing to help occupy and maintain the new links page that I will be putting up within the next week. I've written an interface for adding links that is database driven so no html skills are required. With work and other pursuits I'm finding less and less time to do all the enhancements to the site I would like, and Tim and I would like to include more people in the progression of the website. If you are interested send me a PM. Thanks, Jon
  16. quote: Originally posted by chucK: quote:Originally posted by jon: I think I'm just going to sit in the forrest outside my house and drink beer and throw eggs at cars. If anyone wants to join me throw me a PM. Oh yeah!! Well then I am going to drink beer and throw eggs at bicyclists! chucK lets compromise, how bout lighting bags or poop on peoples porches?
  17. I think I'm just going to sit in the forrest outside my house and drink beer and throw eggs at cars. If anyone wants to join me throw me a PM.
  18. jon

    Yo Momma's so...

    Yo mamas so fat she got shot and gravey poured outta her!
  19. When does the album come out!? LOL!
  20. jon


    It's called sarcasm you damn idiot!!!! Do you honestly think I give a crap what you think or say? Do you think I have trouble carrying on my day because of what someone says here? If you unsure show up to pub club and I'll give you the answer in person. Speaking of Boohoo Dan, should I post the email you sent me a couple months back asking me to erase your screen name because you were no longer going to post?
  21. jon


    Gezz Dan I'm so crushed, you've just ruined my weekend. There ain't no clique here bro just a click, like I'm tired of reading this shit "click" it's gone, it's one of the fringe benefits of running this website.
  22. Like Juan said there aren't any good old established bars on the eastside so it be slim pickins. Using my magical executive powers pub club is in Seattle this week at a U district location. I suggest the Dutchess.
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