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Everything posted by jon

  1. Hey Charlie if you lucky maybe Amber found them.
  2. quote: Originally posted by Sandy Weil: I like the idea of washing the straps on a regular basis. But, most of the time I am wearing a polypro shirt so the straps are not in direct contact with my shoulders. Tell that to the bacteria!!! E.coli at optimal growth conditions at 37 C (your body's temp) will undergo mitosis every 30 minutes. At that rate one bacteria will multiply enough in 72 hours to have a mass equal to that of the earth. 2^144 = alotafuqenbacteria Hey I'm a dork!
  3. Wash your shoulder straps with soap and/or alcohol to kill the billions of bacteria living on them.
  4. quote: Originally posted by Alex: I think what we need is a quiz! Jon, Tim, to arms! You could take the GAPE TEST on cc.com and rate how much of a gaper...you...um...your friends, yeah, your friends...are! The very last question should be "You take tests to see if you are a qualified gaper" You're all over it dude.
  5. quote: Originally posted by ruddersbox: ...revisits past trips at REI to try and impress the checkout girl/boy HEY SCREW YOU DUDE THE CHICK WAS HOT!
  6. quote: Originally posted by Lambone: -you moved to Seattle from Montana to finish school...but you're failing school because of cc.com... My bad dude sorry! I wonder how many jobs have been lost because of this website?
  7. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: Erden, My opinion would be to fart and burp repetitively around people like that. Also cursing and being outright rude and obnoxious might help Some tips- spit on the ground scratch your ass and then offer to shake her hand stem over onto her route while she is climbing next to you Offer lots of unwanted advice including how to belay and where to place feet and such spill water from a water bottle on her shoes talk about having sex with random women from bars in detail including anal Then see who is annoyed hehe LOL!!!!! Fuckena Tell stories about some of the best Ds you've ever taken.
  8. You took your first "whipper" at Vertical Zoo.
  9. quote: Originally posted by gapertimmy: quote:Originally posted by jon: You stuck a cc.com sticker on something that someone else would actually see. don't you have one on your mom's volvo jon? GAPER! That's my car mofo! Don't you have a Mounties sticker on your truck!? Du du duuuuu Mounties!
  10. You stuck a cc.com sticker on something that someone else would actually see.
  11. We tried skiing Ruth last year about I think in late April (do a search there should be a report) and there was still snow about a mile and a half to the trailhead. I'd check the WTA site and call the ranger station but my guess because of a high snow fall year is that the approach will be longer. Hannagan pass is very good protected bivy site with lots of places to choose from and would be a good objective for the first day. From hannagan pass there is a steep climbers trail, followed by a traverse that gets you up to the arm towards the summit of Ruth. Ruth should be fairly quick from the pass but I don't know about Icy.
  12. That was the most disgusting and tasteless thing I've ever read. Thanks to the person you clued me in on it, and at the request of many users this guy is banned.
  13. Hey Michael, way to go! Did you take snowshoes?
  14. As long as they don't catch you doing it.
  15. quote: Originally posted by sk: Lets see if today is realy trasks b-day than that makes him a taurus. They are notoriusly Picky and have very expensive taste. Good wine, Well cooked meal, and an expensive sik shirt... Dark colours, something with burgandy in it. I love birthdays I'm starting to think that my parents are lying about when I was born.
  16. jon

    Stuart 'Bilers

    Nice work Colin and Mark! I think after all this spray everyone would enjoy a TR of your climb that we could put on the frontpage.
  17. Thanks for the conversation everyone. I don't think there is really a simple answer to this but luckily it's not really a problem at the moment. With the little research I've done we could most likely generate a significant amount of money from advertising (a site I know of with MUCH less traffic than us generates over $500/month), but you got to look at whether it is really necessary based on user response and the time involved in doing such a thing. For me it's not worth spending 10 odd hours a month dealing with advertisers on this site if it were only generating say $100. I'd much rather spend my time doing something like, god forbid, maybe actually going climbing. Now if it were easy than I'd say sure lets do it, pay for the site fees, maybe kick a little back to people committing lots of time, and then donate the rest to a good cause/s like the Access Fund or something along those lines. Setting up a nonprof could be an idea but at $1500 it's hardly worth it, you could set up a LLC for cheaper and actually make off better cause of tax breaks. The idea of users donating with some sort of recognition for doing so has been contemplated using something like PayPal but to be honest I hate asking people for money, not saying we wouldn't/couldn't do this. Uncle Sam wouldn't be a problem as long as you weren't pocketing anything (or at least that they could prove ). Whatever the solution is I think it would be nice to eventually find a way where there is enough people involved and money somehow generated that the site is self sufficient, or at least not riding completely on two people, because hiding in here is some serious beta and I think it would be pretty stupid for it to disappear. Anyways again this isn't a crisis or anything I thought it might make interesting conversation about something people probably seldom thing about.
  18. watever u do stay off my praject I'm werkin on at peenukle it's rated 4.15b i just got to get the dieno down before i send that fuqer. if not i'll just break out the aid gear. hauling my krashpad up there is such a pane in da arse.
  19. jon

    SPAM for lunch!

    So I get like a shitload of spam because of this site, so I thought I it would be fun if everyone would share their favorite spam that is in their mailbox today. For some reason this one really caught my attention. Subject: Bad Arguments for Anal Sex.. #8. You want her to experience what it was like for you in prison ARE YOU SERIOUS!?
  20. jon


    I arrived at about 10pm and things were just out of hand. Mattp was getting pretty roudy jumpin up on tables dancing like he was on acid dancing around a campfire. To The Top and Chris started playing baseball with the pool balls. Hikerwa told us his evil plan of selling local pud up in BC cause theirs sucks. I showed people my mad skillz at playing quarters.
  21. I never really visited that site, sounds like the guy just got sick of running it. Since it has been kinda brought up let me throw this out there and you can answer from the perspective of a user or imaging yourself in an admins shoes. It's obvious that there are users that value this little place more than just a place to screw off at work, so I'm wondering what people think of how and what means to keep a site like this going that is fair to everyone, taking into consideration that running a site like this requires time, mula, and some patience?
  22. So what your saying is you want both?
  23. Whooops did I say that outloud????
  24. Ok, we'll leave the going down to you.
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