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Everything posted by jon

  1. Ray quit talking to yourself!
  2. quote: Originally posted by sidhayes: I cant believe you guys. All this rancor for posting smaller, easier mountain peaks on Summitpost? You are either kidding about all this or you have delusions of grandeur. I have news for you, I am not a big wall climber but rather a adequate free climber and mountaineer, and I can certainly whip all of your asses, in achieving the summit of real mountains while you are still frothing around on the approach, sucking wind. Are you joking me?! Unless you name is Lance Armstrong I've got some news for you you are not going to like. Tell you what, why don't you fly up here and we'll have an eXtreeeme race. Make sure you don't wear any cotton, it can get a little cold and damp up here from time to time.
  3. Ok so here is a list of what has changed, what is new, what hasn't been reinstalled yet, blah blah blah. -NEW Polling feature. Allows users to start polls with multiple questions and multiple answers. Only moderators can start a poll right now. If your interested in starting a poll PM your polling questions to any of the moderators and they will get it going. -Changed Who's Online. This was a "hack" before and now is integrated into the software. It works differently but we can add the ability to see what people are doing like before. -Changed PM Inbox. Is at the bottom, but will put it back up top when we are ready. -Statistics and Chat will be reinstalled this week. -PHOTO GALLERY! Tired of sending in pictures for the main page only for them to sit in my inbox because I'm a lazyass? The new photo gallery will allow registered users to upload pictures with captions to their very own gallery. You can then link your pictures to your trip report. This feature will be hopefully operable by the end of the week, just working out the bugs .
  4. Just testing out the new polling feature. So are you a member of the Access Fund??
  5. Ok we're back up. New features in this upgrade, still have to add some of the extras over the weekend.
  6. I'm upgrading the message board tonight because I'm a loser and don't have any friends. So finish up what your reading!
  7. Lazer pointers?!?!?!? I can see the headlines in Rock and Ice, "Rachael Babkirk loses sight in one eye due to lazer pointer mishap". LOL So Dru are you complaining about spagetti straps cause I think they are one of the best things ever invented? Yeah I noticed too that they didn't have the weight on the site. Weight is always a consideration, but how much will your pack weigh when it is soaked with water.
  8. jon

    member names

    Dru guys been lurkin since september and just gave you the muthafaqen smackdown. Here's to lI1|1! for a first post in style
  9. No dude I want the flail pack! Actually the only reason I'm looking at it is because I need a dry bag for bike commuting so I don't get my laptop soaked, and the bike specific ones are spendy. Also been thinking of just getting a small haul bag.
  10. Ray if it will help me flail on 5.5 than I'm all over that shit. Eat a dick.
  11. Anybody got one of these? Thoughts?
  12. jon


    Most health clubs and fitness stores have the local free Sports Etc. and the other magazine. They have racing schedules in the back. I'll figure out the links and post them later. There is a sprint triathlon in Issaquah June 1st, 500m swim, 14m bike, 3m run.
  13. Kurt what color is your X-terra? I bet you license plate says "K-terra". sorry
  14. As admin of this board I am really pissed off. What the hell just went on here? I was gone for 8 hours and people are being all nice and shit. This is not freakin martha stewart here kiddies! Listen everyone, if you want to be nice, then go to summitpost.com, not here. This is an incredibly uninformative website for people of all spray skill levels, and I will not allow this crap to go on here. That is all for now.
  15. jon

    Sad End Of An Era

    quote: Originally posted by trask: It never ceases to amaze me that there are only about 8 (if that) true posters at cc.com What ceases to amaze me is that I haven't banned you yet! Mr. Blight, while argueing and just screwin around is more than tolerated here, attacking someone malicously like you have just won't fly. If you got a problem with someone take it up over email otherwise get lost. jon
  18. She's lying don't trust her!!!!!!! I first asked for a humvee but they said no way so I settled for the Land Rover. I'll fit in just fine in Bellevue now. I pitched them the idea of the "mattp effortlessly cool alpine beta buddy" doll and I thinked they liked it. It's like hey alpine buddy what should we climb this weekend, pull the string, "let's do a rare line on Big Four!" YES!!!
  19. quote: Originally posted by payaso: Someone in the thread said it perfectly that REI would be happy selling nothing but fleece which they make a real good profit on, and only consider the climbing equipment as a bait to get you in to buy overpriced fleece and Nalgene bottles Yeah I said that. Ok here's the truth, REI wanted the thread closed so I said that I'd do it for a Land Rover running Windowz XP with a Mounties sticker on the back so I could drive it up to Muir this Saturday and tell Dan Larson he sucks. Obviously they fell for it.
  20. What's with people who are constantly being bashed on coming out asking for feedback. First the mounties now REI? Jules I think it is good that you guys are taking a look at this, but don't you guys pay lots of money for market feetback? I go to REI once in a while, mainly just to look at chicks. You guys are doing pretty good in that respect, keep up the good work. I think REI is at a key turning point. It's obvious to me that they are only interested in selling clothes, probably because it is more profitable. The other stuff is just there as a loss leader, to lure your ass in there so you end up buying a fleece or something. I wouldn't be the least surprised if you upper management aren't talking about just selling clothes. What I guess is now a company has to decide whether it is going to stay in the specialty business or just get out and become an Eddie Bauer. The climbing department isn't the only department really lacking, it is all of them. I'm not saying there isn't some knowledgable and nice people working there but 9 times out of 10 I'm stuck talking to someone who shouldn't be working in climbing or cycling or whatever. REI needs to consider it's overly extravagent stores which must cost a fortune to build and maintain. The more than generous return policy needs to be revised, like that asshole who was posted about returning 10 year old OR overmitts, I mean give me a break. By cutting these unnecessary costs you can then afford to pay the salespeople REAL salaries. Put proffessional people in these sales positions and buying positions, I'm not talking marketing degrees I'm talking serious climbers, competetive skiiers and cyclists, people who know the outdoors. If you got these kinds of people I would buy some stuff there just so I could talk these people even if the selection did suck. Maybe a bunch of should run for the board of trustees or whatever and return the company to what it was created for in the first place.
  21. Maltodextrin comes from corn starch, and is basically maltose with a bunch of other crap. Maltose is a disaccharide like sugrose but has two glucose groups instead of one glucose and one fructose, so it has a higher glycemic index.
  22. jon

    Let's make a bet

    Ray we should set up a hot dog and beer stand at the base of it, we'll be rich
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