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Everything posted by Nitrox

  1. There's nothing more entertaining than a good old fashion kooky conspiracy theory.
  2. Nitrox

    Follow the Money

    So no source huh? No surprise, just like the last thread where I asked you substantiate your claims and you wouldn't. 80% of Americans oppose the courts decision? Are you that dumb that you just mindlessly repeat the media? 80% of American don't know who the top 5 ranking government officials so it stands to reason that 80% of Americans aren't even aware of the courts ruling in the first place. Kind of hard to try and claim someone else is wrong when using such blatantly fictitious numbers without a source.
  3. Brute force...its whats for dinner!
  4. Nitrox

    Follow the Money

    An Op Ed isn't a valid source. I know that you love your Op Ed hit pieces as you constantly post Op Eds but they mean exactly jack shit...as you remind others when they post Op Eds. 87.8% of all statistics are made up on the spot. Cite a source, doucher.
  5. Not too many Americans in the 15th century. 10-100 million americans at the time he arrived, according to the babbling horde of historians that have attempted to augor a number http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Population_history_of_indigenous_peoples_of_the_Americas They weren't Americans and if Columbus didn't discover "America" then he certainly didn't encounter "Native Americans". The video is lame and chock full of revisionist history. "Oh boohoohoo, Columbus wasn't nice so lets pretend he didn't change THE ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD".
  6. Wild Things isn't tits up. They are still in business and about to release new products.
  7. Nitrox

    Follow the Money

    Cite the source for "80% of Americans".
  8. Not too many Americans in the 15th century.
  9. Nitrox


    Try them on first. Any one of the boots you mentioned will work. I went through this last month and the boots I thought I'd like best fit the worst. I ended up with Nepals but was open to about a half dozen different boots (Nepal, Mont Blanc, Mamook, P-Guide, etc). All would have worked for what I'm doing but fit was an over riding priority to features.
  10. Nitrox

    Follow the Money

    The entire discussion is disingenuous at best. Its only being brought up to distract from real issues this close to an election. Issues that happen to be a real thorn in the side of Democrats. Campaign contributions (and paid ads) are pretty murky for both the Republicans AND the Democrats.
  11. I think the gate has been up a while, they were patrolling it all summer.
  12. If you asked nice and promised not to shit on my lawn I'd have let you camp in my yard. Its probably closer than Skull Hollow.
  13. You have plenty of excuses to make up for them.
  14. Nitrox

    Gamma MX

    I have one of THESE and every time I put it on I'm reminded how irritating it is to have one single jacket (out of a dozen) with the zipper on the opposite side. As far as the softshells go, I bought two of the OR Alibi jackets last year and really like them (sold one recently). The jacket has a laminated waterproof hood and top of arms, wind proof front torso, and a highly breathable back and pits (three different types of fabrics used). I don't own a Gamma MX so I can't compare the two directly but I have climbed in the Alibi jacket and it works very well.
  15. Nitrox

    Gamma MX

    Wait till you try an eVent jacket. Rab makes the best. Westcomb blows goats. I bet Westcomb puts the zippers on the correct side.
  16. much of shipping, cruises, etc.. is now staffed by philippinos workers. These people don't live in the US for the most part and they couldn't afford to do so on their wages. Which industry do you exactly plan on keeping in this country? This is false. The last cruise I went on the staff was largely South American and European. All of whom spoke English and were educated. Looks like j_b is showing his racist true-colors again... Maybe he's just obsessed with Filipino "Seamen".
  17. No. I know that Filipino sailors make up a disproportionate part of workers on boats and I gave you the first hit in a Google search because I wasn't going to spend any more time answering your drivel. You're making shit up. Provide stats outside a single article about Japan wanting to use a labor force that is in close proximity. I know for a fact that cruise ships look to hire international employees from all over the world. I doubt container ships use Filipinos specifically. http://www.mycruiseshipjob.com/
  18. Are Filipino employees more loyal cause they don't have cars?
  19. the whole of Japan is a more significant data point than your cruise experience, jackass. You found a single article about a Japanese press release and extrapolated that most of the cruise and shipping industry WORLD WIDE uses Filipino employees. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  20. i seriously doubt they are using their own infrastructure.
  21. I had no idea that Japan was "much of shipping, cruises, etc.." Sounds like they have a monopoly on shipping and cruises globaly, maybe you should start a thread complaining about how unfair it is.
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