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Everything posted by Pete_H

  1. Pete_H


    Pretty sure no one's going to read all of that.
  2. Hopefully the number 300 didn't refer to her weight.
  3. Pete_H


    When my cheap Chinese-made Wal Mart TV dies I'm just going to throw it off the top of one of Kevbone's beloved shit hole Portland-area sport crags.
  4. Way hotter right now to rubberneck the rubberneckers!
  5. Shanniqua. He was able to entice her into his Hyundai with the promise of a meal at Wendy's and a shopping trip to TJ Maxx.
  6. Curious about his use of runners on his top two pieces.
  7. Like hospitals - the more you build them, the more they fill up.
  8. Hey, I enjoy your posts and analysis, etc. I just think you tend to be a bit ideological. Anyway, I would think there'd be an easier way for an organization solely interested in profit to make a buck than from secondary education. What is your source for finding out an initiative's sponsors? Not trying to rebut your conjecture, but after a cursory search such information apparently isn't easy to find. Interestingly enough, Democrats for Education Reform support it. My union, in solidarity I suppose, is against it. I think I'm against it too, primarily because it would cost the state lots of $ in administering and regulating the thing.
  9. Why do you think that everything involving private business is inherently bad? You come across as being the exact mirror image of Fox News conservatives that think anything involving the public sector is anathema.
  10. Like why do fat chicks wear lycra?
  11. Admitedly I'm pretty undeducated about this issue, but it seems that charter schools would provide the opportunity for schools that focus on specific areas of interest, like aeronautics, robots, or animal husbandry, and teach a curriculum based around that. And I think that would be cool. I mean, as far as I'm concerned we need more kids who know how livestock procreates.
  12. I myself am a White Rastafarian. Praise Jah.
  13. I doubt most born again kristians are that extreme. I think what you mean to have said was Evangelicals. Those folks are usually pretty fucked up.
  14. Pete_H


    And he wants to put millions to work with a WPA-like initiative. So maybe he'll build some new trails or ski huts.
  15. Pete_H


    Great. Well, at any rate, I've decided I'm voting for Rocky Anderson of the Justice Party. According to his c.v., he used to be a truck driver and a buck fence builder, so I'm sure running a country will be no problem.
  16. Pete_H


    No. You think they'd let him live there?
  17. Pete_H


    Does anyone else find this shit ironic in light of how much Polish Bob, etc. criticizes Fox News and the Republicans for being so intolerant of other opinions?
  18. Also check out the Volkl Natatuq and the LaSportiva Hi-5 for lighter weight powder touring skis.
  19. A good start would be to get a hold of Backcountry and Powder mag's gear guides for this year. That should get you on the right path. Off the cuff, I'd reccommend taking a look at the Dynastar Cham 107 HM for setup #2. The only criticism I have of DPS is that to get them reasonably light you need to buy the l/w carbon versions which are $1000 plus. But if you can afford it, its probably worth it though. As Jay said, wildsnow.com is also a good resource. At any rate, I think you'll be pretty stoked at how modern equipment performs.
  20. Pete_H


    Thanks bro!!! I just got a new pair of Carharts. They're pretty hawt.
  21. Pete_H


    not quite, they don't go to Obama "regardless" -- they only go to obama if everyone you assume is going to vote for him actually does so. "Likely" and "regardless" are not the same thing. True enough. But, let's face it, Washington and Oregon's votes will go to Obama. I guess my comment was more of a dig on the electoral college system in general. I suppose popular vote matters, but only as a reason for the losing party to bitch about the result afterwards.
  22. Pete_H


    Bone has a point since in Oregon and Washington our individual votes are pretty insignificant as the state's electoral votes will be going to Obama regardless. But I can indeed empathize with undecideds since even though Romney and Ryan are tools, many moderates are obviously disinchanted with Obama.
  23. I don't do crossfit, I do Housework. Like pushing loaded wheelbarrow up hill, cut and split wood, rake leaves, and dig hole in ground.
  24. Most sandbag / old skool routes I ever climbed were at Seneca in W Virginy.
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