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Everything posted by Pete_H

  1. Stephen Hawkin could build a robot that could eat Neil Degrasse Tyson and Sagan.
  2. this would mean that the "vast majority of our voting population" change party allegiances at least somewhat regularly, and this isn't the case. That's a good point Kimmo. Maybe a better theory would be that likeability tends to be a big factor in election outcomes, often a deciding factor.
  3. Having spoken to thousands of voters over the years, I can tell you first hand that this lame attempt at denigrating the American electorate is dead wrong. Its really compilcated. You probably wouldn't understand.
  4. I probably didn't articulate it very well, so I think you missed my point. I meant to say that the vast majority of our voting population, whether they recognize it themselves or not, vote for the candidate they like or can relate to the most. Not for which candidate represents the policy they prefer.
  5. I honestly don't think Presidential elections are about policy; they're about who the population "likes" more. And old Mit was a big loser on that one.
  6. That Sidestash seems too heavy for a dedicated tourintg rig. These days so many manufacturers are making ripping skis weighing less than 8.5 lbs in a 180-185 cm. For a one ski-fits-all in the PNW, I think something in the range of 100-105 underfoot is probably best. Sounds like you've got some good skis for summer skiing / ski mountaineering already though so you may want to look at something you'll use primarily for mid-winter pow skiing - something in the range of 105-112 underfoot. Seems like if you go any fatter than that for touring its too heavy and a pain in the ass on the skin track.
  7. November and December usually suck and are the worst months for doing shit outdoors here. But last year we skied pow locally in November and had a N Cascade trip in December, so it just depends on wedder and conditions. Your best bet for skiing this time of year is probably the volcanos if vis is good enough.
  8. Either outcome, I predict Romney will get laid for the fifth time in his life.
  9. Either the 2008 Canelle Salice Salentino Reserva or that bottle of 2009 Boronia Tempranillo. 90 points wine spectator!
  10. Cool bandana too.
  11. I had good luck with Cascade Cobblers this summer. Good quality and good turn around. Sorry to hear you've been having issues with resposiveness. I'm sure you'll get your shoes back soon.
  12. Just don'e put Ivan in charge of the communion wine.
  13. Pete_H

    No power

    Well, apparently 502 is polling ahead something like 54% to 34%. So things are looking good.
  14. Pete_H

    No power

    While Romney's rhetoric on the issue may seem extreme, he appears to be largely in step with President Barack Obama when it comes to marijuana enforcement. The tone from candidate Obama gave hope to marijuana reformers, but according to all measurable figures, the administration has increased crackdowns on medical marijuana facilities in states that have legalized the substance Cuts both ways apparently.
  15. Pete_H

    No power

    But unfortunately the feds can get very coercive by withholding funding if states don't fall in line. Maybe the state will be making enough from tax revenue they can tell the feds to eat shit and die. I also wonder whether the state will see a huge influx of "pot tourism" should the measure pass; and whether that would be a good or bad thing.
  16. Pete_H

    No power

    What does 502 say about how MJ would be distributed? I read an article that argued that while decriminalizing possession, under 502, MJ would still be illegal to distribute. Which, obviously, would create a contradiction making the law more susceptible to federal attack.
  17. Pete_H

    No power

    Come on dude, he's got binders full of women. You're right though, that would be a big concern for me in voting for him.
  18. Pete_H

    No power

    The thing I hate the most about the R party is their social agenda. That's why I have concerns supporting any Republican. However, I don't think Romney has any plans to change anything despite what he's said during the primary. He was Governor of Massacheussettes afterall.
  19. Pete_H

    No power

    Unfortunately its a necessity in our winner-take-all two party system. Candidates have to appeal to the extreme ends of their party during the primary then move to the center for the general.
  20. Pete_H

    No power

    The one thing I will say about Romney is that he's not a puppet of any special interest, like Bush was to the oil industry. Romney also isn't beholden to the extreme end of his party, like I think Obama tends to be. Romney didn't get the support of the Teabaggers, the religious right, etc. in the primary. While Obama was Pelosi and Reed's boy throughout his candidacy and arguably his Presidency.
  21. Pete_H

    No power

    But you're a lot fucking funnier too.
  22. Pete_H

    No power

    True. But you're also like the inverse of my crazy uncle Warren who thinks Obama is a commy fascist.
  23. Pete_H

    No power

    I'm with KKK on this one. You fuckers are like FOX news in inverse sometimes.
  24. Pete_H

    No power

    If your house gets destroyed in the hurricane you should just ask your parents to borrow money to build a new one.
  25. Pete_H

    No power

    Strong ideas. El Quaeda don't surf anyhow.
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