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Everything posted by Pete_H

  1. Pete_H

    Debunk this.

    Geez Off, do you explain and analyze the punchline of everyone who's explained and analyzed the punchline of every joke they've heard?
  2. Pete_H

    No power

    Interesting point. Has the theory that Ron Paul is behind the 911 conspiracy been explored? We need to get some internet guys with masters degrees, who are smarter than you or I, on this, right now! Come to think of it, haven't seen Ron Paul since Hurrican Sandy started. Very interesting.
  3. Pete_H

    No power

    Obviously God's punishing the east coast for Washington trying to legalize the gays.
  4. Pete_H

    Debunk this.

    I beg your pardon. Penn State 1987. And I never met Sandusky. Shit. Sky's got a bigger PhD than most. Even I've got a Doctorate degree. Don't you need one to get on this website?
  5. Pete_H

    Debunk this.

    Whether or not Oswald was the only, or just one of the shooters, a good case can be made the mob was behind it. Or the Cubans.
  6. Pete_H

    Debunk this.

    Space Aliens, bro. Or Squatch or maybe even Nessie.
  7. Pete_H

    Debunk this.

    Kev - I feel as if you're not taking me seriously. I'm hurt. Deeply. Anyway, has it occured to you that chemists and engineers with more training, education, and experience than your YouTube scientists have reviewed the material and drawn opposite conclusions? Do you really think that the experiments conducted by your guys accurately recreate the heat, combustion, and force generated by flying a jet fuel-laden 747 into the tower? Probably not, so I'm back to my Sasquatch hypothesis.
  8. Pete_H

    Debunk this.

    Squatch has magical powers like shape-shifting and time bending. Totally could have pulled it off. Then there's Nessy too. She's a possible culprit as well.
  9. Pete_H

    Debunk this.

    I think Sasquatch was behind the whole thing. Debunk that.
  10. If you don't know how to train for climbs like those, espescially while living in California, you probably shouldn't go.
  11. Pete_H

    Debunk this.

    This brings to mind that South Park episode where the Bush administration was trying to convince people that 911 was a conspiracy so people would think they were competent enough to pull it off.
  12. Pete_H


    And a good route too.
  13. Pete_H


    I don't always drink beer, but when I do ... I'll second the Paulaner.
  14. 70% chance of rain with gusts as high as 30 mph. Have fun. Where the fuck is Forth Creek trail, by the way?
  15. He's not even a candidate anymore you retarded little git.
  16. Wetslide, you fool. That's actually a good question and I had to look it up. George Romney was a "Natural Born Citizen," born outside the U.S., but a child of citizens. Apparently that counts.
  17. They also did it in November so not really a winter ascent.
  18. Pretty sure he and Dan used a heli drop off for the approach though.
  19. There's too many types of snow conditions to make an experiment like that work. In my experience, pickets only work in certain conditions. Seems like, for the most part, pickets and ropes on steep snow are only good for protecting from crevasses and schrunds, because the climbing difficulty isn't very hard.
  20. Pete_H

    Montana Men

    Just in jest I will remind you that alumni is plural while alumnus is singular. I learned that at MSU. But better than being a 10th generation sheep fucker like most of you MSU alumni.
  21. Burly routes, burly climbers! Nice work Ross and Trish!
  22. Pete_H

    Montana Men

    That is funny though.
  23. Pete_H

    Montana Men

    As a 2nd generation UM alumni, I do vaguely remember the pumpkin thing from my time there in the 90's. More importantly, though, Montana is a cool fucking place and I miss it. Missoula and Bozeman both have a lot to offer (never figured out the point of that college rivalry bullshit), but one of my favorite Norman McClean lines comes to mind: ... God Is Love. We always assumed that these three words were spoken directly to the four of us in our family and had no reference to the world outside, which my brother and I soon discovered was full of bastards, the number increasing rapidly the farther one gets from Missoula, Montana.
  24. Where you live I'd think they'd have a magnet school focused around cooking meth.
  25. Pete_H


    Speaking of NWHikers, do the shorts-over-polypro crowd tend to vote Dem or Republican? Or as the outfit would suggest, are they undecided?
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