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Everything posted by Pete_H

  1. Cycling is a European sport so it was sleazy way before Lance got involved. He just destroyed America's unrealisticly-clean impression of the sport.
  2. Coexist.
  3. My names roughly translate to "Result of thousands of years of white people procreating."
  4. Praise Jah.
  5. When I saw that pic I too was thinking to myself how those miles of hollow unstable cornice wallowing looked soooo much better than the protectible solid rock underneath.
  6. ... maybe we should ask Colin Haley and his bro for their opinion though before moving forward.
  7. Looking at the W Ridge of Eldo from Marble Cirque in winter, it sure looks like a lot more of a worthy objective than TFT. Though, I think it has been done in winter before. Probly by Kit Lewis but I'm not sure.
  8. Pete_H

    Hey Joe

    Hopefully Ryan will have the opportunity to regail us with tales of his marathon running prowess.
  9. Pete_H


    Wonder what ever happened to Dru? Last I heard he was fighting a nasty case of the clap he contracted from a 350 lb transvestite hooker. Hope he got that cleared up.
  10. Pete_H

    Hey Joe

    I'm sure going to miss all the political tv ads when this whole thing is over. "It's Susan Delbenne!" Almost as catchy as the mattress store jingle.
  11. "Jesus is Coming. Look busy." Love that t-shirt.
  12. You haven't sent yet?
  13. Wow. A new cutting adge 5.8 traverse. How will you deal with all of your new found fame and glory?
  14. Paulaner Oktoberfest Marzen. They've only been brewing it for about 400 years so its a bit newer than some of its competition.
  15. Really bad today
  16. That sucks about the police dog. Hope they fuck that guy up.
  17. And the freedom friendly people behind Citizens United. It cuts both ways. Freedom of speach was never meant to be absolute and shouldn't be, a concept meat-brain Kevbone will never grasp.
  18. Pete_H

    RIP 9/11

  19. Pete_H

    RIP 9/11

  20. Pete_H

    RIP 9/11

    Don't eat the green acid.
  21. Losers.
  22. :tup: skiing blows anyway... Cause the rock climbing is usually so good here in winter.
  23. Save the ales.
  24. Pete_H


    Once you've navigated through the magic underwear.
  25. Pete_H


    As an atheist, I feel that my "I 'heart' Mormon Pussy" bumper sticker is just my version of "coexist."
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