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Everything posted by Pete_H

  1. Also depends on what you're using it for. For long-term winter trips a Firstlight probably isn't the best.
  2. Yeah, cause they all climb 5.13. Keenwash, I like to put my empty pack in the foot end of the tent to protect from the effect you're describing. I agree a Firstlight for two tall people isn't very comfortable, but light and comfortable is a rare combination in a tent.
  3. I'm 6'4" and a Firstlight works just fine. Stop being such a pussy.
  4. We need more graphs and pie charts. Preferably with colors next time. Also some flow charts, references to obscure academic studies, and maybe a power point presentation would really improve this fascinating discussion.
  5. In my experience, Vantage is a much better cool weather spot. I havent found any good crags at Tieton that get a lot of sun this time of year and are protected from the wind. Most of the routes at Vantage are just fine as far as rick quality and are cleaned up nicely. Some of the more obscure routes are a bit more expert only.
  6. Pete_H


    Eat more pusse.
  7. Never go full retard, Boner.
  8. We won the war when Bush declared victory aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln. Its the liberal media that keeps deceiving the people.
  9. You go to war with the army you have, not the army you wish you had.
  10. Tvash is right. There are definitly some weird sheep fuckers in Montana.
  11. I knew Lord Voldemort was behind the Kenyan Embassy bombings!
  12. Admittedly, Boner, I don't have the tolerance for retardness it would take to watch this whole video. But I'm pretty sure there's nothing remotely in it about the BBC, except that the guy who narrates it has a British accent.
  13. Bummer. How did he get morted?
  14. Pete_H


    On the local butt-rock radio station yesterday I heard Whitesnake was dissapointed with ticket sales on their recent tour. Their lead singer commented that "Americans just don't appreciate good rock and roll anymore."
  15. report back
  16. report back
  17. Pete_H


    Canadians love that sort of shit!!!
  18. What were your presenting symptoms? A sore asshole probably caused by enormous horsecock.
  19. Pete_H


    I'd rather drown in a bucket of snot. You probably just don't have a very good hi-fi system.
  20. Pete_H


    Here's what you should be listening to:
  21. Pete_H


    Bet Kevbone likes them though.
  22. Pete_H


    I fucking hate Rush. That chick that sings for them has a whiney voice and their lyrics are super fucking cheezy.
  23. I prefer Magnum XXXL condoms. Pretty much the only thing I use for sheep shagging right now.
  24. Pete_H

    Please leave

    And exploiting tax loopholes! Maybe those who run these companies are secret conservatives. Or maybe they just have good accountants.
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