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Everything posted by Pete_H

  1. Keep goats. The unintended consequence though is that it might attract degenerates like Polish Bob, who mistake them for sheep.
  2. You neglected to mention why heli-skiing is so bad.
  3. Bieber for sure. Definitely Bieber.
  4. Yeah I meant sea-unicorn vs. shark with laser gun attachment.
  5. Sharks have lots of sharp teeth but unicorns are smart and have magical powers.
  6. Bummer, but that shit happens to the best of us. Indeed.
  7. Trip: Mt. Cashmere - NW Face Date: 12/30/2012 Trip Report: Even with snomo access to 4200, the appoach still felt lengthy. Found stable, wind-effected, but soft snow on the face and the 2000 vf uninterrupted run down to Lake Victoria. After a short descent we intersected tracks from a party that had just come down the "Goat's Breath" coloir. We availed ourselves of their track and made a short skinning traverse; then enjoyed the 3000 vf powder run to Icicle Creek, making it down just in time for dark and a draft of Wild Turkey before making the ski / snomo run back to the car. Photos courtesy of my illustrious partner-in-crime, Eric Wehrly. Approach Notes: 2-stroke
  8. Slowshoes suck! Nice job though on your attempt Dave Schultz.
  9. A better question is why is there an ice climbing forum?
  10. Pete_H

    Where are they now??

    But you'd be HAPPY
  11. Pete_H

    Where are they now??

    Sounds like a great partner.
  12. Sounds like a better idea than Rainier. Good luck finding a partner and have fun.
  13. But that probably has more to do with ennui and a gallon of bergundy wine than conditions.
  14. For sure. In fact I'm pretty sure Thermogenesis would be in as a ski run right now. Go for it!
  15. No matter what I think you guys should go for it.
  16. I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure automatic weapons are illegal for public use.
  17. Looks like a nice tour guys. They've been cutting up there all summer and fall. I was hoping they'd be making some new ski lines.
  18. We were up there yesterday skiing. Its further along than I would have thought with all of the precip. Was actually raining up high by the end of the day so with some cool wedder things would get better, for climbing.
  19. Usually the routes on Mt. Snoqualmie - NY Gully, Pnapple Express, aren't good until late season. At any rate I doubt it has been cold enough up there either for anything to come in shape.
  20. You should have quit and ended up with a book deal.
  21. Kevbone, you might do well by reading a book by a well-regarded author about the history of militant Islam in the mid-east. It seems there are a lot of of things you are genuinely curious about and are using conspriracy theories to fill the void. Maybe learning some actual history may answer a few questions for you.
  22. Aren't the Masons a Christian organization? Doesn't sound too different than what happened to this kid.
  23. Good. At least your motivations are pure.
  24. A lot easier to herd the young and impressionable into battle when they think they're defending baby Jesus.
  25. This just in: Japanese government discovers hidden lair of Hello Kitty.
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