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Everything posted by hafilax

  1. The information is interesting but the article is infuriating. I despise reading articles about scientific data that are presented as propaganda by any side of an argument. The article hypocritically accuses others of doing that very same thing. The world's climate is an incredibly complex system and drawing conclusions from one piece of data is just plain ignorant. Why are people constantly looking for excuses to continue polluting? Is there really any doubt that we are causing irreversible damage to the environment? Regardless of climate change, it is plainly obvious that we have to clean up our act.
  2. Congrats to the kid. I can't say this without sounding like a prick but I'll say it anyway. This is one small measure of the success of child raising. There are tons of kids out there who have been driven by a parent's image of success who are utter miserable messes. I hope that the confidence and positive self image of such an achievement is why you are so proud. I had an interesting chat with a friend the other day about some socialogical experiments in child raising. They looked at a group of families that had the opportunity to have their child enrolled in a 'good' institution of learning. Some kids got in, others didn't. They found that the actual school was not as important to the child's success as the fact that the parents were willing to support their child in going to the school. Family support is more important to a child's well being than the path they take. Please don't take this as an attack on your parenting. It just seemed like a one dimensional demonstration of success in an incredibly complex issue. I don't know you or the whole story.
  3. Fixing a hole where the rain gets in... Does Shoe Goo (or similar) work at all for gluing a torn seam?
  4. The only general advice I have for skiing deeper snow is that you need a certain amount of speed to turn easily. Things are much more difficult without a bit of momentum and the faster you go the more lift you get from the snow. This, of course, reduces the margin of error and can lead to some spectacular wipeouts. With deeper snow the fore/aft balance becomes tricky and being able to read the relative resistance of the snow as well as the presence of barely buried obstacles are the hardest parts. That just comes with experience. As for Dynafits, I think they are a marvel of engineering. They have a solid connection with the heel down and an efficient pivot for the climb and they are the lightest on the market. I've used mine in bounds and in the BC. They've released when needed and stayed on when needed. The only problem I've had is with the fittings at the toe icing up. Dynafits
  5. I found the Wikipedia list of Christian metal bands. Some of them barely qualify. I love the ones that classify themselves as unblack metal.
  6. hafilax

    climber jokes

    A sport climber, a trad climber and an alpinist are sitting around a campfire discussing their day's exploits. The boulderer starts off raving about the crazy highball Vhard he's been working on with a the crux at the top and a death landing. The trad climber tries to one up him telling about the death defying RX route he's been working using RPs and black aliens for pro. The two are getting really excited and turn to the alpinist in anticipation of hearing his feats but he says nothing. He just continues stirring the campfire coals with his dick.
  7. I bet he kept the stuff with a "If I'm going down, I'm taking everyone else with me" mentality.
  8. If they get some fresh snow it can be a nice diversion from the city but I wouldn't go out of my way to go there. If you've got some time to kill and it's free why not. I think the olympic halfpipe is in if you're into that kind of thing.
  9. I've had some pretty crazy knots in my traps and did a little internet searching. Not much is known for sure but knots seem to occur when the muscle is contracted for an extended period of time. The muscle goes into a permanent state of contraction or spasm. To get rid of them one must break apart the knot through stretching and message. Pressing on the knot really hard works to break it down and combined with warm stretching should do the trick. Drink lots of water to remove the toxins associated with breaking apart the knots. I have a bunch of problems associated with poor posture especially while at the computer (posting on CC). I tend to sit with my shoulders up and my head foreward. This resulted in the knots in my kneck. I've been working at proper posture and avoiding staying in one position especially if muscles are contracted.
  10. ? They do act fast for pneumonia. Symptoms should greatly improve within a couple of days but you have to keep taking them to kill the infection completely. Finish your prescriptions and for the love of everything holy don't flush them down the toilet.
  11. I have seen many miserable people that would tell anyone who asks that they are happy. To me it says that Republicans are more disillusioned. I don't understand the point of this article. It starts off rambling about a random poll with a quote about utopias from Orwell which is supposed to convince me that left thinkers are inherently unhappy? It then jumps to Edwards being a 'hater' which is why he's out? It then rambles on to an ill defined concept coined stagflation with an anecdote about a rich snob eating at a mall buffet before going to a movie. It concludes by saying that tax cuts and sound money are the only way to improve the situation of stagflation which I still don't understand what the hell it's supposed to be. Stagnating inflation? Eating bad venison? Sound money? Invest in the music industry? WTF??!!!! Is it just written in a lexicon I've never seen but should be aware of? Why is this guy earning an admittedly big wage from Forbes?
  12. Some people deserve to be sprayed on no matter where they post IMO. I do get tired of the stalking especially when the flames are totally irrelevant. If you're going to spray be creative and keep it on topic or at least in response to something posted in the thread. I'm for light handed moderation.
  13. Someone posted a quantitative comparison on another message board. http://www.trailspace.com/news/2007/01/17/integrated-canister-stove-showdown.html
  14. More efficient = less fuel = lighter?
  15. There is a granny knot version of the classic bow and a square/reef knot version. I only recently noticed this and have be reprogramming myself to tie it properly.
  16. I think he's refering more to the other thread.
  17. I'm holding out for a Quantum Computer.
  18. Like he ever needed a job to begin with.
  19. The innovation of the new technology is to remove most of the vertical strands from the webbing across the back of the waistband which is then spread over the area where padding was used to spread the force. The wide webbing means they don't need as much padding so it's lighter. Apparently they're quite comfortable especially given the weight. The waistband is also much thinner which is nice for chimneys and for wearing under packs. They also somehow designed the gear loops so that you can angle your gear forward or toward your arse depending on preference and what kind of climbing you'll be doing. They look nice but I doubt I can afford one. If they work maybe the price will come down in a few years.
  20. Isn't it more of a stock hardware issue these days? Can't you basically mix and match OS's now that Macs use an intel chipset? One advantage of the Mac system is that the hardware is the same for every computer and everything is optimized around that hardware. One of the disadvantages of a Mac is that the hardware is the same for every computer so if one has a hardware issue, they all do. My friends iBook is having problems these days because the CPU wasn't heat sinked properly and some of the connections unsoldered themselves. This is apparently common with that year's model. Are there any Mac viruses yet? I always wondered how antivirus companies could sell Mac software even though not a single virus had been created. I'm not much of a computer person so correct me if I'm wrong. For the record I use linux (Fedora Core 6 at home and Suse 9.3 at school) for most things and use windows for my iPod and for recording because my Line6 UX2 only works with windows or Mac. I will probably get a Mac for my next computer.
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