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Everything posted by hafilax

  1. A friend described her French cooking course as "First you start with a pound of butter...".
  2. Don't over mix flour. I think 'ring of fire' had many meanings in that song, the main one being the burn of the wedding band and the comparison with hell.
  3. I use Black Diamond Glidlites with the STS attachment and have no problems on my twin tip skis. I've actually had far fewer problems than my friends with non-turned-up tails who always seem to be losing the attachment as it drags in the snow. Twin tips have slight benefits aside from riding backwards but the real problem with them in the BC is not being able to stick them into the snow.
  4. I thought we had an intelligent discussion going on there for a while. Oh well...
  5. rob, I can't believe how much this is bothering you. The point is not in hiding spray but in making climbing/skiing easier to find. Spray is all in one place, in Spray. Climbing/skiing has ~30 categories. When I type 'casc' into the URL bar the first item is the full search. I press down once and bingo, it's spray city. It could have been implemented some other way but really is there any difference? Just reprogram you muscle memory and it's still the same.
  6. hafilax


    I've been rather uninspired by my music catalog but I found a Neil Young compilation on my iPod this morning so... Neil Young Sonic Youth Mozart Beastie Boys Black Sabbath Mostly based on catalog depth and diversity of sound. There are bands I prefer but for longevity I'm going for variety.
  7. Thank your lucky stars. It could be far worse. He could be a sport climber. I snowboarded for 16 years before ditching the board and buying skis. So, don't give up hope! yeah...but you're a freak... I guess that makes me a freak too since I bought skis this year after 16 years of snowboarding. Still love snowboarding though. There are conditions where snowboarding is much easier and more enjoyable than skiing most notably the heavy elephant snot that we frequently get in Whistler.
  8. What could be worse? He could be Telewhacking. I don't see a problem. Snowboarding is great fun. I think I may put the skis aside and go snowboarding this weekend. AT is WAY better than split boarding so as long as you can get him into the backcountry you won't have a problem. Who cares what he's on in the resort?
  9. Archie: So you want to make the National Parks into Game Reserves? I see your point but I would rather see them increase the available land before they allow hunting. I haven't looked at a map but are the National Parks entirely hemmed in by development so that this would be impossible? I've had many bear encounters tree planting and wished I'd had my bear spray on me once. There is no way I would carry the weight of a gun planting. I would carry a high power rifle in polar bear territory but they are known to hunt people. Pistols are useless against bears IMO. My supervisor shot a grizzly six times with a defender that was threatening 2 crew members and it ran of into the woods dying a while later. It certainly would have had the strength to kill had it encountered a person in its last minutes. Bear bangers and pepper spray are enough for me although an assault on a person using pepper spray is probably just as effective as a gun. It wouldn't be fatal mind you. We have Charlie Russell's movie The Edge of Eden in which he raises orphaned bear cubs in a remote region of Russia. He walked amongst Grizzlies daily and they didn't threaten him once, only the cubs he was 'mothering'. In the movie he pepper sprays a cannibalistic male. It was very effective. This is of course an extreme example given that it was in the remotest part of Russia. The Kamchatka region is a Grizzly reserve but poachers bought off the land wardens and killed every bear they could in the park in around 2002 including the ones Charlie had raised. Anyway, it would be a shame to put any of the animals that have made a come back in the National Parks back on the endangered species list by loosening the regulations that have aided in their recovery. I still don't see any NEED to have a gun in a National Park.
  10. hafilax


    He should have stuck with footy.
  11. hafilax


    Did he buy a Mac?
  12. I indirectly addressed the 'rights' issue. The point of the National Park system is to preserve nature. A part of this is maintaining a habitat for some of the more sought after prize game which is disappearing (both game and habitat). If you ease up on the regulations protecting this then poachers will take advantage. It's a question of protecting the rights of those that can't demand their rights protected. If you look at the bear related deaths by decade they are few and far between (52 from 1900 to 2003). There is no need to carry a gun in a National Park and there are more important things to argue over. I find the whole gun control argument in the states to be very off target. It seems like a distraction tactic like the whole gay marriage fiasco in the last 2 elections. The Switzerland argument came out of the paper I read concerning the under 15 gun deaths. I haven't done any research to support my claims other than touring there last September. There are many other sociological factors at work there but the crime rate there is incredibly low. I think I saw 2 police cruisers and one tweeker the whole time I was there and the news definitely wasn't filled with sensational reports of the latest shooting. Even the worst part of Zurich was totally tame compared to East Van. I do agree with Hugh that it is an judgmental xenophobic nation.
  13. hafilax


  14. hafilax


    Can I bring 5 instruments and play my own repertoire?
  15. The argument for opposing the right to carry guns in national parks is one of preservation. It is much harder to deter poachers if they are allowed to carry large hunting rifles in the open. It really limits a conservation officer to catching poachers in the act instead of preventing the animals from being killed in the first place. Ever see South Park? "That ferocious rabbit is coming straight for me!" How many bear attacks are there really? Isn't the 2nd amendment all about being able to overturn a government that no longer is responsible to it's people? What does that have to do with the National Park system? I brought up the age old anti gun argument a while ago which gives the statistics of children under 15 killed by guns in 26 industrialized nations. The US counted for something like 75% of the deaths in 1995. The cases were relatively few (1500 or so) so of course all of the gun toters jump all over that. To see the same kind of argument brought up over a few hiker deaths is humourous to me. The problem in the US is not the guns it's the people. Almost every Swiss house has a fully automatic weapon and yet gun crime is so low they don't keep statistics. The has nothing to do with everyone being armed and everything to do with wealth and education. Lower poverty and the division of classes and you will reduce crime and then everyone can carry a gun without question.
  16. hafilax


    Boxer briefs are just briefs with extra material. I prefer boxers unless there's going to be a lot of bouncing around.
  17. I believe that is what is meant by 'Prussik minding'.
  18. Glasgow kiss = head butt (not sure if glassgowkiss is a typo or more clever than I am) Is there any surprise that he's into a fight? Maybe he got a Glasgow smile as a youth (AKA Chelsea smile). (Warning: graphic image that may turn stomachs)
  19. Are you sure that's what you meant to say? I would hope that most of the cost will be for materials and labour. Isn't this the business model of Cilogear? There seem to be a lot of supporters for them here. There's always a market for affordable quality gear. Everyone would love a pack that was lighter than air, would last a lifetime, could be adjusted to work in all situations and came for free. What compromises do you have in mind? It's easier to answer more directed questions. Sorry for being difficult but I TA first year physics and am easily frustrated with open questions.
  20. hafilax

    too old?

    30's only too old if you're incredibly stupid but then again those people should never climb anything.
  21. So those guys in Indian Cr. with racks of all the same size cam are 'climbing beyond their limit'? Sometimes it's nice to have doubles on long hand cracks but anyway... I have pre-C4 camalots .75-3, DMMs 2, 2.5 & 3, and the older TCUs 1-3. The DMMs are really light and cheap(er) so they make good double uppers. I really notice the reduced range compared to the camalots so they're a little trickier to place. The TCUs are great for finger sized placements. I rarely carry the full rack when cragging. I'll pick and choose depending on what I think I'll need. I started with a set of BD nuts and camalots .75-3 without any complaints. I am a fan of tricams. They occasionally work where nothing else seems to but they're a little tricky at first for both leader and second. To clean them just grab the body with your fingers and twist to break them out of their jam. They're great for long moderate routes where there are lots of stances to place gear. People who hate them generally spend more time on hard routes where they are placing gear while hanging. Otherwise get lots of extendable draws, a couple of double length slings some 8mm cord and get out there.
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