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Everything posted by hafilax

  1. That video cracks me up. Just got back from skiing A-Basin and there were some kickass tele'ers there. They were ripping GS turns through knee high moguls on double blacks. I still never want to do it though. I've seen too many face-plants from by my friends who have been doing it for years. Maybe I just love my dynafits.
  2. Maybe vegemite is why the women glow and the men chunder.
  3. I'll give you a Frontier TR after Monday's flight and a United TR when I return. So far British Airways has treated me the best.
  4. You seem to have a thing for little feet.
  5. I'm cummin for you Hugh! Now I'm really worried. Seatac, a United affiliate. I guess you get what you pay for.
  6. That argument is really weak. So what if it's not a 'true link' (which is an incredibly narrow definition). This creature had undeniable reptilian features which the bat-bird strawman argument woefully over simplifies. This is strong evidence that it is very close to a 'true link' in my mind. A 'true link' requires a series of fossils leading up to and out of a splitting. The probability of discovering that is minuscule. At the very least you have to admit that this makes evolution plausible. It's not conclusive evidence but it is incredibly strong evidence. Even that quote from Lecomte du Nouy doesn't state that it isn't a transitional form but is more of an apologetic concession to creationists.
  7. This is great. I'm learning more about evolution by the minute
  8. Archeopteryx is a transitional form and it's even climbing related (in a way). It had wings and feathers but had more in common with dinosaurs and reptiles than birds. Here's the Wiki and a description and a general essay on transitional forms. Awaiting out of hand dismissal with no argument contained within.
  9. Here's my interpretation of Genesis: God created the world in 7 days -> the big bang; the exact time is irrelevant God created man -> the spark of life formed out of the primordial soup which then evolved into man; the exact time is irrelevant Eve sinned -> man gained consciousness but continued to do bad things to each other knowingly; the exact time is irrelevant Jesus teaches us to be good -> Jesus teaches us to be good; there are historical records that argue this is true I don't even want to start the argument where I go through the Bible and find things to interpret literally that contradict other parts of the Bible (oops). The inevitable answer is always "We just know which parts are true and which aren't. That part there is a metaphor but this part here is literal and that is just false because it's unChristian." I have great respect of Christians that live to improve the lives of others but most of the hatred of Christians is aimed at the ones going against this most basic tenet of all religions.
  10. hafilax

    Seatac parking

    Thanks everyone. I just called E-Z Airport and they're not taking reservations but the guy was optimistic that I'll find a space somewhere especially given that we're driving an Echo.
  11. hafilax

    Seatac parking

    Most don't take reservations over this period. It's first come first served. I'll see if I can find one that does.
  12. hafilax

    Seatac parking

    I'm driving from Vancouver BC to fly out of Seattle to Denver on Monday night. Will I be able to find parking easily at one of the park-n-fly's seeing as this is their busiest time of year?
  13. hafilax

    2 questions

    We're going to Denver to visit my sister, niece and brother-in-law. I think we're doing a couple of days at Keystone. Any suggestions about other ski hills to visit are welcome. All I want for Christmas is for the ID argument to go away.
  14. Actually Einstein was an Atheist AFAIK. He used the term god in a non-religious way. You drew me in again.
  15. So that's what was in Willie Wonka's gum.
  16. That settles it for me. I'm outta here. I hope someone climbs something soon. This is really boring.
  17. Seahawks:What's wrong with your keyboard? Every word that should be a contraction is missing the end. It's hard to read. So can they teach adaptation in schools?
  18. We haven't created any black holes and are still (pretty) sure they exist
  19. You'll have to give up on schools then because logic, skepticism and reasoning are all integral parts of education and are anti-religion. You want my conspiracy theory. Organized religion teaches people to be followers that don't question what their told. The mobilization of the religious voter is the perfect vehicle for taking over the government of a democratic country in a despotic manner. It's a hidden despotism. Convince a bunch of religious leaders to brain wash their followers into doing their bidding. Tell them it's gods will. Suddenly the president is a king placed there by a higher power through the voice of the people. The exception to this are the skeptical religious people who use the teachings of their faith to live a good life helping others as was the original intention.
  20. Take your kids here: http://www.creationmuseum.org/ I'll let my kids read: http://www.venganza.org/ They will never teach creationism in Canada so I'll stay in Atheist heaven er... I mean... paradise... that doesn't work either... um... utopia.
  21. ZWmf7r_37eA Mongoloid he was a mongoloid Happier than you and me Mongoloid he was a mongoloid And it determined what he could see Mongoloid he was a mongoloid One chromosome too many Mongoloid he was a mongoloid And it determined what he could see And he wore a hat And he had a job And he brought home the bacon So that no one knew Mongoloid he was a mongoloid His friends were unaware Mongoloid he was a mongoloid Nobody even cared
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