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Everything posted by hafilax

  1. The same fascination you have with this pointless web site. I don't find it pointless. Why don't you compile your list of the 500 best songs so that we can declare it to be a joke. How long until we get 'The best song is the one having the most fun'... oops, too late.
  2. I noticed Archenemey is coming to Vancouver as well as Apocolyptica. I listen to metal on occasion. My band has been described as metal although I think we fit somewhere in between metal and rock. I always seem to get Pink stuck in my head when I'm climbing: IIIIIII'm coming up so you better get the party started
  3. What is your fascination with these pointless lists? They just prove that the world has different tastes from you (and me).
  4. hafilax


    The 'nuances' of your argument did not come out in your posts and I guess it didn't come out in mine either. I didn't mean to indicate that you don't demonstrate some logic mostly that you tend to be reactionary.
  5. hafilax


    I noticed that in the Gas Prices thread. In one Kaskadshyjkozak insults Hummer owners for excessive consumption and then later ridicules the suggestion of reducing our consumption. If I had the patience I'd support that with some quotes. The Devil's Advocate is strong in this one.
  6. You could always put your helmet on your head. If you've got a good one you won't even notice it's there.
  7. I heard that the 'Big Pin' was a log boom anchor. Is there any truth to that?
  8. hafilax

    Guitar thread

    And I thought my solos were bad (although they're still probably worse than any of those )
  9. Wider and/or longer skis maybe? Works for adults with the same problems. Otherwise she probably just needs to get stronger which will come.
  10. I had a guidebook disappear after a couple of guys looked through it too. Weird. I guess they aren't cheap.
  11. Seeing Bing Crosby next to Elvis Presely made me think of this... Warning: possibly NSFW SVOsgu9xGGM wlEuKuiJZVg
  12. The C3's only go up to #2 which is roughly the same size as the master cam #2. In that size I would bet that the C3's will work better just because the head size is smaller so the likelihood that the cams are seated well is high given the small margin of error. I haven't used that size much because I tend to climb routes well protected with nuts. The next range of sizes should, I guess, be compared to Aliens, TCUs and the smallest C4's. What works best there would depend on the predominant features of the rock you climb. I have had good success with TCU because they seem to sit well in the little pockets that tend to be found in that range in Squamish. I find the small C4's in that size to be wide and would probably prefer a Master Cam or an Alien for the most part. I'm definitely interested in checking out the Master Cams. I don't really *need* them at this point though.
  13. Even with a hammer on the Nomics can you really pound a pin effectively? It's got so much curve that you have to choke way up in order to swing it. Wouldn't you beat the crap out of the shaft? Friends have said the pounding pins with Quarks is marginal enough as it is. It seems to me like it would be easier, faster and more secure to bring a dedicated hammer if you're going to pound pins while climbing with Nomics.
  14. It's not dumbing down it's called feel-good-climbing. Who wants to get spanked day in day out on a 5.7? Call it a 5.8 and suddenly all that groveling feels like an accomplishment.
  15. I've been thinking the opposite lately since I climbed in the Smoke Bluffs the last 2 Sundays It's that magical time of year where you could ski, climb ice, climb rock and mt bike all in the same weekend I'll probably head up to Whistler this week given the new snow we'll be getting.
  16. hafilax


    Pi day as well as SAABJ day.
  17. urban dictionary has some choice definitions for baselining.
  18. That's great news. Smith Rock may not be AS inundated with Canuks over the holiday.
  19. I view the pastor's words not as hating america but as encouraging the masses to question the actions of those in power and to aspire to a better world. He's way over the top but what rhetoric isn't. Kerry showed the balancing all views and demonstrating the complexity of the issue is a sure way to confuse the listener and to obscure the point. Surely you understand the power of overstatement in order to achieve an ideal that lies in the middle ground. The extreme is rarely the answer.
  20. The NN Arete is great fun although Mike Hengeveld called it a 'nightmare'. I didn't find it very overgrown although it was my first route to the top of the Chief and that was a few years ago now. $10,000?! I dunno. There's some inexperience at play there. They've gone through heaps of rope and destroyed a lot of gear due to the extremely abrasive nature of the excavation. I don't really know what the compressor deal is all about. Jeff has been very patient in dealing with the criticism he's received. He's already responded to a number of questions at squamishclimbing.com in the route development section. He even won an argument over the renaming of the line (with one of the FA's i believe).
  21. The Europa/Crap Crags thread go me thinking about bolting debates and I saw the 'climbing gym' attached to the Kacademon boulder was mentioned. The development of climbing in Squamish was somewhat unique in that the number of climbers at the popular crags is tiny compared to the states and in order to find a crack here you have to destroy a small ecosystem of moss and trees. A ground up ascent is nearly impossible around here with the exception of the slab routes which can only be protected with bolts. It's like JosephH and Raindawg's dystopia. I guess climbing never should have been developed here. Over on Supertopo Bachar was the first to question Beth's ascent being classified as 'traditional'. The old guard stand insist that traditional means that you start ground up and pull the rope on each attempt. It's a fine line between rehearsing ground up and rehearsing on TR IMO. You might as well say onsight or bust. The noobs think that 'traditional' means placing cams and nuts. In my mind traditional climbing means getting to the top no matter the cost like in the age of the bolt ladder. The truth of the matter is that they are all defining their own ideal and labeling it with the same term. I think that there is room for everyone on the rock but that it is a limited resource that should be managed by its users. This is becoming increasingly difficult with the burgeoning number of climbers. It's getting hard for the community to police itself. I can see the necessity of bolting bans in certain areas but in others it seems like creating a museum piece. (Did anyone read the Museum Climb thread on ST? Really interesting!) Can one set of ethics really cover such a diverse activity as climbing?
  22. SH: I see you've conceded that Obama will be the next President and not McCain. It's a good first step.
  23. Adventures... make you late for dinner. -Bilbo Baggins I only know a couple of people that headed up there and they turned back quickly. I'll give it a go at some point. I'd hate to see all that effort put to waste and I guess it's the most logical line with the goal of an easy climb up the Chief.
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