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Everything posted by mountainsloth

  1. i share your interest in exploring the less traveled
  2. that 4th class approach to the left of the gully is recommended over the gully in my mind. nice trip even without the summit eh?
  3. great photos! that takes me back... I gotta get back out to the Sierras!
  4. if you love something, let it go. if it comes back, it was meant to be
  5. marvelous! thanks for sharing a bit of excitement outside of the Cascades.
  6. used my own soundtrack. Props dude! that's quite an accomplishment! What's next?
  7. marvelous! great adventure!
  8. since the aliens planted it there, in the middle of a sea of basalt Aliens, right, but they put all that granite *under* the sea of basalt. It was the lady of the lake that held a-high sweet swaths o' granite for all to enjoy!
  9. that's horrible!
  10. looks like you got what you were looking for. Wonderful photos!
  11. yea, quit jumping the gun! I will make sure i get more rock. The season is not over!
  12. http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=47.887226,-119.131107&spn=0.0655,0.181789&t=p&z=13 Locate the far northern tip of steamboat rock. From there, head straight north and you will hit a large swath of orange tinted granite. That is the orange wall. This photo is looking West (roughly) Orange wall is the far right hand cliff in this photo. Far northern part of the North-South running cliff at the base of the peninsula. Hope this helps!
  13. multiple back-up plans. Have one be in the West side or crest (tooth or Mt thompson) one on the east side, enchantments or WA pass? and one in the desert like cragging at Vantage, tieton, or banks lake.
  14. Great story! Thanks for sharing and reminding us how ridiculous we Americans are. Cheers!
  15. interesting trip and lovely photos
  16. Nice Josh! Lots of snow up there this time of year, that's nice to see. Good shot of the marmot!
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