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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. rmncwrtr


    Meet Yoshi, the Russian Tortoise. It was love at first site for my six year old nephew. I am now the best aunt in the universe. At least his universe The two of us put fixed up Yoshi's new home with all a tortoise could want to be happy. Hubby just shook his head through out all of it, including paying for everything. I told him it was less than last year's puppy. My brother-in-law asked if this would be the last live present. I told him to talk to his kids about that. My dad, who built the chicken wire lid for Yoshi's new home, usually hates anything with four legs that breathes, but he loves the tortoise. No one could believe it. Thanks again for all the advice and info. Much appreciated!
  2. I found this on a Yakima news site. Sounds like what Sobo mentioned in the OP. Let's hope this was all who was missing! From KNDO/KNDU website:
  3. Those are so yummy! When I was living in Az. there were several people from Ohio and they brought those to a cookie exchange. I was so glad the recipe was included. And we've polished off the cookies and milk already. Sounds like a fun time, Muffy! You can't beat Italian food.
  4. rmncwrtr


    Right back at you, Kevin! Hope you, your wife and little one have an awesome day!
  5. No worries, Rooster. We're having prime rib and crab. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
  6. Good luck and take care, Sobo! That would be the ultimate gift, Sherri! I sure hope so!
  7. Aw, G-spotter :kisss: I love that clip! Thanks. Bummer, Sherri. That's happened to me and it sucks. Hugs, sweetie. We checked NoradSanta, read a couple of books, left out cookies and milk for Santa and celery and carrots for the reindeer. The wee ones just went to bed, now to wait for them to fall asleep. Merry Christmas! 7iY4Tom6-wM
  8. LOL on your favorite person in the world. I love your "What To Do" chart. Your list of climbs is very impressive. I am on a mac and using safari and had no problem reading your Genealogy of Climbing page. Though more than a few of those I have no idea what they are!
  9. One of the people who posts here is also a guide for TMG and he guided a blind person up Mount Hood. I'm sure I'm mangling the spelling, but his user name is something like sean_beanntan. He might be someone to talk to for advice. Good luck. Your buddy's lucky to have a friend like you!
  10. Thanks for the linky, Rudy. My older two are larger than size two, but these would work for my youngest. The price seems comparable to the Mad Rocks Monkey Rock shoes, too. At least the REI price.
  11. Thanks Bill :kisss: That was exactly what I was looking for.
  12. Way to celebrate the solstice, Ivan and Billbob! And Tim too. Does anyone have a link to JoesphH's post on winter dressing/keeping warm while climbing at Beacon?
  13. rmncwrtr

    2 questions

    1) We will be skiing after Christmas. Gotta make use of those season passes. 2) At the rate it keeps resurrecting itself, not for a very long time.
  14. rmncwrtr


    Yep, cp. At least that's something I'll never have to worry about Thanks again all. :kisss: I found my smile which had been missing. You all And if I can just say, please tell your friends and people in your life how wonderful, great, fill-in-the-blank they are and what they mean to you. You never know how badly they might need to hear those words and you might never get another chance.
  15. rmncwrtr


    Thanks all! Looks like a LOL cat could make a dinner out of those two, CP! Though a cheezburger might be more filling. Haha Sherri! And Kevbone, I nearly choked on my m&ms when I saw that pic. Too funny.
  16. rmncwrtr


    Haha Sobo! Well, you know which one Sherri and I are most partial to And thank you, Pink! That made me laugh. It also made me think of something I should blog about one of these days :kisss:
  17. rmncwrtr


    Thanks, guys :kisss:
  18. rmncwrtr


    Anyone have any jokes, pics, fun stuff they can post? I could really use a few laughs. It's been a tough week. Thanks :kisss:
  19. Thanks. The birdy was correct, Selkirk, I was a mech. enginerd in a previous life. One cc.comer told me to stop being such an engineer when we were climbing. Someone mentioned a self-rescue class when I was at the gym on Tuesday and I was wondering what that would be about. As Sherri said, it's good to see this stuff posted because I would have never thought about any of it happening. I'm still at the stare and gape in awe as I watch good climbers, thinking "how did he/she do that" and wishing I could rewind and watch in slo-motion.
  20. Another n00b question. When stuff that's been posted above happens, is it relying on your experience, instinct or sheer perseverance to get out of whatever you've gotten yourself into or is that where those self-rescue courses they teach come in handy?
  21. Great pics, Bill. Looks like you and Ujahn had a fantastic time!
  22. rmncwrtr


    Okay, so the tortoise is a go. I pick it up on Christmas Eve on the way down to the family get-together so I don't have to worry about my kids or the cats getting to it or all the heating/UV lamps, food, etc. My sister already purchased a 4x2x1 container for it to live in. My father is constructing a lid to keep her animals out of it. I'm going to buy the UV light and mulch tomorrow. She already has the red heat lamp that she uses for her baby chicks. Neither my husband or her husband are saying much about this. Probably a good thing depending on how it turns out! I know a couple of you have tortoise/turtle experience so a couple of questions in case someone knows the answers. Do I need to buy a log for it or will a box where it can hide do? Does it need toys and if so, any suggestions? The pet shop said it doesn't need water, but I've heard different things. Pet shop guy said water wouldn't hurt it so my sister wants to get some kind of water dish. Maybe a weighted one. Any suggestions on what she should buy? Do you know any reputable reptile vets anywhere between Salem and Albany, OR? Is there anything else I should buy or do you have any tidbits of info/wisdom to pass on to them? Thanks!
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