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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. Their mother was writing a book on parenting and that has been delayed indefinitely.
  2. rmncwrtr

    Beer Nog

    Haha. Talk about a blast from the past though this one was new to me. A friend sent me a link to Bob and Doug's version of 12 Days of Christmas a couple of days ago. We've all needed cheering up (really bad week) so I'll send her this one. Thanks G-spotter. :kisss:
  3. Hey, thanks for the link. I got the kids some long underwear at a great price.
  4. Sherri (or anyone for that matter) - do you have a pic of this route. I'm a long ways (possibly never) from doing something like this, but I'm just trying to visualize it. And Bill, my first time climbing outside was at Skinner Butte Columns. Being the worst-case scenario thinker I am, I was wondering what would happen if my hand, fingers or foot got stuck in the crack.
  5. Hey Rob! Happy Birthday. I attended a funeral yesterday for one of the mom's at my kids school. She would have been 42 on Christmas Eve. Really made me think about some things you mentioned. Glad you are on the road to recovery! Make a good with when you blow out those candles!
  6. Knottygirl had a really weird roomie that they finally got rid of. She posted about it here earlier in the year.
  7. The night of the PDX Holiday pub club was the same night as the portlandhikers.com meet-and-deet get-together at the Barley Mill. Feel free to plan a pub club there, Mikester. Sounds like that place is pretty good to groups.
  8. Thanks, Porter. I just ordered one
  9. I want one of the ladies Ts, but didn't realize there was a cut-off for the orders. Please let me know the next time you'll be putting an order in, Porter.
  10. Bummer Mikester. I had 3 or 4 signs on the two tables that said cc.com on them, but you would have had to make the rounds to see them.
  11. We used a Kelty pack that we bought at REI, but I can't remember the model name. It's in the garage somewhere, but I doubt they make that same model now. Our oldest is nine and it made it through all 3 kids no problem. Most of my friends had Kelty packs and I never heard any complaints from them though no one I knew did overnights, just day hikes.
  12. It wasn't really a question of being agreeable, Sobo. I'd forgotten I still had the stuff! I got certified because a guy I dated was into diving. After we broke up I never dove again so it literally was old stuff just taking up space. Just glad the bag came in handy for something.
  13. We just chucked all my dive stuff. It was taking up space and hubby said he wanted to use my dive bag for something. My son asked if we could add my wetsuit to the dress-up bucket.
  14. It was great to put faces to avatars last night. Thanks for showing up! It was great meeting you all and also the non-cc.comers who dropped by, too. A big thank you to Sarah, whose quiet evening was quickly overrun by cc.comers, when she offered to share her table. (The expression on her face when I pushed the tables together was priceless!) And then it turns out she's a climber, too! Here are some pics from the evening!
  15. Just little paper jobbers I can fold over, Kevbone. It's the mom in me, what can I say? Sure beats people having to go up to each table and ask if it's cc.com if they don't recognize people.
  16. Thanks so much for the Latte update, Carolyn! What a lucky kitty to have you for her mommy! Keep having fun with her!!!! And Happy Belated Birthday!
  17. See you all there around 7! Mr. rmncwrtr and I will be there around 6:30ish to grab a table and have dinner. I'll bring cc.com signs and put them on the table. For anyone who needs directions:
  18. Just a reminder, the PDX Holiday Pub Club is this Wednesday! Anytime from 7 pm on at the Lucky Lab on SE Hawthorne. I'll post directions in a couple of days. Bill reminder #1: Don't forget Jim!
  19. Aw, Denalidave, sorry about losing your Scrappi. Sounds like he must have a great cat!
  20. Just try and teach a cat good grammar, Minx. It ain't easy.
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