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Everything posted by pink

  1. [video:youtube]J6_1Pw1xm9U
  2. how come this isn't in the columbia river gorge forum very cool john
  3. Why dont you spend it with your family? john frieh's inspired me to do more than just the normal rockign b-day party for my 5 year old on saturday though, complete w/ rope course on a big ole'tree john inspired u to put up "route 56"
  4. "this is obviously a republican website" kevbone
  5. dude, you are interfering with government dealings
  6. pink


    easy to sympathize w/ them - depend on oil that you import or nuclear energy you make yourself (well, w/ a little bit of help from the round-eyes)? the current nuke disaster should be understood vis a vis the recent bp gulf debacle i think - both industrial accidents, and both the result of an insatiable need for power for modern industrial economies - compare and contrast? would, for example, you'd be more or less nervous if the boys of bp were in charge in japan at the moment? you can always do your part by not driving out to beacon anymore
  7. pink


    OMG!!!!!!!!!! omg!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. no one thinks that - there must be a "sweet spot" though where the burger flipper earns enough to keep the ceo's throat from being slit in the middle of the night by hopeless, busted-broke peons we're all equal, right??? as long as you have a BOCSH anyway ur BOSCH is actually what brings u up to speed :) obviously ur "sweet spot" is TR's and and everytime i read one i want to "slit ur throat" and yes, i drink PBR i get my kicks on "route 56" love ya like a brother
  9. I think your carrier as a male stripper would be as short as your dinky cock. my dinky cock = ur lame soundtracks truth hurts, your mom told me, douchenozzle. need a tissue? i love when euros try their hand at humor
  10. I think your carrier as a male stripper would be as short as your dinky cock. my dinky cock = ur lame soundtracks
  11. or one could go buy a gym membership and get in badass shape, get a job as a stripper and make bank. and instead of blowing the money you earned on cocaine, build a corporate empire and pay ur employees badass salaries. :)
  12. no people who flip hamburgers should get paid the same as ceo's, it's that simple
  13. people who work at macdonalds are losers
  14. but it's different when you steal from rich people
  15. very cool! nice music, NOT!
  16. can't we just flip the checker board over and just start over or call timeout or something
  17. wouldn't it be cheaper for the U.S. if we just stood around with a finger up in the air screaming "we need a miracle"
  18. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/1004466/1
  19. pink

    Vegans with Pets

    [video:youtube]9aMKvykbdpA but rope soloing a few low grade climbs and telling ur audience "not to be a puss, yoo know who you are" does
  20. pink


    just walk around with ur index finger pointing to the sky screaming "I NEED A MIRACLE" a dirtbag is born
  21. pink

    I am curious

    and i've hired two people back since the mid-terms :)
  22. pink

    I am curious

    move to portland where young people go to retire
  23. looks nice, but i like to rack all my pitons on one side my harness and my clean gear on the other side
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