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Everything posted by pink

  1. That is where I had my nephrectomy. I am insured. However, I am for single-payer universal health care and don't understand why any reasonable person wouldn't be. because you will be able to climb more and work less?????
  2. pink

    Tax the rich

    Which is total bullshit. And it's what happens in the public sector all the time. And it's only "last you looked" because you ignore it when it occurs in the public sector, because you agree with this policy of funding at all cost (raise taxes!) A to the triple K on that one mister and the fuck is we???? didn't the public sector get that money from the private sector in the first place
  3. pink

    Tax the rich

    Which is total bullshit. And it's what happens in the public sector all the time. And it's only "last you looked" because you ignore it when it occurs in the public sector, because you agree with this policy of funding at all cost (raise taxes!) A to the triple K on that one mister
  4. pink

    Tax the rich

  5. pink

    You decide

  6. pink

    Republican debates

    wouldn't it be funny if a bunch of politicians sat around discussing BOLTS? just say'in
  7. pink

    Tax the rich

    tax really, really, really un-rich music in climbing videos
  8. pink

    Crazy talk

    always nice when parents figure out how a power drill werks
  9. pink

    Total conspiracy

    Nah, E, it's just that a pattern has developed whenever Choada Boy comes across an extremely long vid that the Bone has posted. CB always makes the comment that he's wasted XX minutes of his life or somesuch comment. I think we all know he's smarter than to watch the entirety of a Bone-posted video. For that matter, anyone would be... choada sought advice on this board weather or not to pay a parking ticket in canada on this board, but some how you know he is smarter than that?????????? i'm assuming that u are smarter than you are hairy
  10. Racist
  11. [video:vimeo]28252455
  12. pink reeboks please
  13. how is this a hassle?
  14. solidarity or a lack thereof ????????
  15. For better or worse, this is very true. -Chad And thus remains an excellent reason for not doing so...
  16. Pulled this from RC.com Re: [majid_sabet] Portland climber dies after falling off Beacon Rock [in reply to] Report this Post Average: (2 ratings) Can't Post This came from MP From White Salmon WA 5 minutes ago Part of an anchor on Pingora. My girlfriend and I watched him fall. We were at the bolted belay for the slab pitch of the SE Corner. We had come up cruzin and were going to traverse over to snag ledge and rap. I noticed a party of two were at the top of Jill's Thrill and prepareing to rap to snag ledge. I decided to wait for them to go down before us. We were sitting talking enjoying the views and being up out of the bugs. We heard a scream and looked over to see him falling about 15 feet below the anchors. He bounced off of snag ledge and fell out of our veiw. We screamed for anyone within earshot to call 911. His stranded partner was freaking out yelling too. We told him just so sit tight and stay tied in. I traversed over to snag ledge and brought her over. We set up a rappel to get to the ground and him. I was not looking forward to this. Someone on the ground had heard our yells and called 911 and the park EMT's were there in in 10 minutes or less. They told us to stay put up on snag ledge. From there we were able to relay info up to his stranded partner and vice versa. At first they said he was alert and conscious. After some time had passed the urgency of the activity below us slowed way down. After they had taken his body away they let us come down. Jim Opdyke was coming down the standard rap route and was able to rescue his partner Mike and they came to the base after we did. At that point they told us Nate( a firefighter from Beaverton) did not make it. I am 90% sure he only clipped only one strand of his rappel line. There was a knot in the end that was tangled on snag ledge. The EMT's cut the part of the rope he was attached to. The lesson here is check, double and triple check your partner and yourself. Mike had the incredibly brutal job of going through Nate's phone and notifying his dad, sister and and girlfriend. If you know Mike or Nates family they could use your support in a big way now.
  17. sorry bout ur friend steve
  18. Sorry bout ur friend dude... Condolences to all who knew Nate.
  19. pick me/ pick me
  20. we bitched about that stupid "stone soup" name instead chutes and ladders
  21. pink

    rainbow gathering

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