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Everything posted by pink

  1. pink


    speed climbing is stupid how does this further climbing????
  2. Aliens have a 16.25 degree cam angle. Metolius has a 13.25 cam angle. Math wise the Metolius master cam puts more force outward on the rock and should result in more holding power. So it does have some advantages. I however avoid woven sheaths Cams in general as much as possible for others reasons... From Colin Haley Colin Haley equipment for alpinism "Avoid cams with woven-sheathed cables (Aliens) for alpine climbing, as they can freeze up and become useless, dead weight."
  3. they call that young bill
  4. There is also the point that the pseudoscientific premise that it is based on (that evolution happens slowly enough that humans have not adapted to a modern diet and so should readopt and consume a diet similar to pre-agrarian hunter-gatherers) is completely wrong and has been invalidated by the last 10-15 years of genetic research. but the question still remains, who took a dump in your gene pool?
  5. caving is cool! i actually got inspired to start rockclimbing in illinois about 20 years ago. i youtubed "caving in illinois" and this was what the result was kleeek carry on
  6. Thanks for the heads up. I first climbed Blownout when there were no bolted anchors. That was good times. Thank you Andrew (Pink) for putting them in. i did?
  7. Clueless... let's say someone is clueless... you have a funny way of clueing them in mister
  8. pink


  9. so says the creepy artist the creepy racist artist
  10. [video:youtube] [video:youtube] this is rich!
  11. jimmy stewart here...... brillant
  12. pink


    free tibet
  13. and slightly further away from a paved road and btw, my dad can beat ue dad up and he's been dead for 6 years
  14. pink

    DeChristo's back!!!1

    old news welcome back brother
  15. yeah he should let polish bob pick the music for his vids
  16. pink

    Sell out?

    Somebody hands you a script of one hour of televised buffoonery and a check for a couple hundred thousand...what are YOU gonna do? Just asking. This is NOT the price range we are talking about. Most likely it's a plane ticket, day in a hotel and maybe a couple of grand. I doubt even Honold walked away with more then 50K in the pocket, and networks like CBS pay way more. Discovery is really stingy what it comes to money. On average 1 hour episode will sell for about 30K, and on the top of that you are losing rights to your footage/story. So the question is if 2 or 3 K is worth participating in such circle jerk? you do it for free
  17. pink

    Sell out?

    well said mister!
  18. pink

    Sell out?

    I am surprised that the moderators have not moved this over to spray....ego thread?
  19. pink

    Hey Peter...

    pink likes this
  20. pink

    Hey Peter...

    back at home
  21. nice!
  22. what's up mister? more of a push than anything huh?
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