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Everything posted by pink

  1. Above average ๐Ÿ˜ณ so like over five inches? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Ken was cool, you were too busy raising ur kids to have met him.. displacement... go figure! Larry and I thought he was so cool that we called him the Fonz ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Itโ€™s too bad, cause I woulda got to know ya as well. Cheers Bill
  2. Camping in sisters... Howard giving Ken the anti gun rundown. Ken isnโ€™t havin it...
  3. Up on Hood...
  4. Ken with his old crag car/family cruiser!
  5. At the base of Moscow... I think
  6. On Hood!...
  7. Snow Creek Wall with the Fonz..
  8. Rare shot of Ken... smiling. Hangin with Larry on LOTLP..
  9. nobody gets props for gardening.....
  10. pink

    Best metal bands

    MELVINS Sword Graveyard Your MOM
  11. that's a great cover, and i just watched drugstore cowboy the other day.
  12. i have some sweet drone footage of your moms house...
  13. people in general throw shit off of stuff with little or no regard for shit or stuff...
  14. ah man!! yes, i love this photo... i never saw the pics that you took! The Skunk was classic, i can still smell it on that tattered hall bag. You're just not a dirtbag until you climb a big wall smelling like a skunk... That was a trip mister! Ear to Ear, all the way
  15. Mikey is one motivated dude.. here's a shot i took when we did ZM together in the fall/winter of '97.. his friend Blair met us at the bottom of the rappels with cold guiness and peanut brittle.. I feel pretty honored to have climbed with him.
  16. 8/22 - day 20 - lap 6 - spent a day lying wounded on the couch nursing my cranky hip after a lengthy tower rock trip, then up today to do the gym-thang w/ the wife, then a chiro visit, then a wander out east - cool and breezy on the south side - a party of 3 on the corner - the 2 dudes from vegas win the "beacon rock hero of the day" award for bringing their very cute girlfriend out - beautiful ebony skin and didn't look a day over 19 n' 1/2 - can't say i've ever seen someone so lovely on our dreary, drab old stone... [/quote you shoulda had ur buddy Pat out to snap pics
  17. well then why don't you go fuck urself ;)
  18. hey steve... does ur dick hang down to ur knees?
  19. the first pitch i don't think has anything to do w/ your climb, though maybe the first 30 feet did - the second pitch i doubt you followed after the eyebrow (the first blue X in gecko's pic) and would assume you went left from there, if you were on it at that point the first pitch i initially cleaned, wolfgang fine tuned that pitch but he never got back to finishing it.... the second pitch i took a left turn at the blue x and then up to a tree... i had bigger plans for this route, but i was saving for the closure and i never came back to the northwest after i broke my hand on the zodiac... it was a big stink when we did that second pitch too, the cops and rangers were there and a bunch of tourist in a huff cause we were hoggin all the fun the coolest part about doing these two pitches was climbing them with jim... cool - so we are on the same page then, no? on the first pitch, the most natural leader tendency is, as topher n' company have shown lately, to go off left where the pro is (which largely means not even starting stone soup p1) - going straight up the 1st pitch of stone soup is only possible, short of suicidal heroics, with the 3 bolts that are currently there - ya'll certainly could have top-roped the entirety of stone soup p1, but leading it would have moved you well off left after 30 vertical feet am i wrong or are we really not arguing about a damn thing? yeah i told that i had been there when that first pic was posted... you basically put up an aid line over something that i largely freed hammering in pitons cause that was the experience i was looking for... i was really never arguing anything, just telling oh ye of little faith, that it was not virgin territory. i think you have changed your tune a little and i'm happy for that, mostly because it was a special route that i put up with JIm, who is a super special guy to me. i appreciate you more than you know mr. ivan... you go out and have fun.
  20. and rename your store "useless old shit"
  21. the first pitch i don't think has anything to do w/ your climb, though maybe the first 30 feet did - the second pitch i doubt you followed after the eyebrow (the first blue X in gecko's pic) and would assume you went left from there, if you were on it at that point the first pitch i initially cleaned, wolfgang fine tuned that pitch but he never got back to finishing it.... the second pitch i took a left turn at the blue x and then up to a tree... i had bigger plans for this route, but i was saving for the closure and i never came back to the northwest after i broke my hand on the zodiac... it was a big stink when we did that second pitch too, the cops and rangers were there and a bunch of tourist in a huff cause we were hoggin all the fun the coolest part about doing these two pitches was climbing them with jim...
  22. Okay but first id like to see what line IVAN thinks i climbed ... i didnt leave any fixed pitons on that route cause i was heading to the ditch shortly after this to climb Space on El Cap. Hey i heard about ur foot dude... what a freak accident, i guess El Cap isn't a total slut and doesn't fuck on the first date anyway sorry you didn't get ur wall. I do think the Zodiac is the best first wall to do on El Cap. I've done that bad boy twice and it isn't a gimme. and also, i see you added the routes to mountain project... your description for the first pitch is incorrect.. thought i'd let you know that since there is a new guidebook coming out and all
  23. Okay but first id like to see what line IVAN thinks i climbed ... i didnt leave any fixed pitons on that route cause i was heading to the ditch shortly after this to climb Space on El Cap. Hey i heard about ur foot dude... what a freak accident, i guess El Cap isn't a total slut and doesn't fuck on the first date anyway sorry you didn't get ur wall. I do think the Zodiac is the best first wall to do on El Cap. I've done that bad boy twice and it isn't a gimme.
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