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Everything posted by SmallShoes

  1. Yeah, I hate those yuppie places that don't have gunshots and violence when the bars close.
  2. Too much titillation?
  3. Ahh, but the joy is in the struggle.
  4. Thinking about doing Outer Space this Thursday but I'm curious about the conditions up at Snow Creek Wall. I couldn't find any recent trip reports. Anyone been up there lately? If not, can anyone tell me how it usually is this time of year? Just trying to figure out if we're pushing too early or if it's go time.
  5. He wanted Jesus, and he got Jesus. Note to ClimbingPanther: While I don't know about the particular model of Taser used, many of these weapons are classified not as "nonlethal" but "less lethal." This story seems to highlight why. I don't know if it was used "lightly as a 'safe' alternative to just using brawn." Many "uncooperative" people become very violent very quickly and subduing someone with brawn can go from in control to someone dead or more seriously hurt than they needed to be in an instant. Brawn is not necessarily safer for anyone. Granted I don't know the details in this case but it seems that after weighing the options tazing seemed safer to the officer than grappling with the guy. Then again the guy did end up dead in the end.
  6. PM sent re the Khamsin.
  7. Stereotyping people who stereotype others. What's that word? I think it begins with an "i". And what happened to that link about ad hominem attacks and the logical fallacies associated with them? Oh that's right Gary posted it so I guess no one read it. Well let's continue with the sardonic/cynical remarks about the opposition and ignore the issue. Seems to be doing working well for our government. Oops, there I go again committing the error I'm pointing out. Yeah, yeah. I know I'm just in spray.
  8. Yeah, it is. I see him at SG here and there. Ate at his place (when it was still Sofrito Rico, is now La Isla Seattle) about a year ago. Fantastic Puerto Rican food, although leaning a little on the pricey side. Excellent (and entertaining) service, and supporting a friend. Check it out: La Isla Seattle 2320 NW Market Street
  9. Certain people have targets on their head because they make stupid and/or offensive comments not contributing anything to the discussion. Flyingpig was one of these people. His banning had less to do with moderators (and many others on this site) not liking him and much more to do with his behavior. With comments such as: what did he expect? Even spray has its limits. I also noticed you left out the part about how flyingpig was warned several times about his comments. I'm sure it must have slipped your mind... And as far as your comment I notice your post is still up. Even I'm not sure what the hell this means. You think republicans run this site? It's run in a republican fashion? What exactly is republican about this site? If anything I've noticed more of a liberal lean from most users of this site (but certainly not all). Don't try to make it look like flyingpig was banned for no good reason just because he's your "buddy". All one has to do is look through his posts to find motivation to get rid of him.
  10. I actually have one that while good, is a bit big. I managed to mount it in my old apartment but haven't bothered with my current one, and considering I'm moving out soon probably won't get to it. If you have the space it's a great board. Since I hop from apartment to apartment I'd rather not remount it every so often. You can take a look at it at: http://www.stoneageclimbing.com/hang.html It's the manta. It hasn't been used that much so it's still as grippy as when I got it, just has some chalk marks on it. I'll miss it but it's just not practical for my needs. They sell for $100, I'll sell for $70 obo. In Seattle.
  11. That's because Bachar ladders are unstable (sort-of the point) which can lead to overuse issues with elbows. Sounds like you were using a metal ladder angled for campusing. Not sure if the instability/elbow overuse issues apply if you're using ice tools.
  12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen's_rule
  13. Wow. Thanks for sharing. Because I'm sure that all of you are wondering: I have not been to Mallorca, but I for sure want to go and climb there.
  14. Alright, alright - Back on topic: Read in the paper yesterday about the political maneuvering surrounding the voting on the bill. Specifically Dennis Hastert released a statement in which he said: Now, the thought occurs why shouldn't we be giving terrorists the rights they deny others? Bush said that terrorists in Guantanamo would be If they are deserving of the humanity wouldn't rights be an extension of that? Shouldn't we be acting like the more righteous people that we say we are? I seem to remember hearing some words somewhere about how we held some truths to be self-evident that all men were created equal. More beer for thought. [stepping off soapbox now]
  15. So what we learned is: Don't accuse Islam of "exalting violence" or followers of the religion will threaten you with violence/death.
  16. To Our Resident Whack MC, Just want to point out that the U.S. also has slander and libel laws as well as a form of speech called "fighting words" which is not protected by the first amendment - although it is difficult to show that certain speech qualifies as "fighting words". If they are "fighting words" (which are words that "must 'reasonably incite the average person to retaliate' and risk 'an immediate breach of the peace'") then they are prohibited. Free speech isn't completely free, just like the right to bear arms has it's limitations too - a US citizen isn't allowed to have a nuclear warhead. Sure it's an extreme example but it demonstrates that there are limits to any right. Just where exactly the line is drawn - well, the devil is in the details. Food for thought. Or beer for thought. I like beer.
  17. Not sure what gym you're climbing at but if you're at SG there is a stylishly 80's pink and blue weight vest that you can vary the weight of by adding or removing bags of lead shot. It's a good way to get strong and a good way to get injured. As with any strenuous training listen to your body, specifically your tendons in your fingers and back off if they start hurtin. In my experience the best way to soothe sore tendons is by wrapping them around a frosty mug o' beer.
  18. "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. " -Voltaire
  19. Aww beat me to it. FYI: Quiz: Now which amendment protects me when I voice my opinion about how kevbone is demonstrating the state of education in the US?
  20. SmallShoes

    ad hominem

    Okay maybe I was being a little too subtle. What sort of logic is in all of these sentences? Did you read the page you linked too? I'm just foolin' around.
  21. SmallShoes

    ad hominem

    You would post something like this, wouldn't you? I mean you're just bringing this up because you're so easy to attack. I don't know why you're even posting this because it's not like you've never made ad hominem attacks.
  22. You'll probably always be retarded but you can stop making it worse by acknowledging that lead paint is not a food group.
  23. Ok comamder, ill STFU. Yesir masser. When you say jump, ill say how hi? OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, Broham? How hi? Was a high school standard of composition too much to ask? Okay, okay, we'll start a little lower.
  24. I don't know about "perfect" grammar/spelling/punctuation but being able to write like you've had a high school education might be a start.
  25. Now you too can stick it to the man. What rebels. Link
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