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Everything posted by SmallShoes

  1. SmallShoes


    So I had a goal of making it past 26 without becoming jaded/bitter. I've heard from so many friends that 26 is the age where everyone becomes jaded so I decided to challenge that notion. Well I ended up failing miserably - I had left my job to go on a climbing trip which ended up getting cut short after dislocating my ankle. Unable to climb and not knowing when/if I would be able to climb again was bad enough - then I got dumped. Fuckin heartbreaker. So after getting called out about being jaded at a bar by a friend I realized I had failed. Solution? So, women climbers with recent heartbreak looking for a non-committal fling - look no further.
  2. SmallShoes


    Am I less shallow if I'm into a two night stand? Maybe even a summer fling? 8D Especially semi-jaded young men who are totally willing to be used for "emotional relief."
  3. SmallShoes


    This is where I chime in about how I'm in my mid 20's, single, and haven't posted a single trip report.
  4. Reasoned arguments lol hell if its not a conspiricacy argument a dem can't think about it. Hey Kids! Let's make overly broad generalizations about people who disagree with your political views! It's easy! All you have to do is take someone with extremist views from an opposing political stance and hold them up as an example of the typical opposition. For extra fun you can deconstruct this person's (a.k.a. straw man's) extreme arguments and show how you're right! Or if you're too lazy you can repost someone else's blog where they've done this for you. Or even lazier - just repeat some one liner such as "This person is an idiot," or "You're just looking through [Political Party] fog glasses."
  5. SmallShoes

    I'm in love

    For some reason a statement like that seems like it should be coming from a guy.
  6. She is a Idiot, a sure ticket to the Dems losing again. Do you have anything more convincing than re-using that picture which you've posted approximately 10 times already and calling her an idiot? Like, I don't know, facts, references - oh what about original thought instead of reposting someone else's conservative blog? Not that I support her but I would like to hear the sage reasoning behind the opinion of someone who's best reply is accusing others of seeing things through "Dems fog glasses". Because certainly they would be above and beyond seeing things through 'Repubs fog glasses'.
  7. SmallShoes

    I'm in love

    I'm making a personal resolution to pay more attention to this sport from now on.
  8. How to Attract an Older Women when You Are a Teen I wonder if this works if you're past your teens. Arch do you have a brother my age?
  9. SmallShoes


    "After my breast augmentation surgery I lost most sensation in my breasts and they were as hard as molded plastic. But don't they look great?!"
  10. I notice you're still reading and responding to his posts. Rather than telling people what to do, where to go, or generating your own spray with moronic Canadian jokes why not simply click Ignore this user? What a concept! Or even more simply, just don't read his posts. Spelling this out for you makes me think that you don't have much room to be knocking Canadian education. After all our US education system is ranked higher right?
  11. Two years seems like more than enough respect for the guy. I'm not advocating stealing FFA's from the developer - it's definitely an asshole move - but I'm at least equally against "locking up" a route for a ridiculous period of time - and just for a fucking FFA. Does an FFA matter so much that you'll deprive others of the enjoyment of climbing the route? Why?
  12. I would argue that at some point it switches from respecting the developer to the developer not having enough respect for the other climbers waiting to get on the route.
  13. It's truly tragic that the bolter was injured and wasn't able to send his climb on lead. It's pretty cool that enough people respected him to not climb it to give him a chance at it if/when he recovered. But excuse me - TWO FUCKING YEARS?! Sorry, you can call egoboy an arrogant asshole for climbing the route but I can't help but look at the injured bolter as having ego issues himself. Why does he need the fucking FFA so fucking bad? It's a climb and it would be cool to nab the FFA especially if you were the one to clean/bolt/work so hard on it. This is why people generally give the bolter a chance - because he put the work in. But in no way does he have some sort of absolute right. It's fucking public land. It's a fucking rock! This is worse than saying this is my ball and I'm not gonna let you play with it even though I'm not using it. It's everyone's ball and he got to it first - some respect deserved for that - but he can't possibly hope to hold on to it forever. Call the guy (Ryan?) who finally climbed it an egomaniac for nabbing the FFA - whatever. It really sounds like he just wanted to climb it - not have an "In your face!" attitude about nabbing the FFA. But it seems to me that the bolter (Jason?) has more ego issues going on than Ryan if he needed/wanted the FFA so bad on this one climb that he asked no one to climb it FOR TWO YEARS. This fucked up attitude is evidence by the fact that he said he was going to chop/deface the climb and another one - making himself the biggest douchebag in this controversy. Although he hasn't done it yet from what I gather. Here's hoping it was just anger speaking. Yeah call me an outsider, but fucking shit you people gotta get some perspective.
  14. KaskadskyjKozak + Rumr = Gay Fudgepackers. 8D Brown-noser to brown-necker to brown-pecker...
  15. You are so right!!! As for redundancy on titles, I have this issue as well. For example, I am often referred to as bitch, slut, bastard, etc etc. I see the job description for most of these positions having considerable overlap... Yeah but doesn't it make your resume look that much more impressive? I can see the interview now: "What was the difference between the bitch and slut positions you held?" "Well, the slut position was when I was getting a lot of action and the bitch position was a reaction to a dry spell. Other duties performed as a bitch included: telling it like it is, chopping people down to size, calling bullshit, and general hater duties."
  16. "When I die, I want to pass away in my sleep painlessly like my grandfather. Not like that guy behind me whose passengers are screaming 'Quit reading that really long bumpersticker and watch the road!'"
  17. Okay, okay, It sounds like most have agreed that the economic analysis in this article is bunk. However, I have to ask: Are all these jobs that the stay at home mom is doing (housekeeper, day care center teacher, cook, computer operator, laundry machine operator, janitor, facilities manager, van driver, CEO and psychologist) considered being worked full-time or just for the say 4 hours a week laundry is being done? Also, aren't some of these jobs redundant? What is the major difference between janitor, facilities manager, and housekeeper? I think someone else already mentioned the non-equivalence of a comparison of a stay at home mom to a trained psychologist or CEO. Enough holes poked. In my mind if you need to put a dollar amount on a stay at home mom to appreciate the hard work they do (assuming a good mom, as obviously there are bad ones) you're missing something.
  18. I forgot how much I loved the cheesy techno-groove of the theme songs for those shows. Airwolf and especially Knight Rider. I think technically those shows are before my time but screw it - I still love em.
  19. oh so true. we are but a hair follicle on the large ass of time Now, now. You and KKK shouldn't sell yourselves so short. Depending on the ass they could be making themselves out to be quite long.
  20. Don't know if you could get down any sooner but I'm leaving 5-7 and back on 5/19. First time to the valley!
  21. what annoys me is these brainless democrats that want to save the world but when it comes to a baby they will fucking butcher it as it comes out the birth canal. People who think that all Democrats and all Republicans are the same.
  22. They probably bought the rape alarm for you, to keep you away from your own ass. Wow, that sure was a zinger.
  23. Yup. Start free climbing or shut up! Well let's not forget that bouldering isn't real climbing either. I want to see some barefoot jamming. That would be badass. Swear to God it would.
  24. So the officer thought he was dead after he was shot. When the suspect started beating him the officer realized he was still alive and snapped out of his daze. What a realization: "That feels like someone beating the shit out of me. That IS someone beating the shit out of me - I'm still alive! Yay!"
  25. When people decide to chat with friends in some really inconvenient spot like in front of a doorway or at the bottom of some stairs when tons of people are trying to get around them. Is it that hard to just step to the side? Was the 30th "excuse me" as someone tried to get by you not a clue?
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