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Everything posted by SmallShoes

  1. Do it in a harness.
  2. On the other hand, one woman 1000 times is potentially 41 repeats of the entire Kama Sutra.
  3. 1000 women and not one of them would sleep with him again? Or is it 1000 women not one of which he would sleep with again? I'm not sure either one sounds that great.
  4. Using g = 9.81 = G(mass of Earth)*(radius of earth)^-2 and the planet in question has 5 times the mass and 1.5 times the radius of the Earth, the planet should have about 2.22 g. Gary - Care to check my calculations?
  5. As a matter of fact, I do top. but I like SmallShoes comment better. Arch: "You comment like a girl!" Okay, I'll stop now....
  6. A: "You climb like a girl!" B: "Oh stop. I'm not that good."
  7. So it's not really what I'm sure you're all thinking - What are people's opinions on soft vs. stiff soled shoes for cracks, bouldering, sport etc.? Most people I have talked to prefer a stiff shoe for cracks so they can stand on them more easily. However, I've heard the same reasoning applied to edging on small face features. Personally, I prefer an aggressive shoe that's not too stiff. While it hurts the toes I like the sensitivity I get to feel and grab the small stuff. What about you?
  8. But then you don't look as cool when you record your awesome gym sends and put them up on teh interwebs. Sick dood! Or should I be saying dudette?
  9. Glad to know your research skills are improving. Now if you could work on reading comprehension you might be able to keep up.
  10. Hee hee. I never thought you had it in you to cuss like that Minx. Good job. Never underestimate what your own idiocy can inspire in others. Whatever? I may be a spray noob, but I have never called anybody a dumb cunt. Reading Comprehension
  11. Hee hee. I never thought you had it in you to cuss like that Minx. Good job. Never underestimate what your own idiocy can inspire in others.
  12. You stupid gym climber. Wait I climb there too. Damnit.
  13. Please tell me that is some sort of satirical joke making fun of climbing movies made by goobers. Please. Send that sick black one! Yeah it's such a classic!
  14. I wonder what that implies about the Patriot Act. Back to buying prescription drugs and buying guns: Anti-depressants have helped many people recover and become functional again; clearly they have benefits. But they can also be dangerous as in some people they have been shown to make the symptoms worse - killing others or themselves. Even with all the money the Pharmaceutical industry has spent lobbying they still haven't been able to do away with the requirement that a person must be evaluated by a doctor in order to purchase anti-depressants. Yet there is no such standard for purchasing a gun. That same mentally ill person who cannot buy anti-depressants can go ahead and purchase a gun without an evaluation from anyone. The NRA with a surprisingly larger budget has managed to do what the Pharmaceutical industry only wishes it could do - removing hindrances on purchasing weapons. Discuss.
  15. Is it too hard to press 10 keys and hit enter? google.com [Enter]
  16. True. I'll commence talking out of my ass. This could have been prevented if either everyone had guns or, alternatively, if no one had guns. Violent video games such as Grand Theft Auto should be banned because obviously they made him do it. I miss anything? Besides the facts?
  17. Or he could be cool and calm because he was fucking nuts. Do we even know if this guy played violent video games or watched a ton of violent movies? Not knowing leaves this "Theory" in the realm of pure speculation. It's an interesting idea but I'm skeptical. I'm also tired of hearing people blame violence in movies/games for shit like this, not that anyone here was doing that.
  18. No, of course that couldn't possibly have anything to do with it. Desensitizing and glorifying violence in video games, TV, and movies of course has absolutely no deletorious effects on anybody. I'm not saying that violence in video games and movies etc. has no effect on people but I submit that if playing a violent video game or watching a violent movie is going to make you go out and re-enact that violence in real life you have to be pretty screwed-up (technical term) to begin with.
  19. 11 pages later. Still going.
  20. Especially when you think about the functions it can perform. And it looks great as well. All this talk about women's ass has brightened my day. Thank you.
  21. as opposed to her?? well it is harder to fuck someone you don't appriciate. not impossible but definatly harder. Or softer depending on how you look at it. Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
  22. You say that like it's a bad thing.
  23. Can we settle the month of June with a wrestling match?
  24. I'm on the fence about where I stand on this case but I will say that I'm not sure I agree with this statement. Do you really think you have to actually be hurt to defend yourself? What would it take? Do you have to be struck/stabbed/shot before you can shoot? I think that there are certainly cases where threat is enough to defend yourself.
  25. Ticks at this time of year?
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