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Everything posted by Sherri

  1. What is that tuna thing? It doesn't look like food to me. Thanks for sharing your great adventure, BTW. Fun read!
  2. It's called "Special K." Definitely a fun line. You can download that KCliff topo at rcnw.net (Click on the Sky Valley forum, then on the Inner Wall Forum, then open the KCliff thread. The updated topo for downloading is linked in the first post.)
  3. So sorry for your loss, Jason. Saying goodbye is always heartbreaking. As a friend of mine likes to put it: it wouldn't hurt so bad if it wasn't so good. Travel well across that Rainbow Bridge, Simon. You be a good dog and watch over your daddy. He's gonna miss you. sickie
  4. You really are crazy, dude. Nice!
  5. Hi Will, Welcome to the forum. I get out to Index at least once during the week, usually on a Mon, Tue or Thurs. I can lead .10a/b there on gear. Haven't had the chance to follow anything much harder but would love to. Feel free to drop me a PM if you have any specific days to fill.
  6. I've got a pair of US size 7 5.10 Spires that I wore for about a season and a half when I started out climbing. I'd let them go for cheap($25?) because I can't imagine that I'll have any reason to use them again. I'll be in Index tomorrow. If the feet that need to try them on will be out there, give me a shout and I'll throw 'em in my pack. 5.10 Spires
  7. Looking for a safe and easygoing partner for the day(I can be there from 10am-6pm) I'm happy to lead .9's and into low .10's and have rope/rack. Reply here or via PM if you're interested. I'll be online occasionally throughout the day.
  8. So happy for the dog and its family. Kudos to all who made the rescue possible.
  9. This is better than the stuff you read in some of the climbing mags! Thanks for posting it here!
  10. I'm looking for a partner for Leavenworth this Monday if you're interested in a day of cragging. Shoot me a PM if so.
  11. Hey folks! I'd like to do some cragging(mostly trad, 5.8-5.10a) in Leavenworth on Monday. Anyone around looking for a safe, easygoing partner that day?
  12. Falling on your ass on the grungy descent trail because you stepped on a pine-needle surfboard in an effort to avoid the poison ivy garden.
  13. The second pitch of Princely is definitely in a different league than the first pitch--it reminds me of the start of Roger's Corner-- but I almost always do it since we're already up there.
  14. Nice tour of the Castle Rock classics! Thanks for the pics and stoke!
  15. I have to dial back my lead-grade a few notches when using the SP. This might be partly due to additional friction--though I don't really note it as a specific problem when I'm climbing--but I suspect it's a factor because the SP changes how I climb: 1)carrying more weight(the rope in the backpack); 2)moving more slowly(maybe because I sense the device doesn't feed as well for quick movements?); 3)needing to modify where I place pro relative to my body(usually at waist level so I don't have to pull out so much rope to clip); 4)climbing more carefully so that I can monitor the system... I don't get the same experience out of the climb as I would if I had a live belayer, but that's not to say it's not enjoyable. It's just different. And yes, it totally makes a 5.7 feel like a 5.9.
  16. They always land on their feet.
  17. Maybe wearing compression socks when you're going to be sitting for long periods would help w/that? (Kel is wearing them while recouping from her hip surgery but I saw sprains mentioned on the packaging, too. Make sure to measure your calf, etc, to get proper sizing. Pharmacy or medical supply-type stores sell better ones than department stores.) Activa compression socks Hope it heals up soon, buddy.
  18. Gawd I hope not.
  19. The fake gizzards in the stuffed Tofurkey creep me out. We do the Quorn "Turk'y" Roast. It ain't pretty, but it allows us to fly under the radar at the holiday table(we're the only vegetarians there).
  20. Sherri

    caption please

    Aren't we all.
  21. I stayed there once. Maybe I'm a hotel snob--ok, I am--but I found it had a "grungy" feel(not quite"gross", but it's a fine line). Fluorescent lighting, bedspread with cigarette burns, ancient TV, etc. However, for the price, it's better than camping in the cold. If I had to stay there again, I'd bring my own bedding, at least. Not that it's horrible, but my nice clean flannels and down would have probably made it feel less icky. On my next trip, I stayed at the Best Western on the other side of town.
  22. Any local peeps going to be around, interested in hopping on a moderate multi or some trad crags? I'll be down there without a partner that day. I have ropes, gear and transport. I'm staying in Vegas until approx the 22nd; I think I have partners lined up for most of the trip, but, just in case, feel free to shoot me a PM if anyone else is expecting to head south for a dose of Vitamin D. Hellooooo sunshine.
  23. :tup:That's a fun one. Makes a nice addition to the Rattle Tale, Wall of 10,000 Insects, Private Idaho circuit.(you can hit all of these in one fun-filled afternoon)
  24. Happy Puppy(5.9) is a fun one with a handcrack finish. It's on the Trap Balls Wall, I believe(uphill and to the right after crossing the stream before Toxic Shock).
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