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Everything posted by Sherri

  1. Sorry we missed it, Mos! Was getting a bit late for us respectable-type ladies to be out unescorted and all. Can we catch it on re-runs sometime?
  2. Mos Chillin reveals stunning archeological evidence, proving the existence of the mythical "Bolt Fairy." I knew they were real! I believe, I BELIEVE!!
  3. It was great to stop by and meet a few of the folks behind the avatars. Especially fun to see Wayne and his climbing prodigy daughter again and to meet some free-range cc.comers at Roto Wall. Thanks for the good company and laughs! (sorry about the dog kisses Mary Lou! )
  4. The revised TSA list of items allowed in carry-on baggage. Please continue to pack your mascara and salad dressing in checked luggage until further notice.
  5. Who says I don't like booty. Just trying to pay it forward.
  6. PM me if you think it's yours. If not, it's just the size I needed.
  7. Thanks, Drederek! That's how it looked to me, but the guidebook description of an "easy" walk off made me doubt my eyeballs. The bushwack down that side of the formation ISO said "easy walk off" was no picnic, so at least I'll know to go up and over to the other side next time. Appreciate the beta! Happy climbing!
  8. Wish I could go, but I can't. I want to play some more!
  9. Thanks, E! You were a tough act to follow. As for looking forward to next time.....Mee Too!!! (except without the triage......)
  10. Ok, I'm sure I'm missing the obvious, but I'll be darned if I could see a walk-off from Connie's Crack yesterday--must have been blinded by watching Mos Chillin's stellar perfomance on Z-Crack the day before. The guidebook refers to ones coming off both sides of the Dome. Do you need to go further uphill toward the Snag Crack finish to find the path? Thanks for the help, if you have any to offer!
  11. Thanks again Erik! Awesome moves on those leads! Now I know who I want to be like when I grow up!
  12. Yep, it'll be easy to spot: blood-speckled flake lodged precariously near the outside edge of the otherwise wide-open crack...ready for the next victim. Signed, The Lucky Third
  13. Sherri

    Poetry in Motion

    My inner child looks like this: , with glasses. Still wanna play?
  14. Sherri

    Poetry in Motion

    Same reason you will find me in the children's section of the book store! Thought that was you behind the Cat in the Hat. We should let our inner children play together sometime.
  15. Sherri

    Poetry in Motion

    Yep, those are frogs. Teeny, tiny avatar frogs. Very zen. And, you're right about the scent, it doesn't matter. Long as it goes with satay.
  16. Sherri

    Poetry in Motion

    Thanks, E! What are you doing over here in the shallow end of the pool?
  17. Sherri

    Poetry in Motion

    That would be an interesting experiment, no doubt! By the way, what does Spring Water smell like? I'm thinking of switching. Love your puppy picture!
  18. Sherri

    Poetry in Motion

    Now I'm blushing. Guess I still have some deteriorating to do.
  19. Sherri

    Poetry in Motion

    Thanks! Figured there'd be a few more out there who had experienced this transformation(or deterioration?) themselves...or seen it happen to someone they love. Can't stop progress, as they say!
  20. DIRTBAG It's hard to be coiffed when I climb; I broke seven nails on that last 5.9! But don't pity me, it's not too bad: The next day I lost My fingerpads. My shoes are a shade of dirty beige, My Thai wrap leaked on them. Who smells satay? Now my toes are curled, instead of my hair, And there's no deodorant like "Mountain Air." The make-up's gone--chalk works just fine!-- What's more beautiful Than being Alpine!
  21. Hi Erik! Er, I mean "Mos."
  22. PM'd you about tomorrow.
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