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Everything posted by Sherri

  1. We saw him chilling near the trailhead at the base of the Grand Wall in Squamish yesterday. Gets around.
  2. Fantastic TR and Index stoke! I really enjoyed the story and the pics--the one with the rappeller-in-shadow is particularly impressive and almost haunting. I had to laugh about seeing the plug for the TC's (aka "The Cheaters"). I broke down and got a pair of those this summer just for Index and have felt a little guilty each time I lace them up, too. Congrats on ticking your project! Looking forward to hearing about the next one.
  3. Has this already been posted up here? Wondering if anyone knows the specific area/wall where the rockfall occured; the news article only describes it as "established climbing wall in Tumwater Canyon." Sounds like it resulted in a pretty serious injury. Rockfall Injures Siblings Along Tumwater Canyon
  4. A heads up that we spotted what appears to be a softball-sized wasp nest under the roof on "Special K" a couple days ago. We didn't detect any activity around it but it was a cool, overcast morning. Might be a different story if you stick your head under there on a warm afternoon.
  5. Good question. At first glance, the angle of the photo combined with the tension on the rope pulling the slings outward made me think they are backclipped. But if I imagine looking at those slings from above when they hanging flat against the wall, the rope would be coming out from the rock. So, I'll say, no, they are not backclipped.
  6. Sherri


    Seems to be up and running today.
  7. I'm looking for an Index partner for Thursday.
  8. I heard it was good, but whoa! Looks AMAZINGLY GOOD!
  9. I'm up for Index on Wednesday if you're still looking. Text sent.
  10. What day was the accident? We were at Private Idaho for a little while on Sunday but left around noon when the place got crazy busy. Must have been 20 people up there.
  11. Sherri

    Feedback Requested

    I do a little surfing on Supertopo and use MP a fair bit to do research for my ticklist and occasionally to find partners. I am clueless about software stuff but would be glad to contribute if in my input would still be helpful.
  12. Nice write up and haul on some interesting-sounding lines. I'm hoping to check out Unimpeachable Groping one of these days. I never thought about how the shots there all look particularly foreshortened, but now that you mention it...yep. Thanks for sharing!
  13. Looks like a great way to celebrate a holiday and an anniversary, Off!
  14. We didn't have a bird. Probably why the dog was eating the veggie tray--he was pissed.
  15. Our puppy did a face plant in the dip bowl of the veggie platter we put on the coffee table. Unfortunately, our guests saw it happen so we had a to dump it.
  16. Sherri

    DeChristo's back!!!1

    Linky 3?
  17. I bet there were three before he took that first bite.
  18. My heart goes out to you, Dane. Keep living strong!
  19. Way to go, Doug! A proud send, indeed!
  20. Becky has a reputation as a skirt chaser, it's the way he's always been. ...at least they have someone and are not alone and lonely. That's one more reason why the shot is so awesome. But why glorify him for being a skirt chaser? Do you guys really envy the life he has now? Like Rob said, it's not like he went home with them afterwards. I know I'm in the minority on this one, but I think the photo makes him look lonely and pathetic. If he were posing there with a couple of hot climbers, at least it would allude to the more meaningful aspects of his legacy.
  21. So we should insert Steph Davis and Beth Rodden instead? It wouldn't hurt.
  22. Really?? That photo is sad on a lot of levels. Would have been a way cooler shot if he was standing there with a couple of young climbers that he inspired, without the grab-ass.
  23. TMI on issue 16.
  24. Can't make it this Friday but could do Saturday.
  25. It's looking likely that I can get out there that day so I'm scouting around for a partner who might be interested in joining me on some fun .9's and .10's. (I can lead up to .10b there, follow up to .11ish with a little groveling). I have rope and rack.
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